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View Full Version : I think Gabe needed a change

06-17-2002, 10:03 AM
I am no cat expert, for sure. It seems to me that this change has been good for Gabe. Graemer has been his absolute buddy and follows Gabe around all day long. I can't wait for them to start to play. Gabe is tolerant, and is not afraid of Grammy, but he is not real sure of the lay of the land yet. Hopefully Gabe will feel more comfortable as the days go on. In general, Gabe gets a 9.5 out of 10. He is quiet, inquisitive, eating, using the box, keeping a low profile but yet exploring a bit too. I have yet to hear him meow. Miley is being a bit goofy with Gabe. I think she is afraid of him, but Miley likes hanging out with me now, since Grammy is so busy following Gabe around. It is quite the scene!

Last night I looked into my bedroom and Gabe was lounging on my bed. He got down eventually, but he is venturing out. The porch is one of his favorite spots.

Gabe has not changed, his environment has, thus he has had to adapt. I have no children, and live in a rather quiet place, and I think that is what he needed. We shall see.

Gabe is a love.
(Grammy thinks so too, and we're working on Miley)


06-17-2002, 11:04 AM
Such encouraging news - it seems that some animals just need a certain environment to bloom, and sadly for his first family, that wasn't the place for him. So great that Graemer is so persistantly friendly, he wins the "new best friend" award! :)

06-17-2002, 12:02 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Gabe is adapting well!! It seems even better than i had hoped for...

Gabe's meow is pretty quiet...except when you're giving him a treat, then he'll sometimes make bigger meows. I'm glad to see him get along with other animals..i think that if we would have tried to bring another animal into "his domain", he may not have accepted it as freely...that and, your Graemer is such a sweet cat ;)

Gabe was always fine around the house with my husband and I, it was the strangers and quests that he didnt like...and our house was much more "busy" than he may have liked, especially with a soon to be toddler running around. We miss him, but are very happy that he has adjusted well to new surroundings...it really seems that he is acting just as he did here, which is wonderful to know that he has adjusted so quickly in such a short time...and now he has some new buddies to pal around with too!! I'm sure that Graemer has made his adjustment much easier, since he is SOOO welcoming...what a sweet cat you have SAS!

I'm really proud of you Gabey, and I'm really happy that you're happy...(quite amazed, i might add, that you have adjusted so well...but VERY happy!!) Keep it up buddy!


06-17-2002, 05:29 PM
Oh SAS I am just so happy with how this is going and pray that things will only get better from here! I really do feel that Graemer is one in 1,000,000 and how amazingly wonderful that Gabe has him to "show him the ropes." ;) I tend to think that if Gabe had remained "king of his castle" he might have not allowed anyone to share his throne! Here, where he is the newcomer, he has to learn to be a polite, nice boy. I am hoping that in time Gabe will come to return a portion of the love that has been shown to him. I am so grateful that there was a place such as Pet Talk where we could share this situation and find a solution. I can only say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gabe....this is your human grandma talking....please be a good boy and let your nice side shine, and oh, Miley is a pretty girl in case you haven't noticed. Might be nice to spend a little time and get to know her too! ;)

06-17-2002, 07:55 PM
I hope this works. It is a shot of Gabe on the porch perch I made for my two cats. He is really coming out of his shell now. He is participating, but carefully. You go Gabe.


06-17-2002, 08:32 PM
Yeah Gabey!! You have a really nice place to relax...i bet you're happy :) Thanks for posting SAS!!


06-17-2002, 09:03 PM

Gabe likes it in Vermont, SAS!!!! :D Bless his heart, and yours. Thanks for keeping us updated. I know it does Robyn and Pam's heart good to see these wonderful pictures too! :D

06-18-2002, 05:11 AM
I had all three cats playing with one toy. They took turns due to their unknown behavior of each other.... they sat far away from the fishing pole with the mouse on the end and apart from each other.... then would dive in, in turn, to catch the fishie! Gabe really liked it and of course, it is Graemer and Miley's favorite game. It was wonderful to see Gabe playing. (Its like having a baby - his first this, his first that.... ) No one got ugly while playing, I just couldn't believe it!

I have still not decided if Gabe will fit in here but it surely looks like it...and it feels like it too. I am leaving the option of finding him a better home if we have major league melt down with all the cats. I just don't see that happening. BUT, I want Gabe to be happy too. If I see that he is not, I will look for a better home.

I think we will end this topic at some point, but right now I want to share the progress with everyone. It has turned out to be a positive experience so far. We all love good stories and good endings!!


06-18-2002, 06:56 AM
And Gabe is in your signature!! I am so glad to see him there. We really do appreciate the updates. :)

06-18-2002, 07:03 AM
SAS these updates are just so good to read! Each breakthrough just plasters a big smile on my face and I know Robyn feels the same way. I feel in my heart that this just couldn't have had a better ending and am so grateful! (Gabey, you keep behaving, ya hear? Enjoy your new siblings little one! We love you!)

Gasp! I just noticed Gabe in your signature!! :cool:

06-18-2002, 07:03 AM
Who wouldn't just love to live in Vermont. Sas you've done such a wonderful thing adopting that beautiful himmy. Gabe is one lucky pussey cat and I'm sure he will live happy in his new environment.

06-18-2002, 07:53 AM
All :) 's from ear to ear (:) ) !!!


06-18-2002, 03:45 PM
GREAT NEWS SAS - so pleased Gabe is settling so much he's started to play!!!!


06-18-2002, 05:46 PM
And I enjoy hearing all the progress reports.

06-18-2002, 07:53 PM
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/p3789db2e49e960b7458d7c8ca68e0015/fda20ba1.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/p5b5c70f45c6dbf21308154f6ad04fa65/fda20bac.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/p62d5db6dedd540ae0ed47a677a94a23f/fda20ba9.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/pd28ec3d6f710d036d7addb2014eb597c/fda20b9a.jpg

Things have really calmed down now. Gabe is really relaxed and Miley seems to be getting the picture. All is quiet right now....shhhhhhh....its too good to be true.

Goodnight! ;)

06-18-2002, 08:09 PM
Wow!! Look at him going over to eat with Graemer (I'm guessing)...is Miley the one who's observing from afar?

It is so weird (but in a good way :D ) to see Gabe thru the computer...its just hard to believe that he was my cat a week ago...and now he lives in Vermont!! It's just kinda still hard for me to believe...ya know? It's wonderful, though, how things worked out!!! For sure ;)


06-18-2002, 08:17 PM
SAS I am thoroughly enjoying these pictures and the little updates. Gabe certainly does look relaxed! I am wondering if he is warming up to you as much as he seems to be to the kitties. Great pictures!!!!

I was just thinking as I looked at the pictures of Graemer and Miley in the bathtub that Gabe also does not mind being in the bathtub. I have been too scared to even consider it with my two! :D

06-18-2002, 10:15 PM
I too have been enjoying every one of these posts. It does my heart good to know what wonders can occur with a little help from our friends. I think the real hero of the story is Graemer. Hmmm.... maybe there can be a movie deal in the works.

06-18-2002, 11:05 PM
Wahoo!! <-- Just so I don't disturb anybody. ;) What wonderful news and great photos.

06-19-2002, 09:22 AM
SAS - I can't get over it - he looks at home!!!! And I'm sure he's relaxed a bit more. You're doing SUCH a great job - bless you and Graemer (oh OK and Miley too!!) xxx


06-19-2002, 08:18 PM
Enjoy. I took these this evening. Its his favorite place now. The PORCH!

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/pd3cdb5aab1b7d07ebae19e439a6ff319/fda0f074.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/p18b4ee5215a19192e6fb0143c573ced7/fda0f06f.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/pf95702cf1afe6e33fd99b1c8bd028843/fda0f070.jpg

Another quiet evening...shhhhhhhhhhhhh....


06-20-2002, 09:28 PM
See Mommie and GrandMa, I can be good.


http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/pb08e28ac2e943932d41aec235ad462a2/fda0211e.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/pad75a91a1b44f23a1e413bbaf3fd36e5/fda02117.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/p8c7d8cf00bb0758d08dbc75593f570ab/fda02129.jpg

P. S. Graemer and I have so much fun wrestling and running after each other.

06-21-2002, 05:14 AM


06-21-2002, 05:56 AM
Gabe I can tell you are one happy boy these days! I am sure of it!!! Keep on bein' a good boy and havin' fun with your new brother and sister. Your new mommy takes some really nice pictures! :)

06-21-2002, 06:13 AM
Wow, i never thought I'd see the day...Gabe in the room with other animals and being happy about it!! :) Thanks SAS for all that you have done to help Gabe...and thanks to your welcoming cats :) Give 'em a little extra cat nip for me ;)

Robyn :D ;) :)

06-22-2002, 10:56 PM
Wow! I just found out about this thread through Pam. I'm so glad that Gabe is doing so well in his new home and with his new brother and sister.http://www.gifs.net/animate/cat1.gifHe's so beautiful. The pics are great. Thanks for sharing.

06-23-2002, 06:01 AM
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/pdfc01f2186af146a69c57484c24f47ed/fd9ebb40.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/p6744776ab84210db14487a0736c9ab52/fd9ebb45.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/pde723fb80a8f205653867f5f8469ac69/fd9ebb4b.jpg

These were taken a couple of nights ago. Miley is still a bit hesitant to join in the rough playing. She has been making less noise when she confronts Gabe and he is being nice to her. He actually runs from her when she starts in. She was like that with a dog I watched for a few days. She is generally a sweet kitty, but insecure. She'll get over it eventually.


06-23-2002, 07:54 AM
It looks like Gabe might be giving Graemer the "old left hook" in the second picture! :D These pictures are just adorable. Miley looks so sweet from behind, just watching the boys be boys! The way Gabe has himself spread out all over the floor during his little session there shows that he is very relaxed in his play. It does seem to be working out beautifully! I guess I can start to uncross my fingers just a little! :D :D :D

06-23-2002, 09:08 AM
For two days in a row, I have had visitors. Gabe was not at all worried. He could have cared less, actually. Right now he is concerned about his bottle tops. I am finding them everywhere. And he loves it when I toss them into another room. Graemer runs to the top, but hasn't figured out how to pick it up. Gabe has/does and brings it back to me. Gotta give Gabe lots of credit here. Major league adjustment and he is giving it his all.

I just moved his litter box, container and food. I have to clean out the guest room for my guest arriving on Friday. I will close the room off until Markus arrives. Gabe will adjust to the new locations of the container etc. in the next few days. He has been eating from the general population (prison term) anyway...and using the house litter boxes, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal. It will be interesting to see if he tries to reclaim the room once Markus arrives. I have another room to use for guests, just incase.

Boy is it hot up here today. Very humid as well. The cats are sitting near the windows for the breezes.

Ta Ta

06-23-2002, 10:09 AM
Again, more great news :) Glad to hear that he playing with his bottle tops...he just loves them...he'd play fetch all day if you let him :) I'm so glad things are going well!!:cool: Gabe is doing great considering this huge move...and i agree with what my mom said...when i saw the pic of him laying all sprawled out next to Graemer...it shows that he is relaxed...and maybe finally realizes that this is his home now...yeah, for Gabe, and for the hospitality from his new mommy and brother and sister :)


06-23-2002, 10:14 AM
He seems to be responding to the change in a positive way. He may revert to his old cranky self sooner or later. We shall see. So far so good.

He is more like a dog to me. He is so much bigger than G & M, and weighs so much more too. I am thinking of changing his name to Rover the furry Retriever.


06-23-2002, 11:59 AM
SAS please keep up these updates. I enjoy them so much. Seems like it is all good news so far.

06-23-2002, 11:29 PM
Sas, I see you like the emoticon I used in my post. http://www.gifs.net/animate/cat1.gifIt sure looks a lot like Gabe. I'm glad he's doing so well.http://www.smileydictionary.com/images/smileys_cat/cat.gif

06-24-2002, 05:12 AM
KAK, yes, I do like the little gif. It reminds me of GABE! I hope you don't mind. I was surprised to be able to cut and paste it so easily. Thank you!

06-25-2002, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
KAK, yes, I do like the little gif. It reminds me of GABE! I hope you don't mind. I was surprised to be able to cut and paste it so easily. Thank you! Your welcome. I'm glad you like it.http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/flowerface.gif

06-27-2002, 10:15 PM
So far, things keep getting easier with Gabe. We did have one confrontation on the steps to the outside door when he would not move to go back in to the first hallway. I could see what behavior was not fun for Robyn. Tthere was a broom nearby and I scooted him in with that, but I just know he would have nipped me if I had touched him. He does have a temper. I can see why Robyn worried about her baby with Gabe. I don't have any babies around, so the issue just isn't that big.

The only odd thing that has happened, and it could just be coincidence, but Gabe and Miley are getting along, although just this morning, I noticed a "hot spot" on her side, where she was licking the fur OFF. I didn't call the Vet because I wanted to see if it was going to continue or get worse. I can't decide if 1.) she has had a nervous breakdown and is consuming herself 2.) has fleas or an alergic reaction to flea dirt 3.) has something else going on with her fur 4.) has a bite....yikes.... I xcan't see any flea dirt and they don't go outside, but cats can still get fleas this time of year. I put Frontline on all three cats, just incase it is fleas. Gabe didn't mind the application, but Graemer and Miley are still trying to figure out how to reach between their shoulder blades with the tongues. Ewwwwww.

Anyway, I surely hope Miley is not going to pieces over the additional cat being here. I will and have been, trying to spend more time with her. I had been yelling at her for hissing at Gabe....maybe that was what took her over the edge, and created a stress related licking session. I will keep a close eye on her for awhile.

So I think everything is fine with Gabe.....now to tend to Miley girl!

:eek: :confused: :eek:

06-27-2002, 11:41 PM
Time to pamper your little girl :) Keep us updated on the "furless spot" on her...hope its not a bite. Did you see any broken skin?

Miley says" Mommy, can we have girls night out?...these boys are driving me crazy!" ;) :) :D


06-28-2002, 06:11 AM
Oh poor little Miley. I do hope with all of my might that her hot spot is not directly or indirectly caused by Gabe. Poor sweetie. She may be really missing the good ole days when she had Graemer all to herself. It sounds like a vet visit might be in her future to see what's going on there.

I think the real test for Gabe will be when your house guest arrives. I don't worry so much about Gabe wanting his "old room" back so much as just daily interaction with someone who Gabe will now view as an outsider to his happy little domain. At Robyn's house he most certainly never rolled out the welcome mat for strangers. :rolleyes: I do hope he proves me wrong here, but I will anxiously wait for updates on that visit. Fingers are all crossed for Miley girl!!

06-28-2002, 06:39 AM
Pam, you are a riot!

I am going to pick up some shin guards at the local athletic store today, and issue them to my house guest.

Miley is sleeping right now and is very quiet. Once my house guest arrives, I will assign him to entertain Graemer and Gabe and I will spend time grooming and kissing Ms. Miley. The hot spot is ok this AM and she doesn't seem to be licking it. I did give them all a dose of Frontline last night just in case it is fleas. I can't see how that could happen, the flea thing, but you never know what comes in on your feet etc. I know the girl next door has a flea problem from time to time and her cat does not go out either.

I will certainly keep an eye on Ms. M as she is one of my loves and I worry about them all the time. I will be off from work for the next 10 days (yipee) and will be able to drag her furry body to the Vet as soon as necessary.

Gabe is a funny guy. He and Graemer just love each other so. Gabe looks as though he is thinner. I don't give the treats out so often and G & M never get treats. They don't like them. Gabe is eating the house food, which is Science Diet prescription WD - high fiber for G & M. It won't hurt Gabe but the next time I visit the Vet, I will ask about it. I also give them a tiny bit of IAMS canned food at night. Gabe can take it or leave it. He does like his treats. He drinks lots of water! Guess with all that fur, the body needs the extra intake. He still loves his bottle tops. He has one in his mouth right now...oooppppsss. He just dropped it on my foot, and now he is rubbing my leg, to get my attention. Time to throw it. Bye!

Hope everyone has a good long weekend!


06-28-2002, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I am going to pick up some shin guards at the local athletic store today, and issue them to my house guest.

Once my house guest arrives, I will assign him to entertain Graemer and Gabe

Shin guards are good, and maybe a suit of armor! LOL! :D :D Have a great vacation!

06-28-2002, 08:40 AM
I am really hooked on the Gabe updates. Don't want to miss a one. Another thing is I think I have fallen in love with the Abssyninian breed, even starting to surf breed rescue sites. Somebody stop me~

Edwina's Secretary
06-28-2002, 10:19 AM
Rachel -- I've been having the same reaction. Looked long, hard and repeatedly at the Abyssinians at the cat show I went to with Efrat in Milwaukee!

You're not far away. Maybe we could get one and share it!


06-28-2002, 11:22 AM
The breeder I use is just wonderful. Her name in Mindy Condon, and she knows many of the other good breeders and they share (out breed) with other good breeders. Here is her/their Web Site


You won't see a photo of my cats, but some of their relatives.

I just love my Abys to pieces and I must confess that getting them at a young age is good. And getting them from a good breeder is very, very good. Mindy has clipped their nails, trained them to posts, socialized them, they slept with her, they played with her dog (Graemer used to put his HEAD in her dog's mouth)....I should have known then that he was going to a hand full!

Anyway, Gabe is fine and I will keep you guys updated.

I hope Miley pulls out of this. I won't let her sink too far down! I am really going to try to pull the three of them together by playing with all three at the same time, and then Miley by herself.

Yikes. They are like kids!

Off to lunch, then to the airport to pick up Gabe's dinner (the guest)......hehehehehehehe!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-28-2002, 12:21 PM
It's so good to hear that Gabe is doing good. :) He must really be adjusting well if he's rubbing on your leg for attention and getting along so well with Graemer. I just hope that poor little Miley isn't all upset over sharing her brother. If it is Gabe that's causing her to lick that one spot, hopefully it's just a temporary thing until she gets used to him and having to share.

FWIW, Peanut was developing unusual "hot spots" recently too, and the vet said it was probably allergies - which she had never had before. He put her on some medication (don't remember what right now) but it seems to be working because all her "hot spots" are growing back very nicely. So maybe, just maybe poor little Miley has allergies and it has nothing to do with Gabe. I know it's a long shot since this didn't show up until he did, but it's something to consider.

Keep the updates coming, and give Miley a hug and smooch from me so she doesn't feel left out. :)

06-28-2002, 11:11 PM
So far so good. Gabe is supervising Markus' unpacking job. Gabe is VERY nosey. He was a bit scared when he first eyed Markus, but within 5 minutes he was fine and rubbing on his pant leg. Tomorrow is another story.

My take on this is that Gabe isn't really sure what's going on since he has been here a little over two weeks. Maybe not that long, I have forgotten.

Keep your fingers crossed!

Let me check my homeowner's insurance policy now that I am on that liability thought process. :rolleyes:

All is fine, just kidding!

Later - got to get to bed. Markus arrived 5 hours later than planned and we just got in an hour ago! We are all tired.


06-29-2002, 12:47 AM
I sure hope that Miley will be okay and that the hotspot turns out to be nothing serious. I'm so glad that Gabe is doing so well. Good luck with everything. http://www.gifs.net/animate/aflower6.gif

06-29-2002, 06:11 AM
The house is VERY quiet. Gabe is just now wandering around but the other two cats are probably sleeping in the guest room, with the guest. They are like that. Gabe was M.I.A. as well as all night long and this AM, but suddenly appreared moments ago. I bet all three cats were in the room with Markus. He likes cats. Good thing, eh?

Gosh, what a beautiful morning - temps are in the low 50's, sun is out, humidity is low. Perfect. And I am on vacation for several days! And have a delightful friend/house guest for two weeks.... Can it get any better!!!???!!!:) :) :cool: :) :)

06-29-2002, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
So far so good. but within 5 minutes he was fine and rubbing on his pant leg.

This is a VERY good sign. I could be wrong, and Robyn will have to correct me on this, but I don't think Gabe ever gave first-time visitors "the welcome rub." I really do think he can tell who does and doesn't like cats though. It always seemed to me that little wheels were going around in his head all the time! :D I think Markus is off to a nice, safe start! LOL!

Enjoy your vacation! I work on Monday but am off the rest of the week! Hooray for vacation time!

06-29-2002, 08:08 AM
I really think Gabe is just out of sorts right now and hasn't really claimed ownership quite yet. The other factor that comes in to play, that we will never know the answer to is, the behavior influence or patterning after the other two cats. He may be more comfortable around people now that he has "protection" in furry numbers. Gabe doesn't seem to hang out with the other two cats as much as he was and seems to be hanging out with me a bit more. Time will tell. Maybe the combinations have made him be more creative in his survival skill category. "Well, I had better be on my best behavior at this place, or she'll send me packing".... We will never know.

I do love Gabe at this point and WON'T give him back. Isn't it funny how quickly we learn to love our fur babies. I would be the same with a child, I think.... Well, Gabe won't be going to college. I will stick with cats.

Have a good weekend everyone! Give your pets a hug from me....I just love them all so..... I love humans too!


06-29-2002, 07:35 PM
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid24/pf863d82e3ddfea7e5e7da0ccb8fb12b9/fd988a00.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid24/p6a2b150321ee17fb563c33c97d865fc0/fd9889f8.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid24/p48bae21a1fc0cb76302de2803dd23f39/fd9889fc.jpg

I took these this morning. Go figure.


06-29-2002, 07:47 PM
That's great news that all of your cats are getting along with your house guest. I know that animals can sense if a person is or isn't an animal lover. Good luck with everything. Great pics too. Thanks for sharing. http://www.gifs.net/animate/cat01.gif

06-29-2002, 08:04 PM
Gabe vs the Guest....SAS & Pam, that is so funny. Looks like Marcus has won everybody over. Gabe looks so cute in his little white socks and his lion tail, but the EYES are ever alert and ready to identify his next victim, should that be necessary. (Sorry, I can't help reading extra stuff into this story.)

ps. SAS I love your rug and do those toes ever get gnawed on?

06-29-2002, 09:03 PM
Yeah SAS, I'm so happy your so happy and that Gabe is happy and everyone is happy!! This worked out great...better than I could ever have imagined!! Big Group (((HUGS)))!!! ;) :) :D :D

BTW, Gabe did on occasion rub up to strangers, but if they approached him too suddenly, he got a little "weird". I think you hit the nail on the head about him feeling more at ease, b/c of the other cats being with him...

My mom's one cat wasn't really a lap cat until she got another cat, and saw how affectionate he was, and i think he kinda learned from him, and now he's a lap cat too...so Gabe might observe your 2 and kinda learn from them...that certain things are okay...like being friendly!! I think overall, Gabe was/is a "fraidy" cat more than a "mean" cat...and thats where his aggressions stem from...and your 2 cats might very well act as his "equals" and help him feel more at ease...

Anyway...glad, as always, to hear updates!! Keep em' coming...


06-30-2002, 03:07 PM
Oh Gabe...a penny for your thoughts. hehe! I wonder what is going on beyond those glowing eyes!! :D :D SAS you and your crew are just what the doctored ordered for Gabe! It looks like Markus has his hands full being a one man entertainment center! These reports are so encouraging as always! Enjoy your vacation and we'll await the next chapter in the saga.

Rachel, How sweet little Tucker looks sound asleep in the Big Bed. I am happy to see that he is now represented on the Board , as Hannah is Princess of the Avatar! ;)

06-30-2002, 03:34 PM
Well, this is a first:


Now, to get Gabe to go between Miley and Graemer will be the final test.

06-30-2002, 03:38 PM
Now that's an accomplishment.

07-01-2002, 01:14 PM
My internet service provider was down for a while over the weekend and I missed this latest picture. Judging from the petite little bodies of Graemer and Miley, I am sure Gabe eats the "lion's share" of the food! :D Lots of firsts going on here, and all good! Continued good luck with this little boy. Hope he realizes that 'life is good in Vermont.' Maybe that could be a slogan for tourism! :)

07-01-2002, 02:27 PM
Well, all things considered, this new addition, aka Gabe has worked out nicely. Miley, however, has managed to maintain the "hot spot" very nicely too. So it is off to the Vet for a quick look to make sure it is nothing serious. I may end up giving Miley, Gabe's medication to calm her down. Wouldn't that be funny? I really don't know what the Vet will say or do. I will let you guys know.

Gabe is being a good boy and is so relaxed here. It was the right move - but we must see why Miley doesn't like the change! Maybe she has seen Gabe's police record! ;) He IS from New Joyzee you know. And with a name like Gabriel, maybe he was in the Mafia!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

07-01-2002, 02:44 PM
I think he may have come from a long line of "cat burglars." Boo Hiss...I know, bad one! LOL! If he is a mob kitty, I am sure it was just just the harmless kitty offshoot, the Meowfia! :) As you know, though, he has a thing for beer bottle caps too! He has always claimed that he never touched the stuff inside the bottles though! :D

All fingers and paws are crossed for Miley Girl. Hope it's nothing more than a mild summer allergy and Gabe isn't sending her into emotional turmoil. We'll wait for the update!

07-01-2002, 09:02 PM
Well, the Vet was stumped. He is treating her with cortizone (one shot) and two applications a day, topically. He gave me the oh so deaded collar for her to wear. She is tolerating it, but it looks so darn funny. She looks like a tea cup with a cat head in it. She is running into everything. At one point Graemer jumped her and knocked it off and she immediately starting licking her sore. So we reattached the collar and put a second strap on it to make it more secure. I will try to take a picture tomorrow.

The Vet thought that she had fleas at first then after checking her over, no fleas. He shaved the area, making it really exposed and looking rather grizzly. He thought it was severe at first but after a closer look wasn't too worried about it. So I will treat her, keep an eye on her and continue on. She will be fine. I hope she gives up whatever is bothering her, if that is the problem.

Cats!:eek: :eek: :eek:

07-02-2002, 12:53 AM
I'm so glad to here that Miley's condition isn't anything serious. It sounds like she's allergic to something. I sure hope that it isn't Gabe. Good luck. All fingers and paws are crossed here.

07-02-2002, 12:01 PM

Nice toes, eh?


The poor girl. She seems to be adjusting to it!


07-02-2002, 05:34 PM
Poor little Miley. She looks so uncomfortable! :( It looks like eating could be a problem. Do you take it off when she eats? I see her little hot spot and realize that the vet shaved her a little there, but it looks like it was pretty sizable. I sure do hope the medicine does the trick. I guess *the boys* are wondering 'what's that all about!' :)

07-02-2002, 08:37 PM
I have taken the collar off Miley for hours at a time. I put it back on when I see he licking. And I leave the collar on at night, when we are unable to check on her. She can eat, but not easily. I have been removing it for feedings and water. She's ok with it.

It looks better today.... I think it will be fine.

Gabe and Grammy Crackers are hanging out together today. It is so hot, no one is moving very quickly today.


07-03-2002, 04:44 PM
Poor little Miley, she must wonder what the lampshade around her head is all about :( Hope it heals and just ends up being a "fluke" thing.

My moms cat Andy, gets these allergies, where all of the sudden he'll get a swollen lip and the vet said this swollen spot could show up anywhere on him...its just some sort of allergy. But if your vet inspected her, and didnt mention this, then it is probably something else. But I just thought I'd give my 2 cents ;)


07-03-2002, 05:11 PM
And isn't it sweet that her brother is keeping her company in this picture?

Gabe is surviving the hot, hot weather by keeping still. Every now and then Gabe and Graemer will launch into a grooming session and then stop because it is too damn hot.

I have sweat pooring off me as I am typing this. I have no A/C but lots of fans. Ugh. I am dying.



07-03-2002, 05:17 PM
SAS it reached 100 degrees here today!!! They say it is going down to 80! LOL! I bet Miley HATES that collar in the heat!! Glad to hear Graemer and Gabe are keeping clean while passing the time away until some kind of cool front moves in. Wonder where it is anyway! I think the whole east coast is baking! :eek:

07-03-2002, 09:49 PM
I'm on the west coast and it's been very hot here too. It's been in the 90's but is cooling down each day and it cools down at night. At least we don't have the humidity that you have. That's great that Graemer is keeping Miley company. I hope she recovers quickly. That collar looks very uncomfortable. Good luck.:)

07-03-2002, 10:50 PM
The heat has been horrible these past few days. Here is what Gabe likes to do on hot days.

Me too!

07-04-2002, 06:51 AM
How sweet does he look!! :) ;) :D :cool: Thanks for sharing :)


07-04-2002, 07:35 AM
Gabe does look AT HOME!!!!!!!!! Gee, that little guy sure did stake out his claim to your home quickly SAS!

His picture just inspired this song, sung to the tune of Home on the Range.

Oh give me a home, where the birdies do roam,
Where Graemer and Miley do play,
Where seldom is heard,
A discouraging hiss,
And I can nap where I want to all day.

Home Home in Vermont
Where Graemer and Miley do play
Where seldom is heard
A discouraging hiss,
And I can nap where I want to all day. :D

(Be thankful you aren't hearing me sing it! LOL!)

07-04-2002, 08:19 AM
PAM!!!! :D :D :D

07-04-2002, 08:23 AM
Who ever would have thought she'd break out in song!?!? :D ;) :) :cool:


07-04-2002, 08:24 AM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Pam!!!:):):) Gabe, I am SO impressed!! What a change!! Do you look happy??? I THINK SO!!:)

07-05-2002, 06:21 AM
Pam, that song is brilliant! So much better than *Crunchy Time* (Summer Time) that is my claim to fame! Ha.

07-08-2002, 06:54 PM

07-08-2002, 07:02 PM

07-08-2002, 07:19 PM
I wish i could tape a recording of my reaction to this, b/c words can't describe it! That is soo sweet, i can't even explain to you how happy this makes me, to see Gabe so happy...he really must be smiling on the inside :) AHHHHHH, I just love this pic...i can't explain how happy i am for Gabey!!

I can't thank you enough for opening up your home to him...these pics definately show how welcomed he was!


07-08-2002, 07:29 PM
Just wanted to add... It looks like Graemer is the only dose of medication that Gabe ever needed...how very sweet of that Graemer!!!

;) ;) ;)

07-08-2002, 07:43 PM
and Graemer is enjoying that furry pillow!

07-09-2002, 12:06 AM
These pictures are great Sas. This sure does prove that Gabe loves his new brother Graemer. I sure hope that Gabe and Miley are getting along as well. I'm also so glad that everything is working out so well. :)

07-09-2002, 06:51 AM
OK, that's it! I didn't see this until this morning and you guys have reduced me to tears. Happy tears!!!! :D :D :D What a glorious sight that is!!!! :)

Edwina's Secretary
07-09-2002, 08:48 AM
I too, am teary eyed this morning. How wonderful.

07-09-2002, 09:43 AM
I'm very happy to hear how well things are going with the boys but am concerned about Miley. How's her hot spot and is she still wearing that collar. From my experience female cats have never been very welcoming of new cats on their turf , although a male was usually better tolerated than another female. Give her a big hug from me.

07-09-2002, 09:49 AM
Thanks for thinking of that Miley girl. You are right, she is not welcoming to other animals, although I think she knows now that Gabe is not going away. She doesn't hiss at him anymore. He is still afraid of her though. Right now she is suffering from fear of me putting the collar and meds. on her. I usually leave the collar on for about an hour. So she is hiding out. Every now and then she will venture out from under the bed. She is very improved, hot spot wise and after tomorrow, will be through with the meds. and the collar! Then I will force her out to play etc. and love her to pieces, but until then, it is too confusing for her. She will be fine. She has always been the understated one - unlike Graemer, the obnoxious, demanding but loveable one!

:rolleyes: :)

07-09-2002, 01:03 PM
great news!

07-09-2002, 01:04 PM
That is one of the most precious pictures that I have ever seen. Another Pet Talk picture that I think would be precious and a great seller as a poster.

07-21-2002, 11:41 AM
Gabe is doing just fine here in Vermont. I can't tell you how happy he is and I am pleased with how my two Abys have dealt with his arrival. Miley is finally letting Gabe touch her, but she is still a bit jealous!

Here are some pictures I took yesterday!

Gabe on the cat tree!


Gabe on the rocking chair with the teddy bears...awwww !

Gabe relaxing under the porch bench! His usual pose!

Graemer and Miley, enjoying the sun on the cat tree, without Gabe!

I hope everyone enjoys the pictures!

By the way, I think Robyn made the correct move and sent Gabe packing. He is very stubborn when it comes to making him move from a location (i.e. the steps) and will hiss, growl and STAY exactly where he is) when HE doesn't want to move! I use a broom to scoot him, but he can get fierce and scarey! Don't want that kind of behavior around children, for sure!

07-21-2002, 05:49 PM
SAS thanks once again for the pictures! I am enjoying all of these updates soooo much. Your pictures are absolutely terrific and I think the third photo catches a little of the "attitude" Gabe sometimes shows. (Hey, I'm King of the Porch!) :D As usual, Graemer and Miley are extremely photogenic and so exotic looking! :)

07-21-2002, 06:16 PM
Great pics Sas. Gabe really looks content in these pics. I'm glad that everything is working out for everyone. :)

07-21-2002, 09:10 PM
I don't know what to say, other than "thank you", Sallyanne. You are a true gem out there, and you have helped my dear friends, Pam and Robyn through a terrible time. And Gabe is happy, albeit stubborn, but he is in the right place. I know it and feel it. It seems very comparable to Butter coming to live with us. If Helen had been younger, it never would have worked. But he is here, and safe, and evil (but getting better). But the main thing is he wants to be here, and he is out of harm's way when he is here.

Thank you, Sallyanne. You have healed many of us by your lovely posts and actions where Gabe is concerned. :)

07-22-2002, 05:29 AM
Logan et al, thanks so much for such kind words. (Gabe is here with me now, so I must say good things about him too!).... Gabe is giving this change his best effort.

I don't know exactly why I agreed to take on the Gabe problem, but I did. I had every intention of placing him in another home once he arrived here. I simply fell in love with him within a day. He was meant to be here, I can tell.

I think the Gabe story is one that makes everyone feel really good about people going to great lengths to be responsible with their pet. Robyn didn't want to just drop off the Gabe boy at a shelter, knowing that he would be difficult to place. And I did what felt right for me, and offered to bring him to Vermont to find a new home. Did I know he would stay? NOOOOO. I was never fond of long haired cats. Now I just love long haired cats! A true convert!

Everyone is happy at the end of this story!:cool:

07-22-2002, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by Logan
I don't know what to say, other than "thank you", Sallyanne. You are a true gem out there, )


07-22-2002, 06:57 AM
And another AMEN. What cute, cute pictures. Gabe looks like he's truly happy. I'm so excited to see those babies together. Sas, you made a super decision to take on that gorgeous himmy. You got my admiration, BIG TIME!!!!!;) ;)

07-22-2002, 10:51 AM
Thanks for the new pics.

But, speaking of long hair, are you able to brush Gabe?

07-22-2002, 12:02 PM
Yes, he tolerates it. He was shaved earlier in the summer, so his hair is not that long right now. I usually try to brush him when he is lounging on the sofa, next to me at night. He doesn't hate it but it isn't his favorite thing. He likes being petted though. I may just keep his hair short for awhile. We shall see how much trouble it is. I like having hair to brush on a cat. My other two are skin and bones and are not fun to brush or comb at all.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-22-2002, 01:53 PM
So glad to hear things are settling down and getting back to normal - and that Miley is at least starting to accept Gabe. Your two are so adorable and Gabe is so adorable that I'm glad it's working out that they can be friends even though they are so different. :D And that pose with Gabe under the porch bench looks just like my mom's cat. Maybe you can see why we call him the Cranker. ;)

07-23-2002, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont

Everyone is happy at the end of this story!:cool:

I don't want this story to end! Can't it just keep going on and on?

Edwina's Secretary
07-24-2002, 09:24 AM
I'm with you Rachel. Please don't let the story end!!!

07-24-2002, 09:43 AM
Ok, I will keep the story going. I shall take more pics this weekend and try to get all three in the poses! Right!


07-24-2002, 10:00 AM
There she is----Sallyanne, my Hero! Isn't she great folks! :) This is a little "visual" of Robyn and me letting you know what you mean to us! LOL!
http://plauder-smilies.com/love/ladysman.gif Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, for being the wonderful person that you are and taking the risk to be-friend a kitty that was advertised as 'not exceptionally lovable' to say the least! I am so happy that this little furry boy has wound up with you, and I am proud to call you my friend! ;)
P.S. That photo makes me itch! LOL!

07-27-2002, 07:19 AM

I took this shot this morning, just moments ago. The weather has changed to very cool temperatures and the cats have re-actived! They love the cooler weather, for sure!

I will try to take make pictures this afternoon!

Good day to everyone!:D

07-27-2002, 07:22 AM
HA! Looks like my Trevor and Andy when they 'go at it!' After one of their little wrestling matches I have lots of little tufts of hair to clean up. Hair tufts may be new to you with your sleek kitties. Hope your vacuum cleaner is in good working order! Waiting for more pics..... :)

07-27-2002, 07:27 AM
Gabe looks pretty relaxed :) Cute pic :) And by the way, I love your carpet :)


07-27-2002, 04:03 PM
SAS, Have you seen how many views this topic has? Looks like there is a real following of the GG&M pictures and updates.

07-27-2002, 10:56 PM
That's a great picture Sas. It reminds me of Storm and Sunny. The next time that my cats play I'll have to take a few pics. Thanks for sharing. :)

07-28-2002, 07:41 AM
Graemer notifies Mom that there MUST be something of interest beyond the blind and get that window open right away!

Graemer tells Gabe - "hey, I think you're looking in the wrong direction, dumb-dumb, - it is OUTSIDE - not UP THERE!"

At last, we are both looking in the same direction, at that little birdie that no one else can see!

Gabe decided that the birdie thing was boring and thought walking all over Sas' computer desk and photosmart printer would be fun and OK!


Hope you enjoy the photos! What a group of cats!


07-28-2002, 07:46 AM
These pictures and captions are the best yet!!! What a difference in the profiles (physiques!) of Graemer and Gabe! LOL! Sallyanne the view out your window is just gorgeous - beautiful greenery everywhere - just lovely! I would be poised at the windowsill too. I remember the days when Gabe would clunk across Robyn's printer too! :rolleyes: Keep the pics coming. These are terrific!

07-28-2002, 03:11 PM
Thanks for the pics. :) I love them. It looks like you have a couple of characters there. :D

07-28-2002, 09:02 PM
Have to ask?? Is Gabe really as hefty as he looks or when wet does he shrink a size or two. I know fluffy cats are not always as they appear dry, and abys are very lean. Your boys remind me of Laurel and Hardy. How is Miley getting along with Gabe these days and is the hot spot completely gone?

07-29-2002, 05:23 AM
Well, Gabe weighs at least three times what Miley weighs. Miley is a mere 5.5 lbs. and Gabe is over 15 lbs. I just don't know his exact weight. He has hopped on my scale a couple of times, but he doesn't sit very still.... Graemer weighs 6.5 lbs.

Miley's hot spot did clear up only to get a second one and have a second trip to the Vet. He gave her a long term/acting cortizone shot and we are not putting the cream on it quite yet. We are trying to let air get to it. She managed to make her first E-collar disappear so I had to spring for a new E-collar this last visit!

Gabe is heavy and does have lots of hair. I think if you read about Ragdolls, you will see that he is just about right in size and weight. He could probably drop a pound or two and still be fine. He has lost a little weight since he arrived here. I think it is the beer diet! Just kidding. I think it is the exercise, chasing and being chased by Graemer.

Miley is still very snobish to Gabe but has stopped the horrible behavior i.e. hissing, swatting and general ugliness! :rolleyes:

07-29-2002, 07:55 AM
That is a great shot of Gabe and Graemer sharing the window sill and the view :) !!


Many a day would Gabe walk on my printer...try printing a page while he's oon it!! ;) He'll intently watch it print out :)

07-29-2002, 01:13 PM
Miley's a very smart girl to get rid of that nasty collar. My Bodhi keeps playing with my socks and now I have many mismatched pairs. Who knows where these things disappear to. It's worse than the washing machine.... but a collar that size...... Hugs to Miley. My female is the feisty one too.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-29-2002, 04:30 PM
Great pictures, SAS! :) Seems both Graemer and Gabe are characters. That Graemer is something else though with how he always has to be on top of things. :D And it's funny to see the two of them sitting in the window. They are both beautiful cats, but they are so different that you have to appreciate each one separately (if you get what I'm trying to say). And with Graemer at only 6.5 pounds and Gabe at 15, it's good to see that Graemer pinned Gabe - otherwise I might worry that Gabe might turn into the big bully type (like Tubby) but that doesn't seem to be the case. It really looks like he's enjoying himself and is real happy in his new home. Such a nice heartwarming story, how can we not like following it. :D

07-29-2002, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
She managed to make her first E-collar disappear so I had to spring for a new E-collar this last visit!

Miley, that is so funny. What an ingenious little girl you are. Plenty of brains packed in those 5.5 lbs.