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View Full Version : "Abby Claus " (pics - cute ! )

12-17-2006, 07:16 AM
To get into the spirit of Christmas, Miss Abby decided to show everyone her new "Abby Claus" outfit .

we are gonna try to let her wear it on Christmas Day too ......





(here is Buddy laughing at her and her new suit)



Merry Christmas to All !!

Hope you enjoyed 'Abby Claus"

12-17-2006, 07:31 AM
That suit looks stunning on Abby's black fur! Abby, however, looks like she wants to be anywhere but in the suit!

smokey the elder
12-17-2006, 08:07 AM
I'm not sure if Abby belongs on stuffonmycat.com or mycathatesyou.com! :D :p

12-17-2006, 08:35 AM
Imagine that getting down the chimmney with presents on Cat-Mas Eve! We will leave a plate of crunchy treats and extra special kitty egg-nog for Abby-Claus.

...you need to kiss and make up with Abby now :D

Laura's Babies
12-17-2006, 08:51 AM
She looks so stunning in her Abby Clause outfit! She is such a beautiful girl anyway and in that red suit she is breath taking!

12-17-2006, 09:34 AM
Abby looks so cute in her santa costume. She's the best looking santa I've ever seen.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-17-2006, 09:42 AM
Awwww what a cute Abby Claus !!!! Red goes very well with your black fur!! :)

Here you can only buy "clothes" for dogs, NOT for cats :( ; or is this a suit for a small doggie??

12-17-2006, 10:18 AM
:D Abby does NOT look happy! Don't be surprised to find a lump of coal or something else :eek: in your stockings Christmas morning! She does look very cute, though.

P.S. Where did you find a kitty-sized Santa suit? Mitzi would HATE me forever, but she would look so cute - she has the roly-poly body to fill it out :p

12-17-2006, 10:49 AM
How adorable! I'm impressed that Abby let you put her in the santa suit....she looks soooooo cute though!

12-17-2006, 11:06 AM
Hahaha those are so funny and cute lol,

It's weely you santa claws!, Buddy must be joking to cat Santa alot now lol, maybe Buddy might want a turn at being old Santa claws I'm sure he'll want to join in the fun? ;)

Great shots!

12-17-2006, 11:13 AM
She looks GREAT in that Santa Claus outfit. :D

12-17-2006, 12:27 PM
Abby and I both thank you all for the very nice comments on her little "Abby Claus" suit. I bought it at Target and it is actually a little doggie suit . I thought it was so cute and thought it would look really cute on Abby. It only cost 7.99 :)

Ps. Dont tell her it is a doggie suit, because I think she would be offended ;)

12-17-2006, 02:44 PM
Abby is VERY VERY cute as Santa...however, I sense a distinct lack of "HO-HO-HO"!!! :D

Is the suit still in one piece? :)

12-17-2006, 02:51 PM
She sure looks cute in her Santa suit.:) All of the hats,jackets,sweaters etc. that I use to dress my cats up are also for dogs. They just don't make good things for cats.:)

So will you be dressing up Buddy too?

12-17-2006, 03:27 PM
Abby is just too cute in that santa suit. I have to say I just love this picture.


It's like she is saying to Buddy "Who do you think you are laughing at Buddy boy??? It's your turn next."

Mad Mags Moo
12-17-2006, 03:56 PM
OMG! How did you manage to get that cutie pie into that fab santa suit - if I tried with my girls i would be shredded!!!! :eek:
Great photos though and Abby you are truly the best Santa i have seen!!! :D

12-17-2006, 04:53 PM
I was thinking that Abby is far more patient than even the calmest of The Found Cats.
Even if I could put one in a Santa Suit, they would dissapear before I could even think of taking a Photo.
And the Found Cats will have Fancy Feast and Temptationd out for Abby Claus on Pet Mas Eve!
And Deli Turkey Cuts!