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View Full Version : Josh update 12/19

12-19-2006, 05:32 PM
Last night I dropped Josh back off at the vet since he hasn't eaten on his own in days now. The vet says he has irritable bowel. I get to pick him up again tonight at 8 and keep him for the night to see if I can get him to eat on his own. The last 24 hours the vet has been syringe feeding him and says today he looks like he feels better, so hopefully whatever it was to cause his bowels to become irritated is leaving and he will be back to normal. Please say a prayer that he starts eating on his own very soon.


12-19-2006, 06:54 PM
We are sending prayers for Poor Little Josh.
We know that his being better would be the Best Pet Mas Present ever!
Pet Angels are with Josh to comfort him, and to help him feel better.
We hope thats hes eating soon.
Baby Kitten Dry from Royal Canin has always worked for me.

12-19-2006, 07:25 PM
Oh dear, Josh, we are all praying for you!!!

12-19-2006, 07:38 PM
Get better, sweetie, and eat for your meowmie, she worries about you!

Is Josh on a special food at all???

HUGS and prayers to that precious baby! :)

12-19-2006, 08:06 PM
I've learned that the power of the mind is a powerful thing, so if you believe he will get better, I bet he will get better.
I think he'll get better ;)
Sending prayers and loves your way!
-Kari, Clover, and Echo

Laura's Babies
12-19-2006, 08:11 PM
I sure hope he gets can get over all this and get better soon. Tell him Santa is coming and he needs to get well so he can bring with the toys Santa brings him..... play in the empty boxes and rip up the pretty paper!

12-20-2006, 06:52 PM
Catty Josh has always been on prescription food. He is currently on the food that the vet would recommend for his problem. he is at the vet for the night and I will pick him up tomorrow again