View Full Version : ~Sighthound Play~

12-16-2006, 03:32 AM
I'm eagerly awaiting becoming a first-time sighthound mom in 2007 :D I have only had orally-fixated Springer Spaniels in the past, so am wondering what types of toys your sighthounds enjoy?? My only sighthound-owned friend's Borzois prefer large plush toys with multiple squeakers, but only while they still squeak. Are your hounds destructive with toys? My last Springer was very destructive with his toys. Although he loved vinyl squeak toys, they were destroyed within 10 minutes. None of our 3 Springers liked rope toys, only my last pup enjoyed Nylabones. Looking forward to replies ;)

12-16-2006, 05:38 PM
My guys love ( !!) stuffed toys with squeekers and rubber bones. For a long time, Zubins favorite was this star toy with a squeeker on each star end. They really are not much of players with toys, but my younger ones love the rubber bones, especially the ones with the pimples on them, or a rubber star that bounces. Kongs are a waste of time they say, ( and your money). They also like knotted old socks or dishtowels. Typically they do not fetch, but Zubin does ( go figure..) .. Sighthounds see fetch as a waste of time- they figure you are not a good partner if you just let the pray get away.. lol..
Strange entertainment is animal planets funniest videos as they love the chase the little animals across the screen. But I warn you- they get intense, and if the big tv is on which is next to the woodstove ( use to be fireplace) they would dive into the fireplace after what ran across the screen... lol..
I am attaching a few pictures but here is my favorite video of my older male having a good time with a show on k-9 competition- notice the slow wagging tail ( highly excited for a sighthound) and his bark out of frustration not able to get the dog on the tv... lol.. They also like the wild kingdom type shows and love to chase the zebras etc.. http://video.tinypic.com/player.php?v=30c6nme

12-16-2006, 05:42 PM
Jenny (greyhound X whippet) isn't much of a toy fan. She loves those red-blue and white striped bouncy balls. She has one brand of squeeky that she likes, probably because it's the loudest one on the market. :rolleyes: When she was younger she would play with a rope-tug-toy, but she quickly lost intrest in it. She had a plush bone she liked, but she killed it and didn't like the replacement. :rolleyes: It was given to us as a gift, so we can't buy another like it. :(





As you can see, we have mulitple of the one kind she likes. :rolleyes:


EDIT: Borzoimom, I didn't realise Borzois had such long faces :eek: they're even longer than Jennys! (which you don't see everyday )

12-16-2006, 05:49 PM
Jenny isn't destructive with her toys at all, they are really thin and really cheap and last REALLY long. They get a lot of use.

I would HIGHLY reccomend a Kong, if you don't already have one. They are the best invention ever, And a wonderful investment. I bought Jenny one October 2004 and she hasn't put a dent in it, she uses it twice a day, everyday. (in her crate, with PB as you can guess, she loves her crate. ;) )

I have NEVER seen a damaged Kong. They last forever, even with the most destructive of dogs (don't get me started on Houbli (Husky) stories, MAJOR seperation axiety)

Kongs are really simple and highly effective, you fill them with peanut butter and the dog spends ages trying to get it out, it keeps them busy and out of trouble for hours!!! Jenny LOVES hers.

I was told sighthounds don't have much drive for retrieval, but Jenny does, so I guess some must. :rolleyes:

12-16-2006, 08:07 PM
I wouldn't say that every sighthound has similar playing quirks because I know Pharoahs, for example, are completely different from Greys. But from a Grey point of view, you can't go wrong with large plush toys with squeakers. Greys, in general, don't tend to be that destructive. A plush bear from the Dollar Store should last you at least a few weeks. :) Giselle *loved* her squeaky plush bear made by the Kong company. Additionally, one thing all sighthounds will love is a lure pole. I know a collar maker who sold lure poles on the side and I would have bought one if it hadn't been so expensive.

12-17-2006, 10:46 AM
Adele is a greyhound/terrier mix, and she doesn't really go for toys that much. She only enjoys toys when they are moving...she will chase a ball/stick, but lose interest as soon as the it hits the ground. :D She really prefers playing with our other dogs, and trying to play with the cats. Maybe you could get several kinds of toys and find the ones that interest your new dog the most.

12-18-2006, 05:43 PM
I should find Zubin and Galina one of those- they love those pimple bones and squeekers. It is it really hard plastic??

12-19-2006, 12:27 PM
I should find Zubin and Galina one of those- they love those pimple bones and squeekers. It is it really hard plastic??

Not really, it's sorta rubber. It's really stretchy. And loud. ;) I bought it at Wal-Mart for $2.99 (canadian)

12-19-2006, 06:20 PM
I had large stuffed dog safe toys for Hottie and Buddy for years. And Femka. Zubin was fine for a long time, then turned the stuffed toys into " snow" and fluff, and after the 100th time of picking up fuzz, we went back to just rubber bones and nylabones. They do love squeekers though- wow- BIG TIME!
And yes greyhoundgirl- borzois have very long faces- especially as young adults when they do not have the mane yet-lol.. I love the one of him with that long toy- .. What a knucklehead he is... lol.. :D

12-19-2006, 06:26 PM
I had large stuffed dog safe toys for Hottie and Buddy for years. And Femka. Zubin was fine for a long time, then turned the stuffed toys into " snow" and fluff, and after the 100th time of picking up fuzz, we went back to just rubber bones and nylabones. They do love squeekers though- wow- BIG TIME!
And yes greyhoundgirl- borzois have very long faces- especially as young adults when they do not have the mane yet-lol.. I love the one of him with that long toy- .. What a knucklehead he is... lol.. :D

I love the first attached picture. In the second one his eyes are all red. He looks very fond of that long toy.

I never gave Jenny stuffed plushie toys, out of fear she'd "confuse" mine and hers. (I have a rather large collecton of stuffed dogs) You think she would confuse mine and hers? I've heard many sighthounds love plushies, She's never had one. Well, in the last 2 years, anyways... :p

12-19-2006, 07:49 PM
Yea they do.. When Hottie was young, I worked at night at the Post office as a distribution supervisor. Anyway- I would come home to find not only Hottie's stuffed toys in a pile by the door, but half my daughters stuffed animals that were on a day bed in her room.. lol.. He would spend I bet most of the night quietly going in the room, take one to the door, then go back. She never heard him.. lol..

01-08-2007, 01:19 PM
From all these different posts, you can see the variations! :lol:
My three greys have very different play modes, sometimes involving toys, sometimes not. Noisemakers are fun ... as long as they last, and my three can perform squeekerectomies pretty darn fast! :rolleyes: NEW toys are always the favorites. I have one that will only play briefly with not-new toys, if he thinks you're not looking, but will drop it like it doesn't exist if he sees you watching. The other two like to play tug-o-war and keep-away together. One is a lure-pole NUT!

To make your own cheapo lure pole, get an 8' length of pvc pipe at your local hardware store, drill a hole through one end, tie a strong lightweight nylon rope through it, with a stuffie or plastic milk jug tied to the other end. Voila! Lure pole! The milk jug is nice and light for you, and for some reason a real hoot for the hound. The stuffie works well if it's too windy for the jug.

Go easy on the lure pole games, though. They can work themselves into a complete collapse if you let them. Give it about 15 minutes and see how it goes. My strong young (18 month old) puppy will be flinging drool by 20 minutes, and pant for an hour afterwards. Be careful about food and water for about an hour before and after such a work out (possibility of bloat), but it's a GREAT way to get your pup tired out in a short period! My Pogo gives it two paws way up!

Oh, one more note about that. He really goes into some crazy contortions to catch the flying lure, and has twice pulled a muscle in his neck/shoulders that caused him some real discomfort for a week or 10 days afterwards. It IS a work out, so it does come with some risk.

01-08-2007, 05:23 PM
For the most part, sighthounds are not " toy fanatics"... They have a chosen toy, and thats about it.. However- anything to chase - OH YEA!! Even bubblebees are fair game!!

01-08-2007, 10:51 PM
Oooh, is this Xan with Wabi? Welcome to the boards! I hope you stay and share more about your pups (and especially your art!). I've always admired Wabi from afar. She has such a different beauty that radiates from within :)

01-09-2007, 01:39 PM
That's me! And it's true, Wabi's beauty does shine out from within her peculiar and bendy insides! :lol:
She does like toys, btw, and is very strict with them, barking at them most severely if they don't behave. (She is the fun police in my pack, and barks at the others - and even us sometimes - when we get wound up.)

Maybe greyhounds like toys more than other sighthounds?

01-10-2007, 02:03 PM

*Picks self off floor* So gorgeous! *melts again, and is back to position on floor*

01-10-2007, 05:05 PM
Yeah. Wabi has that effect on people! :D

01-10-2007, 08:56 PM
Aw, so glad to see that pretty little face again :D Talk about bendy noses LOL