View Full Version : Got a question please help

12-17-2006, 01:27 PM
Mrs. Magoo is not acting right. she was on the deck with My husband and I. She was laying at our feet. We looked down at her she was like trembling her back legs and sides. like as if she was cold. I asked my husband do you think she is in pain. He said maybe. so I get out the cheese and baby asprin. I stuck on asprin in the cheese. Now she is just laying in the crate sleeping. She has been in there for two hours. she is not trembling anymore. But is that a sign of pain when a dog is doing that. I live in florida she has lots of fur and it is high 70's not even chilly. I have to keep stopping her from scrathing at that eye with her paw. I can't find the cone so she now has tube socks on her paws so those nails can't catch the stiches. She is just not acting right. Maybe the asprin are working and she is finally able to rest. I just don't know. I can't take her back to vet . I ran out of money I used all our chirstmas money on her. ANY ADVICE WOULD BE GREAT. THANK YOU AND MAGOO THANKS YOU

12-17-2006, 01:38 PM
Did you take her temperature to rule out the possibility that she's developing an infection?

12-17-2006, 01:55 PM
What is a dogs temp suppose to be????? I know it is normal to be higher than ours

12-17-2006, 02:01 PM

The normal body temperature for dogs ranges between 99.5° to 102.5°F. Like humans, dogs need to keep their body temperature as close to normal as possible. Learn to check your dog’s temperature if possible when you have concerns and contact your veterinarian if you suspect any problems "

12-17-2006, 02:08 PM
I used the digital thermomiter her temp in 99.6 so I guess she is normal. Boy is she mad at me. LOL She faught me doing that but I locked her between my legs wraped my one arm under and around her picked her heavy but up in the air so she could not get away. I kept saying sorry goo I don't like this any better than you. I did give her another cookie and piece of cheese. she is panting and glaring at me with her one eye. How much asprin can you give a dog I gave goobie one before church.so 9:30 this morning. Just incase I think she needs on later.

12-17-2006, 02:15 PM
The problem with giving too much aspirin is it also thins the blood. It might cause the stiches to leak.
Hottie weighed 100 pounds at the time the vet had him on aspirin. He got one and half 325 mg asprin twice a day. For a 30-40 pound dog, I would say a half of a 325 mg asprin would be safe. But I would check with the vet to make sure they do not feel it will thin the blood too much.

12-17-2006, 02:22 PM
Vets office did tell dh he could give her asprin. he just can't remember how much. she weighs 53 pounds. Little heffer. she is still oozing. but not to bad. I will give her one again later on tonight unless she does get a temp. I will make her some dinner see if she will eat it. Thanks I will let you know how she is doing. I have not missed or been late with one antibiotic. so I hope that keeps infection away. she just has me worring about her. I was going to lay down and take a snooze but when I tried I could not stop thinking of her. so I am on the computer next to the crate. But she is still glaring at me for taking her temp. LOL

12-17-2006, 02:28 PM
That sounds about right. Maybe a little under a whole one.. 3/4 of one would be what I would give Hottie if he weighed 50 pounds.
** edited comment added: It could be she is glaring at you because it may have been the first time she realized she didnt see what all was going on. Try further approaches from the side she can see with... Maybe that will help..

12-17-2006, 02:53 PM
she ate her dinner. I took her out for a five minute walk up the street and back. She is now in her crate panting. I turned the ac on to cool of the house for her. I have chickens in the oven so it got a little warm in here for her and me. Ok so she is my excuse to turn the ac on and cool off the house. LOL