View Full Version : Has anyone heard of an anti-allergy dander treatment?

Allyson F
12-16-2006, 08:12 PM
Has anyone heard of a treatment of some kind that when given to animals makes them less of an allergy problem for people? I talked with a friend today who said she knows a woman who does animal rescue and who had told her of this. She said that it's done through a vet, with a prescription, and it's a monthly treatment. She was going to contact this other woman again to find out more, but I thought it would be something to ask you all! Thank you--Ally

12-16-2006, 09:22 PM
yes but forget what it's called and you can find it online.

I was allergic to Pua at first but then got over it or to the same point as the cat. Just a bit itchy from prolonged contact. I take cider vinegar for my blood pressure and it also helps with dermatitis(itchy skin). And that did also help when she was still giving me hives.