View Full Version : Sorry for the vent but I am soooo Angry right now!!!

12-16-2006, 07:07 PM
ok today I had to work til 7pm, well I get home and I look where my dogs whelping box is supose to be and I find a freakin PET TAXI CAGE THERE! not to mention they moved her box practically in the middle of the room and I cant get her out of the cage and its too small for her and puppies!!! I even tried to drag her out to put her in her whelping box and my parents and there friends yelled at me!!! mainly my parents friends who know absolutely nothing about dog or anything,
They dont even take there cats to the vets!!! but they are screamin at me tellin me its her instincts let her alone!!! she can have them in there if she wants!!! Im SOOOO ANGRY RIGHT NOW I WANT TO CRY!! so I thought I would show you guys and see your opinions on the bed for her, the first ones are of her obviously in the cage and then I took one of the whelping box they moved!!!!
I wish people would just respect me and not try to make me look stupid! trying to tell me what do you think they do in the wild or when your not home and they deliver, well im sure half or atleast all die also but hey im not one who doesnt know anything about my dog! sorry for venting everyone im just sooo mad right now! Oh and to add to why Im sooo mad also, when I was in the other room Gracie came in with a chicken bone who the lady gave to her!!! after I said dont you even give her a chicken bone! and she lied right infront of my parents when I said something about it and I know i saw my dog chewing it!

12-16-2006, 07:12 PM
Is the yellow thing supposed to be a pool? :confused:

12-16-2006, 07:42 PM
Once she begins to deliver the pups your parents will quickly see that the crate is not an ideal situation. Even though the crate is smaller than the ideal whelping box, there is something you can do to make things easier for both of you. Remove the top! Without the top you'll still be able to assist her when necessary without having to squeeze your way in.

12-16-2006, 07:46 PM
yikes! if she decided to give birth in that crate and say there was a breach you could have some very very serious problems. not to mention she could accidently squash the puppies in such a little space. she needs to be in the whelping box, if your parnets yell at you, let them, there are way to many things that could go worng in such a small space.

12-16-2006, 07:46 PM
I personally think the crate would be too small.
When she stands up while having the puppies, she could step on one and hurt it.
She could also lay on them in such tight quarters and smoother the puppies that shes already had.

It would be better for her to have them in the 'whelping pen', like you said.

12-16-2006, 08:00 PM
Honey- a crate is not going to cut it. If they need to contain her off the furniture or whatever, the fact is, when in labor, mom can easily step on another pup, which would kill the pup. Maybe once labor starts, move her back into the bigger area "kiddie" pool. You still need to watch but at least she can move easier when in labor and take care of the pups afterwards in the weeks that follow..

12-16-2006, 08:14 PM
I finally got her out of the cage but now she refuses to go in her kiddie poll so she is in the corner on a bunch of news paper and a blanket, and for now thats fine with me. once the pups come out i have a heat pads and towels to keep them warm and theres enough room for her to still move around until they are all out and I can move them to the box... she is actaully now shivering, she was panting and digging a bit and she is sleeping now! So she is going in anytime, but she can also hold of for 24 hrs cant she? hopefully she just has them soon and they are all healthy and everything goes smoothly, I have everything out and the lights dim for her.

12-16-2006, 08:16 PM
All signs of labor...

12-16-2006, 08:22 PM
yeah labor is starting but now it could be hours and hours of waiting!!!

12-16-2006, 08:32 PM
I will pray for Gracie and her puppies. {hugs} to you.
I know you are worried, been there before, a long time ago.

12-16-2006, 08:46 PM
I will pray for Gracie and her puppies. {hugs} to you.
I know you are worried, been there before, a long time ago.

thanks that means alot. :)

12-16-2006, 10:00 PM
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, that everything goes well for both of you. I totally agree she needs to be where she has alot more room, i had a box of sort prepared when my cocker had her pups years ago but it was large enough for her to move around and still have the pups with her. Good luck to all of you. let us know how its going. :)

12-16-2006, 10:05 PM
:eek: I am soo excited for you!!! let us know how everything goes k??? :D

12-17-2006, 12:30 AM
Has Gracie had her pups? Thinking about both of you and praying everything goes OK. Can't wait for pictures..don't forget a cuteness alert in your thread or I may have a heart attack!

12-17-2006, 05:19 AM
Checking in on Gracie. I hope all is well.

12-17-2006, 05:25 AM
I'm about to go home from work and was just checking in to see how Gracie was doing and if the puppies have started arriving yet. Hope all is going well with everyone concerned. This is very exciting.

12-17-2006, 06:42 AM
How is it going? She is in my prayers as well as you...