View Full Version : It was 15 Years Ago I lost My Dear Mother, a True Cat Lover

12-19-2006, 07:57 PM
I hope this Photo shows up as I have been having trouble with Photo Bucket
My Mother was in the Hospital for a valve replacement, but for some reason they could not control her blood flow.
It was too thick, and clot or too thin.
She bled to death in front of her Mother, and My Dad.
I know thats she at the Rainbow Bridge giving out Wings to the New Pet Angels, and escorting them on thier trips all over the world.
Christmas was her Holiday, and I know that in the Caribbean shes wrapping gifts for everyone.
And the thing that keeps me going is that I know that I will join My Dear Mother, and Our Pet Angels.
One Fine Day.

Laura's Babies
12-19-2006, 08:06 PM
I love the thought of YOUR mother being at rainbow bridge handing out the wings to all the new arrivals. I hope I get to meet her when I am there and perhaps lend her a helping hand.

12-19-2006, 08:11 PM
I hope i meet ur mother and help her out and i think the idea of ur mom being a rainbow bridge is wonderful! :)

12-19-2006, 08:19 PM
My mother, Dear Aunt Madeline, Uncle Ted and My Dad are all up there surrounded by Dogs and Cat Angels , and they are orienting all these Angels to the Rainbow Bridge and making sure that they know that there are places to eat, and sleep.
And they always need helping hands, and I know that Our Dear Friend Corinna is there too with a pile of wings and haloes for All Beloved Pets.
And of course the Poor Strays who never found thier place in the Sun,
And I too will pich in when my time arrives.
One Fine Day.
The only Photo I have of Our Family Cats.
Lester the White Wonder about 40 years ago, at the back of Our House, and near the Hut My Dear Mother made for Our Cats so they wouldnt be wet or cold.
That was my Dear Mother.

12-19-2006, 08:30 PM
I am so very sorry, Gary. She looks like such a nice, happy, loving person. Clearly she was, to have raised such a fine son.

My deepest sympathy.


12-19-2006, 09:10 PM
Oh Gary my heart is with you today. Your Mom was a fabulous lady and she left you a wonderful legacy - the love of little furry ones :D

I hope you are able to remember the good times and not feel too sad today.

Hugs, Betty

12-19-2006, 09:12 PM
Bless her.

12-20-2006, 06:19 AM
Gary thanks for sharing those pictures and I love the one of Lester, it's so great to be able to lookk at pictures of our previous cats and remember who they were and why we loved them. He is at rainbow bridge lending a helping hand to your dear mother :)

12-20-2006, 08:51 AM
What a nice vision of our animal loving friends and family who have passed on -at the Rainbow Bridge helping all the pets who are waiting for us. I hope your mom has met my dear Friend Ruth there - all added together they probably saved hundreds of thousands of homeless animals and now they continue comforting the Pet Angels and handing out wings.
Your mother would be so proud of you and your efforts with the Found Cat Hotel.

The Tribe

12-20-2006, 09:18 AM
:) Oh Gary she looks so peacefull & loving.. I can tell she was a cat lover.. God Bless .. I know her & Corinna are friends at Rainbow Bridge & taken care of all our wittle ones..

12-20-2006, 09:46 AM
My fondest memories of My Dear Mother were the times that we would spend talking things over at the kitchen table , and she tried so hard to impart some of her wisdom and experience to me.
To do a good job , and not worry about your salary.
To show respect and courtesy to everyone that I met.
To realize that animals, all animals have rights, and are Gods Creations the same as us.
And to look on the bright side of an issue, and to not dwell on the bad.
I hope that My Dear Mother is happy with me, and she enjoys all the Meezers and Friends at the Found Cat Hotel when she visits.
And I know that she pets and comforts All The Porch Cats too.