View Full Version : My babies are no longer women!!!

12-19-2006, 08:16 PM
They've been spayed! Clover (who had actually gone into heat and finally recovered a week before the survery) is no longer a woman, and my little darling Echo will never be a woman. They will forever be little girls that I can love and take care of!
They're both still recovering, and I have pictures on the camera, so once I get the time and patience I'll be sure to post them up.

Clover had reacted badly at first, since the pain was really bad, and I thought something had gone wrong with her surgery (I've seen so many shows about the "101 strangest things to get stuck in a human body", half of which came from surgeries) and I had taken her to the emergency vets clinic (with my own savings! booyah!) to get her looked at. She had barely eaten since friday (I took her on sunday) and she refused to move more than a few feet before laying back down, and whenever she did walk she was all hunched and bent as if she were hunched over in pain. Sunday morning she wouldn't even move to her foodbowl, even though she was obviously hungry, and when I set the bowl next to her she ate just fine, she was just laying down with her head at an odd angle to reach her food.
I was really worried about her, so I took her to the emergency vet's clinic, like I said. It turned out that she was more sensitive to the pain (her muscles had contracted and all, talk about the worlds' worst equivilant of human minstral cramps!) and her stomach muscles hadn't taken well. They gave me a supply of painkillers for her (soaks into the gums, lucky girl! She didn't have to take a pill or swallow!) that really helped out.
The meds worked more on the mind than body, to numb the sensers of pain rather than the pain itself, and she's just been realyl sleepy, for the most part. Sometiems she looks stoned for a few minutes after I give her the dose.
But she's using the litterbox regularly again and is eating and walking around and jumping onto her little sleepy box again. She knows better than to try the window sills, which is good, but she's a lot better.

Echo was luckier, and hardly notices anything's different. both of them ignore the stitches, though whenever the groom and hit the shaved part of the belly they always stop and stare at it like they have no idea how it got there.

Anyway, that's an update on my kitties!

12-19-2006, 08:33 PM
Thats Great News As They Not Only Are Spared Having Unwanted Kittens, But A Number Of Health Problems Taht Can Affect Unspayed Female Cats.
Concatulations On That Great News.

Laura's Babies
12-19-2006, 08:56 PM
Awwwww! I am sorry she had a bad time with the pain and hope all that passes quickly for her. Poor baby!