View Full Version : where/how do you "dip" your dogs for fleas?

06-17-2002, 09:11 PM
We have to get our house and YARD profesionally sprayed for fleas. Over-the-counter stuff just isn't cutting it! We were told that we need to have our animals "dipped" before the spraying takes place. Where do you have that done or do you do that yourself??? My husband talked to them sooo...I didn't get a chance to ask them any questions about it.

Thanks in advance!

06-17-2002, 10:52 PM
I don't take Simba anywhere, we've never done it... maybe ask you're vet about it? By the way, I was wondering if you saw my post.....


06-18-2002, 12:01 AM
I think you can get your animals diped at the vets or a groomers.

06-18-2002, 06:07 AM
Your vet can dip your dog. My vet only charges $20.00 for Draker. I had him bathed and dipped right after he got shaved. Didn't have problems with fleas but the dip came with the bath so I told them to go ahead. You can take him while they are spraying your house.

Dixieland Dancer
06-18-2002, 08:11 AM
You can dip the dog yourself if you want to save some money. Most pet stores sell the dip in the flea control section. However, do not dip the animals if you use a topical flea treatment also.

I use to dip my older dogs (all at RB) but with the advent of these new once a month topicals, have not done that with either Dixie or Dusty. The once a months do a much nicer job overall than the dips which wear off faster (especially if the dogs swim alot).

06-18-2002, 08:29 AM
I have only dipped Draker once when he got bathed at the vet. I too use the topical stuff.

C.C.'s Mom
06-18-2002, 08:50 AM
I only give Cookie garlic with her dinner. No fleas, not even on the cats.

I don't know what 'dipping' is. I had the cats on Program injection last year.

06-18-2002, 01:18 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone!! I guess I'll just call the vet or the groomer in my area and see which does it or who's the cheapest.;)

Thanks again and have a nice day!!

06-18-2002, 01:23 PM
Don't know if you read my "thank you" on the other board or not for rigging my pic thingy with my fur babies.....but if you didn't .....T H A N K Y O U!!!!:D
