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12-20-2006, 11:16 PM
Every time we walk in the room Jake hisses. Untill I touch him then he is cuddly, playfull and purring. :confused: Could he have a sight problem? Or is this just part of settling in?

When I got AShley, I think she was younger. She didn't hiss or anything. She was an outside kitten when I got her.

They said Jake was a stray. Cute stray at that. HOw often do you see this marking as a stray? Normally I see strays as the normal tabbies or black cats.

12-20-2006, 11:27 PM
I think he's just still settling in! And I have seen "stray" kitties of every coat and coloring, so that didn't seem to indicate much ...

12-21-2006, 07:29 AM
Makes sense if he was a stray. Kittens get used to human touch and friendly petting between ages 6 and 12 weeks; or so I've heard. If he didn't get much human contact during that time, then he is not used to trusting humans, and may have even learned they hurt him at times. So he is warning anyone who approaches to watchout, he is a mighty tiger!!! Once you start petting him, he knows you mean to be friends and he settles right in to enjoying the feeling of nice gentle petting. Over time, he will learn that is what YOU represent. He may or may not accept all humans, but he will accept you. Just keep talking to him gently and softly and giving him the petting he craves!

Laura's Babies
12-21-2006, 07:57 AM
Miss Tuxie does that hissing when we walk in the room I have her in but purrs like a 18 wheeler when I pet her. I think he is just not us to people and being inside and he will eventually stop that as I hope she will.

12-21-2006, 06:27 PM
Scrappy 2 was like that when she first moved in, very aggressive, especially when it came to her food dish.
But she settled down once she saw that there was food available all the time, and that we were her friends.And i am sure that Jake will settle down too.
Maybe he doesnt recognize your scent yet, but with love and TLC he soon will!!!