View Full Version : The best cuddler

12-19-2006, 06:53 PM
Sometimes I will sit on the floor and get Runner close to me. She will sit ( facing me) and put her head down( like shes looking down ) while I hold her and pet her back. I put my arms around her like I'm huggin her. And she will stay there till I stop. IF I stop she gets up to go back on the couch lol.

12-19-2006, 07:17 PM
My guys love to cuddle.. Of course, most are a 100 pounds or close to it, but they think well... you are bigger than we are.. They love it! Its funny when they go to sleep, roll over, spread eagle, and you end up with a paw or paws in your face..

12-19-2006, 08:29 PM
That's cool that Runner will stay in that position and just enjoy being cuddled.

Frankie will cuddle only when she feels like it, but mostly she likes to curl up in a ball at my feet. She doesn't like feeling pinned at all, so holding on to her is a no no.

Riley on the other hand is one big ball of cuddliness. She doesn't get on the couches, but if you're on the floor you're fair game and she'll cuddle forever. :)

12-20-2006, 12:04 AM
I think cuddling is so therapudic! When I stop hugging and kissing Logan, she'll butt me with her head for more! Neither of us gets tired of it!!!

12-20-2006, 12:13 AM
I wish Tango was cuddly sometimes. She's the most uncuddly dog ever. If you try sitting on the floor with her or invite her on the couch, she'll stay for about 2 minutes or less and then go and find a toy to throw. I hope my next girl will be more cuddly than she is..lol.

12-20-2006, 01:05 AM
I am glad Runner is warming up to you.

T.j loves to cuddle, he wil groan in moan to let you know if he is in a cuddly mood.

Zoey is only a cuddly bug in the mourning when I am trying to sleep.