View Full Version : What funny things has your pet done lately?

12-15-2006, 09:12 PM
We all know that our pets sometimes do somethings thats just down right funny. If you have a pet that has done something really funny recently please feel free to explain the experience.

I have a ferret named Lakota, I know the minute I say ferret your thinking its gotta be something really funny. He loves to play bite the people, but this time he got a little side tracked and accedently bit the cat! Lakota chased my oversized kittie around my room, instead of the other way around. Ever since then my cat chooses to sit high on my desk next to my laptop instead of on the ground were the dangerous ferret lies waiting!!! lol :D

12-16-2006, 01:24 PM
lol I would have to say that my fish did something funny this week. My cat Bobo always snots everywhere that's funny, but its been a normal thing for 15 years.

Anyways the other day I was just in my room as usual and I had just tooken a glance at my fish tank, and just as I looked I saw one of my little fishes comnig up behind my big giant Comet/koi hybred fish and the little fish scared my big Comet so much that she jumped up and hit her head on the top of my fish tank cover. don't worry she never hurt herself, she actually will try and lift the cover by hitting it once and a blue moon. But it was so funny just hearing the sound lol. She doesn't usually get scared lol. I think her head is made of cement or something lol. She must have a really strong skull.

12-16-2006, 02:27 PM
This is probably only funny to me, but I thought I'd share anyway.
The other morning I was trimming Taz, my kitty, nails. He is pretty good when I do this, and sorta bites (not hard) my hand while I do it. So when I was finished I had set the clippers down and was loving on him. He grabbed the clippers in his mouth and ran a few steps away trying to "kill" the clippers. I'd never seen him carry something in his mouth and run like that. I laughed out loud.

12-17-2006, 12:18 PM
haha don't worry it wasn't only funny to you. That was hilarious! The cat is certainly smart though to know its the clippers that chop his nails off lol. Thanks for sharing!

12-17-2006, 12:35 PM
My lovebird sure has not been funny, he keeps biting my cheeks with his sharp beak, it doe's not hurt realy but sometimes he'll peck at my scratches and it HURTS so bad I'll just tap his beak and say NO bad Shiney lol.

12-17-2006, 06:49 PM
This is probably only funny to me, but I thought I'd share anyway.
The other morning I was trimming Taz, my kitty, nails. He is pretty good when I do this, and sorta bites (not hard) my hand while I do it. So when I was finished I had set the clippers down and was loving on him. He grabbed the clippers in his mouth and ran a few steps away trying to "kill" the clippers. I'd never seen him carry something in his mouth and run like that. I laughed out loud.
That wasn't just funny to you I thought it was pretty funny! lol :)

12-18-2006, 03:45 PM
Ginny(my kitten) was rolling around on my bed and she rolled right off. She wasn't hurt just surpised and confused.

12-18-2006, 04:54 PM
Ginny(my kitten) was rolling around on my bed and she rolled right off. She wasn't hurt just surpised and confused.
my cat does that alot! lol :)

12-19-2006, 01:04 PM
All my pets are pretty much non-funny creatures 90% of the time. But its funny how people react to them, thats the funny part, so I'll share those stories :D

When I got Lilly my Rosie Trantula, Chad was scared of her casue shes a GIANT bug. I forget how it happened, but Lilly was spooked & she jumped onto the glass of her tank. Well that scared the hell out of Chad.. he SCREAMED & ran out of my room :rolleyes: :D

Chad is a 6' 20yr old male. Hearing him scream like a girl & running for his life was ALL too funny for me HAHAHA :D


Mango is a foot long Red Devil (fish). Hes VERY VERY VERY agressive!!! I play with him often & he tries to kill me every chance he gets :rolleyes:

Anywho, Chad was walking by Mango's tank & Mango Charged!! He hit the side of the tank HARD & bit down HARD making this WHAM noise & CHOMP noise at the same time, while splashing water & shaking his tank a little.

Poor Chad Screamed, jumped & tripped onto his water bed HAHAHA :D
I burst out laughing at Chad... I had to run for my life, but didn't get within 5 feet before Chad chased me down, sat on me, & poured water onto my head :rolleyes:

Men, they look all tough, but deep down inside they are really wussies :D :D

12-19-2006, 01:58 PM
Sometimes when CC looks at my face his eyes will get all wide like he is terrified, and then he'll jump off my bed and run. I feel so loved. :rolleyes:

12-19-2006, 02:52 PM
All my pets are pretty much non-funny creatures 90% of the time. But its funny how people react to them, thats the funny part, so I'll share those stories :D

When I got Lilly my Rosie Trantula, Chad was scared of her casue shes a GIANT bug. I forget how it happened, but Lilly was spooked & she jumped onto the glass of her tank. Well that scared the hell out of Chad.. he SCREAMED & ran out of my room :rolleyes: :D

Chad is a 6' 20yr old male. Hearing him scream like a girl & running for his life was ALL too funny for me HAHAHA :D


Mango is a foot long Red Devil (fish). Hes VERY VERY VERY agressive!!! I play with him often & he tries to kill me every chance he gets :rolleyes:

Anywho, Chad was walking by Mango's tank & Mango Charged!! He hit the side of the tank HARD & bit down HARD making this WHAM noise & CHOMP noise at the same time, while splashing water & shaking his tank a little.

Poor Chad Screamed, jumped & tripped onto his water bed HAHAHA :D
I burst out laughing at Chad... I had to run for my life, but didn't get within 5 feet before Chad chased me down, sat on me, & poured water onto my head :rolleyes:

Men, they look all tough, but deep down inside they are really wussies :D :D
thats lol!!!!! :p

12-19-2006, 03:34 PM
This afternoon, I was sitting on the couch with Colbi, when she decided to clean herself. When she was finished, she lifted her head and I saw her teeth were chattering. Then she drooled all over my leg. Something must have tasted bad! :p

12-19-2006, 03:40 PM
This afternoon, I was sitting on the couch with Colbi, when she decided to clean herself. When she was finished, she lifted her head and I saw her teeth were chattering. Then she drooled all over my leg. Something must have tasted bad! :p
i wonder what it could have been? what type of animal is colbi?

12-20-2006, 04:52 PM
Pua was eating and I blew my nose and it hissed. It must have sounded like a big anteater to her, most of her "words" are hisses, and she leapt up and did a kung fu flip onto her back and arms and legs spread out ready to defend herself. Took awhile to calm her down again.

She looked kind of like this but she was playing here

Queen of Poop
12-20-2006, 05:13 PM
I'm not sure this is that funny, but it's really sweet. Last night I was sad because it had been one week since I had Sebastian PTS. I was sitting on the floor with Sasha (12 year old border collie cross). I looked at her and asked her for a hug cause mommie was sad. She came over to me and put her head against my chest. This made me cry more than I already was, it was just so darn sweet.