View Full Version : Our annual vet visit...

Laura's Babies
12-19-2006, 09:54 AM
This morning was our annual for Chester and Samantha. Samantha weighed 9# and Chester 16#. They both checked out good and were declared "healthy" by our handsome, caring vet. He gave them a good exam all over while we chatted about Rie and her grandson and my job. I told him I took his advice and am leaving them at home while I am at work now and how great that is working out for us.

This was Samantha's first trip in a kennel since I have been leaving them at home and she obviously associates the kennel with going to Kevlins and that long horrid car ride and she fought like a wild cat when I was trying to put her in there.

Chester had hid after breakfast and I almost couldn't find him to make his annual. I finally found him at the last minute, sleeping in my closet. :rolleyes:

I had them both micro chipped so now all are done and have that. I feel better knowing they have it and they stand a better chance of getting back to me should they ever get lost. (Also, after Klinger ran off and that lady kept saying he was HERS when Mike found him and he had no way to prove without a doubt that Klinger was HIS! That is the main reason I wanted them chipped!)

So, their annuals went well, no surprises, no shocks like the last time I took Giz.. When I got home and opened their kennels, they RAN to the bedroom to hide!

12-19-2006, 09:57 AM
;) Well that is so Great.. All healthy.. :)

12-19-2006, 04:45 PM
Just about supper time - I bet all is forgiven now and they are politely asking you for dinner! What good news.

12-19-2006, 08:19 PM
Wonderful news.. and a load off your mind, I bet!


12-19-2006, 08:31 PM
Theres Nothin Like A Great Vet Visit!
Con Cat Ulations On The Good News!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-19-2006, 09:52 PM
Great news! Good vet visits are always a wonderful thing. ;)