View Full Version : Happy Happy Joy Joy!

12-18-2006, 02:58 PM
I have an actual job interview Wednesday at 9:30 in the morning!!! To steal the title from Kelly's thread about getting a job: Woo-freaking-Hoooo! LOL

I don't know much about the company but I do know they are solid and the companies I worked for in the past lost major deals to them. They are a Knoll furniture dealership - many of you who know a little bit about furniture might recognize the name Knoll.

Its nearly an hour away, closer to philadelphia, so the ride will most likely stink, but the pay will be much better than anything I could find locally. Right now, any pay sounds good to me, but it should be offering an attractive salary and benefits package.

I already feel good about this! :) I'm doing lots of happy dances right now and will be a certified nervous wreck come Wednesday mornng. Could it be that Santa is actually bringing me a job for Christmas like I asked? I always knew Santa was real! :D

Killearn Kitties
12-18-2006, 03:06 PM
All the very best of luck for Wednesday! Take care of yourself, and let nothing come between you and your beaty sleep! You must look and feel your best for Wednesday! :D

12-18-2006, 03:09 PM
** Everybody Congo*** Lol... Happy Happy Joy Joy... Lol..

Edwina's Secretary
12-18-2006, 03:10 PM
Okay...now...remember...do not ask about pay and benefits on the first interview. Have questions prepared to ask though....business questions you get from reading the website. And questions about the position. It is VERY impressive to have your questions prepared. When they say...Do you have questions?...your bring out your sheet of paper....

Next...be sure and get business cards from EVERYONE with whom you speak. As soon as you get home you send an email "thank you" to each saying why you are perfect for the job.

And this will really make a difference...however you may feel at the end of the interivew....ask for the job. Say something...I think I am exceptionally qualified for this job and I really want it! Please...do it!

12-18-2006, 03:18 PM
Thanks Sara, I had forgotten about thank you notes and was already dreading the list of questions thing.... what questions should I ask? Its been a long time since I've had an interiew and I have no idea what people would be insulted by if I asked (such as asking how often I would be able to work out of the office, meeting with clients, etc.... I love working with clients face to face :))

And I have no problem telling them I'm interested in the job.

One last question: How do I answer the question of them checking my last reference? I know from past experience that my last job spoke bad about me to others when they called for references... illegal or not, he did it and no doubt will continue to do so. I would prefer they not contact my last employer. How do I answer no without raising an eyebrow?

12-18-2006, 03:21 PM
( then go congo in the elevator on the way back to the car... lol.. - yes I am kidding .. but... )

12-18-2006, 03:30 PM
what questions should I ask?
meeting with clients.... I love working with clients face to face :))
And I have no problem telling them I'm interested in the job. :D

One last question: How do I answer the question of them checking my last reference? I know from past experience that my last job spoke bad about me to others when they called for references... illegal or not, he did it and no doubt will continue to do so. I would prefer they not contact my last employer. How do I answer no without raising an eyebrow?

Say this - there's a good one - how much face time would you have with potential clients? Why is the position open - did the last person who had it get promoted? How much upward promotability is there? What are the most important abilities for someone in this role -- then show how / why you have them :) with next week being a short one, how quickly do they anticipate filling the position and when might you know their decision?

Can you just say no, you don't want that particular reference contacted? Short and sweet answer? If you have other, strong references, you might not need that one. Good luck, will you let us know how it goes? Fingers, toes, and paws crossed and prayers too.

Edwina's Secretary
12-18-2006, 03:36 PM
what questions should I ask? Its been a long time since I've had an interiew and I have no idea what people would be insulted by if I asked (such as asking how often I would be able to work out of the office, meeting with clients, etc.... I love working with clients face to face :))

One last question: How do I answer the question of them checking my last reference? I I would prefer they not contact my last employer. How do I answer no without raising an eyebrow?

Ask the question about client contact....How frequently will I be working face-to-face with clients? I learn so much from clients by seeing them in their enviornment. How often does this happen? What can you tell me about your client base? What has been particularly successful in growing it and how would I contribute to that growth? What skills do the most successful people in this position have? In your experience, how long does it take to come up to speed in this job?

As for your last reference. There is no good way to say "don't call." You are better off owning up to it....."I had some problems with my last employer and we both learned from it. Let me give you some other professional references."

But only start that discussion when and if asked about references...

12-18-2006, 03:36 PM
Best of luck Kim. Fingers and paws crossed here!

ES - what great tips. I've been out of the work force for several years caring for my parents but I know at some point I will return. I need to remember what you suggested.

Russian Blue
12-18-2006, 03:41 PM
They are a Knoll furniture dealership - many of you who know a little bit about furniture might recognize the name Knoll.

:D First, good luck on the interview! What type of job are you applying for?

Second, it's a small world since Knoll is my middle name! ;) My family has worked for Knoll and Teknion (Canadian furniture company - main competition to Knoll). Rob's father made many of the older chair designs for Knoll. My brother-in-law now works at a dealership for Knoll product.

If you have any questions, I can pass them along to Rob. Just PM me. :)

12-18-2006, 03:52 PM
Knoll- that's a good name! Wish you all success- and Sara is right :)

12-18-2006, 05:42 PM
(Kim will KNOW I am kidding when I say.......)

NO!!! You are not allowed to get a job that is FURTHER away from me. boo hoo
(because that means she might MOVE further away from me. :( )

But truly, my prayers are with you and BEST OF LUCK!!!

12-18-2006, 05:51 PM
I wish you the best of luck with your interview & the new job. :)
(how's that for confidence :D ) Seriously though, you have a lot of talent
and it's time someone paid you well for it.

12-18-2006, 05:52 PM
Only start that discussion when and if asked about references...

Excellent point... maybe it won't come up at all :)

12-18-2006, 11:39 PM
fingers crossed Kim! :)

12-18-2006, 11:46 PM
*Shaped like a Phila pretzel from crossing arms, legs, toes, fingers...*
Close to Phila you say??? Hmmm. this could definitely be a lunch possibility!!! Woo! Woo! Good luck Kim!

12-19-2006, 12:45 AM
I hope that everything will go well and that you'll get the job. Good luck Kim!!!:D

12-19-2006, 06:25 AM
Sara has given some excellent advice. Anybody interviewing for a job, should bookmark this thread.

Kim, with a bit of preparation you should do just fine. Breath deep and try to relax.

Anita Cholaine
12-19-2006, 07:24 AM
All fingers and paws are crossed! Good luck, Kim :)

12-19-2006, 12:22 PM
Way to go girl!!!!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I also have a great feeling about this. I think you've got what it takes to do a great job!

As for your last reference. There is no good way to say "don't call." You are better off owning up to it....."I had some problems with my last employer and we both learned from it. Let me give you some other professional references."

Great advice, ES.

Mad Mags Moo
12-19-2006, 04:06 PM
Good Luck! Will be thinking of you Kim!

12-19-2006, 09:18 PM
Well...... I'm still trying to get ready for tomorrow. I dyed my hair this afternoon and it didn't take so I have to redye it tonight (grrr... as if I have the time to waste sitting in the tub for another hour!) if it wasn't for the interview tomorrow I would just wait til next week to redye it. Oh well.

I still have to finish putting my portfolio together, iron my suit, de-cat-fur-ize my suit, and figure out what shoes fit over my still sore/swollen foot/toes (somehow I doubt they'll consider black sneakers professional!) My list of questions is all typed up, as is my list of references. Everyone is pulling for me and they will give me glowing reviews if the company calls them.

I know I need a good night sleep tonight but I also know there's no way I'm gonna be able to sleep! LOL I've got myself worked up, and I won't relax until I walk into their office. Funny thing is I know I won't be nervous once I start talkig to them. I'm just nervous now!

Mad Mags Moo
12-20-2006, 06:28 AM
Not sure what time it is in the States but its Wednesday lunchtime here in UK and I am thinking of you Kim!
All the best - YOU GO GIRL!!!!!! You are the best person for the job - PMA - Positive Mental Attitude!!!!!! :D :D :D

12-20-2006, 07:00 AM
Thanks Maggie. Its exactly 8:00 here. 1 hour and 30 minutes til my fate is decided :eek:

I'm sitting here checking email one last time, just getting ready to walk out the door for my interview. I look as good as I get ;) and feel pretty good. I almost cried when my hair decided to have a bad day, but after nearly an hour of spritzing and cursing, it looks pretty good :p

I really DO feel I already have this job.

Oh, I forgot to answer questions posted earlier in the thread:
Russian Blue, this is an interior design position. I could do this standing on my head. I just don't know the Knoll prodcut line well, and that won't take long for me to come up to speed.... once you know one manufacturer you pretty much know them all.

K9karen, its in Malvern, and we will have to do lunch one day. I'll be looking forward to that!

PS: My toes are SCREAMING at me already in my biggest and most comfy "dress" shoes. I might not have broken my toes two weeks ago but they sure still hurt. Owie. I think I'll drive in my sneakers and change in the car! LOL

Sooooooooo.... everyone please send out the good wishes and prayers in the next hour or so. I won't be able to update anyone til later this evening since I am headed straight from there to help a friend out in her picture frame shop (thats one job I'd leap at the chance to have again but the drive is just too prohibitative) Oh, and my friend's shop? I worked there for 9 years. Her last name? Knoll. Coincidence? :D

Killearn Kitties
12-20-2006, 07:10 AM
Will have my fingers crossed all day, Kim. Good luck! :D

Lilith Cherry
12-20-2006, 07:14 AM
Good luck Kim! I have been thinking of you this evening and lit some sweet smelling incense sticks to wish you luck. I hope your foot is not too painful in the dress shoes!

12-20-2006, 07:17 AM
Good luck, and definitely put your sneakers back on for the rest of the wait and the drive there. Once there, you'll be too otherwise occupied to notice your feet hurting!

Good luck! :) We'll be thinking of you!

12-20-2006, 08:02 AM
Good luck! I've got my fingers crossed for you. :D

12-20-2006, 08:11 AM
Good luck, and prayers. Let us know- we are all waiting with you..

12-20-2006, 08:26 AM
I wish I had seen this earlier. Good luck! It's 5:25 a.m. here, so it must be 9:25 a.m. there. Sending you all my good wishes and positive vibes!

12-20-2006, 09:10 AM
I hope everything is going well. I'll be looking forward to hearing your good news later today.

12-20-2006, 02:45 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:


Mad Mags Moo
12-20-2006, 04:52 PM
Are you gainfully employed now Kim!!!!!! :eek:
How did it go.....waiting here with baited breath - going blue soon!!!! :eek: ;) :D

12-20-2006, 05:34 PM
I do hope things went well this morning, Kim! I'm sure you're still cutting mats and framing at this point, but I think we are all awaiting some word from you!!!! :)

I had to chuckle at Karen's comment about the shoes. Quite some time back (probably 5-6 years ago or longer), I was recruited by a company (bank) that was headquartered in Temecula, CA. They had a regional office in Knoxville, TN where I would report and where I had my interview. Knoxville is about a 3 hour drive from Greenville and I drove up the morning of my interview. Helen was sick with strep throat and my parents came up to stay with her so I could go on this interview. I wore my "comfortable", very scuffed up loafers for the drive and had my dressy, nice black shoes in the car to change into when I got there. It was pouring down rain and I had to rush inside as a result and I totally forgot to change my shoes! I was interviewing with 5 professional men in a circle, with no table to hide my feet. When I realized what I had done, I about died and finally just looked at the 5 of them and told them what I did. They laughed and always gave me a hard time about it, after I got that job! LOL!!! The other horrible, but later funny thing, that happened in that interview was that I also forgot to turn off my cell phone. My daughter was known for changing the ring tone on my phone and right after the interview started, my cell phone rang and it was Helen (my daughter) calling me. The worst part was that the ring tone was "La Cuca Racha" (however you spell that). :o :o :o Again, I thought I would DIE! And I still got the job! Ha Ha!!!!!!

I hope your day was good, Kim! Fingers, paws and claws crossed for you!!!! :D

12-20-2006, 05:37 PM
I hope it went well!

12-20-2006, 06:24 PM
Logan, that story of the shoes & the ring tone are hilarious. :D My face
would have turned 3 shades of red. :D

I am still waiting to hear back from Kim. Fingers still crossed here. :)

12-20-2006, 06:27 PM
Well?????? lol..

12-20-2006, 06:35 PM
Wellll....... I kicked interview butt! I was there from 9:30 til 12:00, and I have to go back tomorrow for about 4 hours of testing. I would have stayed today to get it all out of the way but I had another commitment with my friend in her frame shop and I knew I couldn't let her down. They totally understood. I have to show them just how much I do and don't know about the computer program they use..... I'm actually terrified of it because I am 100% proficient with most of what he's going to test me, but there are functions I didn't even know existed let alone how to use them! :eek: Then they want me to take a personality test where they ask me hundreds of questions like "Would you ever steal?" then ask the same question 5 other times but in a different way. :rolleyes:

The funny thing? Just as I was trying not to do a happy dance in the parking lot, I checked my cell phone, and there was a message from the OTHER company I was REALLY wanting to work for.... and I have an interview with them on friday! :D :D :D Oh I can't believe it! Two serious potential jobs in one week! Woohooo!!!!

Thanks a million times over for all the prayers and positive thoughts! I think they worked, but don't stop those prayers coming, I need to keep them up til I get a real offer and start my new job :)

12-20-2006, 06:58 PM
happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy Joy- Everybody Congo Too!

12-20-2006, 07:58 PM
Oh my, it certainly does sound like you *kicked interview butt*. Whoopee and good for you. Keep us posted on the progress.

12-20-2006, 08:34 PM
Kim, thanks for the great update.:) I hope that you'll also do well at the other interview and will be offered both jobs so you can pick which company you'd like to work for. Good luck and more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.:)

Killearn Kitties
12-21-2006, 03:39 AM
You mean I have to keep my fingers crossed all day today too? :eek: Do you know how hard it is working like that?? Well done so far! Good luck today!

12-21-2006, 06:25 AM
As often happens to me I come upon a thread after much of the *action* has already happened. :) From the start of this thread, which I have just read from the beginning, I felt in my heart that you'd have the job by the time I finished reading. You are just WAAAYYYYYY too talented to not have someone grab you up. Now there are potentially two employers wanting you! No surprise there! ;) Kim I hope that whatever is the best *fit* will be the one you go with. I am sure they will both offer you a job. See how much confidence I have in you. :cool: Don't let a silly little thing like a computer worry you. Anyone can learn things on a computer but very few people have the innate talent that you have. Fingers crossed for you but I know you won't even need that. ;)

Daisy and Delilah
12-21-2006, 06:44 AM
I have to agree with Pam, Kim. I'm chuckling at you being so surprised that people want you to work for them. After having interviewed hundreds of prospects in my last job, I know that you have 150% of what anybody/everybody is looking for in an employee. I have no doubt in my mind that you'll be working very soon and offers will still continue to pour in. You may not realize it but you're one of the most clever and resourceful people I've ever had the pleasure to be acquainted with. You'll do well in anything you do :) :) :)

12-21-2006, 07:11 AM
Awww shucks guys, I'm blushing here! Thanks for the compliments.

Right now, this creative girl is one exhausted girl. I was up all night trying to figure out what I'm going to be tested on this afternoon. I managed to get one concept but the other just blows my mind. I did warn him I have never usaed that function.... what else can I do?

Well, now I'm off for round 2 of the interview! :)

Then I'm coming home and going to sleep! :p

Mad Mags Moo
12-21-2006, 07:31 AM
Interviews are like buses - you wait ages for one and then just when you decide to quit and go home 2 or 3 come your way!!!! ;) :D
Good luck and go kick some more butt!!!!
Thinking of you! xxx

Laura's Babies
12-21-2006, 08:20 AM
Kick their butts Kim!! We are here rooting you on!

12-21-2006, 12:20 PM
Interviews are like buses - you wait ages for one and then just when you decide to quit and go home 2 or 3 come your way!!!! ;) :D
Good luck and go kick some more butt!!!!
Thinking of you! xxx

That is sooooo true. :) I'm going to keep the positive thoughts going
out for you for as long as needed.I am so happy that things are starting
to look up for you. :)

12-21-2006, 02:59 PM
I'm baaaacck! The test was as boring as I thought it would be. Then they threw me a curve by having SAT type analogy questions :eek: I HATE those things, and get them wrong 9 times out of 10.

Anyone know this answer?
Horse is to mule as obedient is to ____
A) dog
B) whip
C) bad
All I know is that mules are hybrids of horses and donkeys. So what in thse choices makes for hybrid of obedient???

I have to go back yet again to take the computer test. The guy forgot I was coming and had a very important meeting to attend. Thats ok, that gives me a few days to try and figure out how to do the AutoCAD function expects me to know! :D

Edwina's Secretary
12-21-2006, 03:10 PM
I would go with "bad."

12-21-2006, 05:57 PM
I have to go back yet again to take the computer test. The guy forgot I was coming and had a very important meeting to attend. Thats ok, that gives me a few days to try and figure out how to do the AutoCAD function expects me to know! :D

AutoCAD function is pretty easy to pick up A lot of city colleges teach
adult classes in it.

I usually love questions like that, what this one is wierd. Bad would be the
only choice available.

12-21-2006, 06:25 PM
I'm baaaacck! The test was as boring as I thought it would be. Then they threw me a curve by having SAT type analogy questions :eek: I HATE those things, and get them wrong 9 times out of 10.

Anyone know this answer?
Horse is to mule as obedient is to ____
A) dog
B) whip
C) bad
All I know is that mules are hybrids of horses and donkeys. So what in thse choices makes for hybrid of obedient???

I have to go back yet again to take the computer test. The guy forgot I was coming and had a very important meeting to attend. Thats ok, that gives me a few days to try and figure out how to do the AutoCAD function expects me to know! :D
Man- I have NO CLUE!!!! LOL.. Okay related to horse, so obedient is to ... whip??? good grief- good I didnt take that test.. lol... Well we are pulling for you, no answers but we have plenty of prayers and well wishes here..

12-21-2006, 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by catnapper
Anyone know this answer?
Horse is to mule as obedient is to ____
A) dog
B) whip
C) bad
All I know is that mules are hybrids of horses and donkeys. So what in those choices makes for hybrid of obedient???
************************************************** ******

Obedient defined: obeying or willing to obey

Hybrid defined: anything of mix origin. Offspring of two aniamals or plants of different varieties.

Bad comes to mind but dont have a reason :eek:

What happened to "non of the above"

12-21-2006, 08:31 PM
What a confusing question! I'm so happy about your interview, Kim ... I'm sure you will do great!


12-22-2006, 10:28 AM
Well, I finally got a good night's sleep and was able to play on the computer for a bit this morning figuring out the finctions they want me to know. Still have NO idea what it does or why its important, but I have figured out how to USE it! LOL

I also downloaded a 30 day trial version of AutoCAD 2006 because the interview I have this morning expects me to have experience on that version. I have been sitting here with my jaw in my lap with how cool some of the new things are. A lot of it is stuff I have said "I wish it could do this" and now it does! So now if they plop me in front of a computer and ask me to draw for them, I won't be saying "wow!" and "how cool!" I can act like I know what I'm doing, especially since I told them I have experience on 2006... now I technically do ;) Also, its pretty much exactly like I'm used to with AutoCAD 2004, only a little bit more powerful with cool new functions. And probably 90% of the new functions will never relate to me and what I do so I'm not going to worry about them.

Wish me luck again! I also feel good about this job, though not as positive about it as the one I went for on Wednesday.

12-22-2006, 10:39 AM
My husband uses AutoCad all the time in his job as a engineer. If you need help with the program I am sure he would be happy to help you..

Edwina's Secretary
12-22-2006, 11:19 AM
Got you question done? Good....gert those business cards too!

By the way...my reasoning on the question....horse and mule are both animals....obedient and bad are both behaviors.....

12-22-2006, 11:33 AM
Got you question done? Good....gert those business cards too!

By the way...my reasoning on the question....horse and mule are both animals....obedient and bad are both behaviors.....
Oh very good!! lol..

12-22-2006, 12:01 PM
I missed this the first time around. Two job interviews! Great! :D Hope you get the one you like best!

If you've used AutoCad before you should be able to pick up the new version pretty soon. :)

Good luck!!

12-22-2006, 02:48 PM
Oh my goodness! I just got back from this second company and REALLY hope I get this job. It was such a cool place and the people seem great.

Its completely different than anything I've ever done. Its all custom designed wood or metal walls and ceilings like you'd see in airports, colleges, business, etc. The guy said that most people take 2 or 3 years to learn and feel comfortable with everything. It seems more like engineering than design and thats exciting to me.

There's going to be a lot of overtime and they pay for overtime, so the base salary looks smaller than what I'd expect a job of this nature to have, but with overtime the paychecks should look and feel pretty darn nice! :D

They described as high stress with tight deadlines. Yet, I want that job!!!

Two interviews in one week: one that I really feel I have the job, the other is 50/50 - they told me its between me and one other person. It looks like Santa is bringing me a job, I just have to wait til after the 25th to get it! :D

12-22-2006, 02:49 PM
Got you question done? Good....gert those business cards too!

By the way...my reasoning on the question....horse and mule are both animals....obedient and bad are both behaviors.....
Got the business cards and already sent out emails thanking them for their time and the opportunity :)

And I forget how I answered that question. I was impressed I remembered the choices once I got home! LOL

12-26-2006, 08:30 PM
Well, I must have answered all my questions right because I go back to the first company for my 3rd interview tomorrow! :D

I ran out of interview worthy outfits so I braved the mall this afternoon and found a gorgeous ivory sweater and grey tailored pants for $30 total. I splurged $9 on a multi strand of faux pearls. I feel confident I have this job - I better after spending all the time and money going for it! :p

I have not heard from the second job yet. I weas really hoping I would. My brother coincidentally knows the company's old hiring manager very well.... in fact this guy was going to help me with my job hunt. I wonder if he still has influence with the company now that he's gone; would it hurt to have him call the company and put in a good reference? There's just something about this company that makes me WANT the job. Its a lower base salary and presented as more stressful, but it sounds so challenging yet rewarding that I pray I get that job.

12-26-2006, 08:36 PM
We will pray for you as well- sounds like you are ready! :D

12-27-2006, 05:07 AM
WOO HOO! A 3rd interview! Good luck! :D :D

12-27-2006, 08:12 AM
Good Luck today, Kim. I'm thinking of you.

12-27-2006, 01:50 PM
Good luck today Kim! Sounds very promising!!!!

12-27-2006, 03:15 PM
Thanks for the last burst of wishes guys. I think I did well - the guy told me I did. I think I'd be very happy at this first place. He told me this afternoon that they will most likely make their decision next week. Ugh - a week til I hear! I need a job now! LOL

All I can do now is wait. I'm not good at waiting. Now I also feel a bit depressed because I've done all I can. I've sent out thank you notes, said what I could to represent myself, and its just a waiting game to see if either of these jobs comes forth with an offer. I don't know what I'll do if neither of them make an offer :(

12-27-2006, 04:45 PM
Ok, you have to wait but we are sitting there with you, keeping fingers and paws crossed. :)

12-28-2006, 12:20 PM
Good luck, Kim! I'm sure you did great in your interviews! ;)

12-29-2006, 09:45 AM
Ack! This is KILLING me!

Company #1 said they'll make their decision after the 3rd and Company #2 said before the 1st. Today is the last business day to make that decision before the 1st? Will I hear today?

I had a nightmare last night where I dreamt that I did NOT get the first job and I kept walking around crying and praying I got the second job. I woke up before I found out if I got the job or not. But I remember distinctly reading my "evaluation sheet" where they rated me on a scale of 1-10 and I kept thinking, "What!?! A 5 for that?!" and I remember they deducted points because I declined a drink when I first got there (both companies asked if I wanted coffee or anything and both times I said I was fine). Funny things the mind conjures up while asleep.

12-29-2006, 06:45 PM
Ack! This is KILLING me!

Company #1 said they'll make their decision after the 3rd and Company #2 said before the 1st. Today is the last business day to make that decision before the 1st? Will I hear today?

Yes, today would be last business day for Company #2's time line. If you havent heard by end of today, close that file.

01-02-2007, 08:03 AM
I'm not out yet! I just got an email from the second job appologising for not getting back to me earlier, that the people who were supposed to make the decision were out of the office all last week. WHEW! They said I should know early this week, and the other company said I should know after tomorrow.

This is driving me crazy. I can handle a "no, we're looking for someone else with different (fill in the blank)" but to know they are seriously considering me and I could possibly have a job by friday.... well its overwhelming. My emotions are all over the place. One minute I'm 99% sure that I have one or the other job (or both!), the next minute my battered confidence swears I won't be offered either job.

I'm going to be out a lot this morning just so I'm away from the phone and email. If I don't leave, I'll be obsessively checking to see if either company calls or emails. Its logical that if they call at all today that it won't be til later this afternoon, after they've all had an opportunity to meet and discuss who they want to hire.


01-02-2007, 08:16 AM
Well, I am right here waiting with you!

01-04-2007, 12:59 PM
Anything, yet, Kim?? I've been trying to keep up with this, but haven't seen anything. My fingers are crossed for you.


01-04-2007, 01:01 PM
I know it is terribly frustrating. Just try to tell yourself, "the best things in life are worth waiting for"! ;)