View Full Version : Pet Mas Party on Cat Island , The Bahamas

12-20-2006, 09:53 AM
On December 23 and 24th.
The Party starts 8am on Cat Island.There will be a Yachting Trip from Cat Cay, a lunch on board.
Then Dinner at the Exclusive Yacht Club, and then the All Pet Angel Fly In Movie Party Saturday Night.
On Sunday a Big Breakfast Buffet at the Fanciest Found Cat Hotel. and for lunch Nugget And The Porch Angels, and Smokies Smokehouese and The Found Cat Angels Siunset Grill will set up a Huge Buffet.
At 6 Pm the Pets with Furr Ever Homes will fly back to thier Guardians to spend Pet Mas Eve Together.The Strays and Pets waiting for adoption will Party Hardy.
There will be Romantic Dinners for the Pet Couples at some Fantastic 5 Star Restaurants.
Come One, Come All,
Fun on Cat Island can be yours, and the Price Is Right.

Laura's Babies
12-20-2006, 10:20 AM
Amy is all excited about this party and wants to know if Eli will be there. Chester is off grumbeling under his breath at having to watch his sisters go crazy at another party again. Giz is already gathering her toys for the trip and she wants to know if there will be something interesting to get into while she is there, she wants something challanging this time (said before it was to easy finding things to get into :rolleyes: ) Samantha is just quietly off packing for the trip with a big grin on her face so I am sure all my babies will be there with their party hats on!

12-20-2006, 05:32 PM
As far as I have heard Elis coming!!Just to have a Romantic Dinner with his Amy!!
And tell Gizmo thats there going to be snorkeling, wind surfing and deep sea fishing.
We hope that thats enough adventure fot your Gizmo, this is going to be an Action Party!!!At least partly.
Great Weather, the Sand Surf and Buffets as far as the eye can see!
Whats not to enjoy!!!!!
Come One, Come All Transport will be provided.

Laura's Babies
12-20-2006, 07:16 PM
Giz is just starting to recover from Eddies visit since she had to make sure he had the FULL "Giz experience" so she will be raring to go and wear herself out again. Amy is thrilled to hear Eli will mosy likely be there and she is already grooming so she can look her prettiest for him and practicing her falling over dance moves for the dance floor.

Killearn Kitties
12-21-2006, 04:07 AM
What an excellent idea! The girls will be delighted to spend a lovely weekend away while the final preparations are made for Christmas. They can then come back and relax under the tree on Christmas Eve when all the work is done. Heaven!

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-21-2006, 04:12 AM
All 4 cats here cannot wait to come!! But, can you send them back home on Christmas Eve, in time to open their pressies? I love to have my babies around then :)

12-21-2006, 09:46 AM
Oh the hustle and bustle as the the boys get packed for the Cat Island party! And they are helping Antoinette get some things together too - this being her "coming out CatParty"!
Scooter has elected himself guardian of Annie, so he has volunteered to stick with her the whole trip so nothing happens to his little Sis! The other brothers are preparing for lots of beach blanket bingo and meeting the local Bahama Mammas! :rolleyes: (they wish!!!)

Hope you can handle all 7- they go a little crazy on the Island cruises! They have to be back for Christmas turkey and holiday basketball games on TV.

12-21-2006, 06:54 PM
There will be lots of things to do at the Cat Island Dive Center which features diving and snorkeling at Dry Heads where the coral is so beautiful.
And golfing and luncheon at the Cat Cay Yacht Club where the elite meet to eat.
And Yachting for the nautical Pets is available.
then a Picnic at the All Pet Angel Fly In Movies catered by Fernandez Bay Village, the Porch Angels Mandarin, Smokies Smokehouse and The Found Cat Angels and Friends Sunset Grille.
They were been places to sleep for all.
And All Pets who have Pet Mas ever Parties will leave and be home in lots of time.
Come One Come All to a Grand Party!!!!!!!

12-21-2006, 07:37 PM
Oooooooh! I'm packed and ready! Taccoa, meet me there?!!!!

Your Elmer

12-22-2006, 03:33 PM
;) WooHoo the girls cant wait.. They have everything packed & ready for the 8:00 am shuttle..
Gary & The Found Cat Hotel is so dear for scheduling these very nice events.. Oh did the girls see BBQ on the dinner list :eek: ..

12-22-2006, 03:54 PM
The Pet Angels assure everyone that theres a Tony Romas there with Wonderful BBQ Ribs , and many places offer great BBQ as well.
There ceratinly will no no shortage of Delicioso Dining this weekend.
Lots of Bountiful Buffets, All You Can Eat!!!
Makes thier mouths water!!!

12-22-2006, 06:17 PM
The Clan has just finished their packing!!! Hope SImone is VERY excited!! This is her first Petmas party!!!!

12-26-2006, 09:55 AM
:eek: Woo Hoo what a good time we had.. Now we are all fat & fluffy for sure.. Many thanks to Gary's Bahamas Party gone so well.. Enjoy all the furr purr clan.. ;)