View Full Version : Indoor bathroom dog antics-

12-14-2006, 11:53 AM
And no I do not mean going potty in the house...
Femka loves a bath.. If she is dirty at all, she puts herself in the tub, and waits. I have 4 bathrooms in the house, but usually its the main one. I have to now leave the curtain open to the showers or else you are not paying attention when the curtain starts to move. She has scared a guest or two, and even the kids are not use to this..
Also when Zubin was a puppy, he loved toilet paper- one time we had a business associate over at the house of my husbands, when here comes zubin- flying up the hallway with toilet paper in his mouth, that went alllll the way to the back bathroom!
I try to remember to keep the doors shut- but since its cold- I like the doors open to keep the bathrooms warmer..
Anyone else have bathroom antics?,

12-14-2006, 11:58 AM
:D Lol. Ebony is a total bathroom freak. She loves baths also, if I dont keep the shower doors closed she jumps in the tub. She also loves to eat the toliet paper, get in the trash and pull the socks out of the dirty clothes. I have to keep our bathroom door shut now. ;)

12-14-2006, 12:01 PM
No bathroom antics, but a lot of other antics are around here. Such as a cow slaughter....lol. ;) My household is crazy. Although the image of a dog tearing through the house with a roll of toilet paper stringing it everywhere makes for a very funny image....lol. I can just seeeee that.

12-14-2006, 12:03 PM
" Oh yea- we have Borzois out of the top lines out of the US, .. " my husband was saying to this coworker as Zubin comes flying up the hallway with a 30 foot long piece of toilet paper behind him... ( uh huh- elegant dogs of Russian Tsars...rofl) :D

12-14-2006, 12:07 PM
ROFL! Ellegance everywhere! It's funny how you'll be building them up, and making them sound soooo great, and then they have to go and run a muck....lol. It's like they have radar or something. They know when to pop in with the sillyness.

12-14-2006, 12:08 PM
Worse than kids.. lol.. ( like this one " my child is a honor student, top in their class" about then they blow milk out their nose... )

12-14-2006, 01:33 PM
My dogs and cats are always in the shower, thats where we keep the water bowl, Lou Lou is a messy drinker and I got tired of cleaning the wood floors after she would drink, sometimes I wonder if she keeps anything in her mouth! Winchester use to sleep in the shower when he was a puppy, that was before he reliezed how cozy the couch is! I love the story about the toliet paper, that would be a site to see! :D

12-14-2006, 01:46 PM
oh yea!!! " dignified, calm and reserve" written all over his toilet paper face.. lol..

Love That Collie
12-14-2006, 06:13 PM
Yeah, Chloe (5 1/2 months old) likes toilet paper too. When she first discovered it and strung it up and down the hallway, having a HI OLE fun time of it when I caught her, I scolded her, told her "no", took it away and got the vaccum out and swept it all up as she watched.

I keep the toilet paper in a pretty white wire basket which is why she had the entire roll. So, instead of closing the bathroom door because I wanted to teach her NOT to do that I put a penny can on top of the toilet paper. Well, she of course was curious and the next time she visited the tp basket she knocked it over, the pennies clanged and made a noise and I heard it and said "no" and she backed off. I replaced the penny can (which is a Coke Cola can taped on the top) on the tp.

The next evening I was on the computer and I heard her beside of my chair........she had brought me, very quietly, the penny can AND the toilet paper and placed them beside of my chair and she sat there until I did look down. She never made one sound with that can. I felt the top of the can and it was wet, she had picked it up as it stood in it's upright position by the top of the can, she never clanged a penny. :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure this was a "message" to ME..........I can STILL get the toilet paper and that penny can can be overcome too, Mom.!

12-14-2006, 06:20 PM
LoL, some of these are too funny.

My two little ones dont do anything really.

Travis on the other hand (when ISNT he doing something? :p )
The one day I decided to let him in the bathroom with me while I showered provided some laughs. I think he thought something bad was happening to me in the shower. If I completely shut the shower door he would scratch at it and whine and try to stick his nose in. Once I opened it a bit he would peek his head in the door to make sure mom was alright. He was really torn...he wanted to come in and save mom but part of him was afraid of the water (yet he'll play in his kiddy pool I bought for him. go figure). I kept seeing his big black nose poke into the shower. I thought it was too cute. That dog is so protective of me, he can't stand to have me out of his site.

12-14-2006, 07:12 PM
And no I do not mean going potty in the house...
Femka loves a bath.. If she is dirty at all, she puts herself in the tub, and waits. I have 4 bathrooms in the house, but usually its the main one. I have to now leave the curtain open to the showers or else you are not paying attention when the curtain starts to move. She has scared a guest or two, and even the kids are not use to this..
Also when Zubin was a puppy, he loved toilet paper- one time we had a business associate over at the house of my husbands, when here comes zubin- flying up the hallway with toilet paper in his mouth, that went alllll the way to the back bathroom!
I try to remember to keep the doors shut- but since its cold- I like the doors open to keep the bathrooms warmer..
Anyone else have bathroom antics?,

Oh my goodness, Femka, I think I'd die laughing if you surprised me in the bathroom! What a story I'd have to tell in heaven! "So, St. Peter, there I was washing my hands..."

I don't know if it is different for cat families, but there is a rule at my house that the cat must never find herself on the wrong side of a closed bathroom door. I either have to leave the bathroom door ajar or close it with both of us inside.

12-14-2006, 07:13 PM
Out toilet paper has been up on the top of the medicine cabinet since Lacey moved in. :rolleyes: The toilet paper holder is holding dust.

12-14-2006, 08:22 PM
My dogs aren't allowed in the bathrooms unless their getting a bath. The bathrooms are both on the side of the house that is 'cats only'. The cats love the bathrooms though, we even have a cat bed in one of them.

Jake, my basenji mix, loves paper towels, napkins, and kleenex, so I'm sure if he had the chance he'd be playing with the toilet paper too. I've accidentally left a box of kleenex on the couch twice and come back to find all the tissues pulled out and spread all over the floor. Very few of them were torn apart, most were just pulled out of the box. I've also had Jake grab a roll of paper towels from me and go running off. I always have to be careful when I'm cleaning to set the paper towels high enough that he can't reach them. He likes my Swiffer duster too.

12-14-2006, 11:00 PM
swiffer duster??? oh no.. thats what I want for christmas... lol...

12-15-2006, 12:31 AM
I was at my parent's house and ahhhh "busy" in the bathroom and Keegan got ahold of a WHOLE ROLL of TP and SHREDDED it and all I could do (like I said ahhh BUSY) was watch her.
Keegan will shred any kind of toilet paper, tissues, napkins, paper towels, mail laying on the floor. When she was a puppy she annihilated a box of tissues while I was asleep - fell asleep while she was out of her crate OOPS - and I woke up wondering how the snow got INTO the house! ;) :confused: We just talked about this at work today that she swiped a money order from my mom to a credit card from my purse from the back seat (purse was in the front seat) and ate half of it! And since Money order's are treated as cash - she wasn't refunded! :( we were both in the dog house!
Keegan once stuck her head in the trash can to get to the tissues and stuff and got the lid stuck on her head. after I got done laughing I got it off her head...
We had an ice storm 2 years and I believe it was PT's own PHRED advised me to keep my bathroom cupboard open so the pipes wouldn't freeze while the power was out - the door was open for maybe 10 min when I walked into the bathroom and the TP roll was SHREDDED by Kloe the kitten! She loves to take chunks of toilet paper out of the roll, but only if it is on the roll!

here is Keegan "RED HANDED"
killing a stuffie
and with the wastebasket lid on her head.
doesn't she look pitiful

12-15-2006, 06:39 AM
Those pictures are cute!! I would have stopped to take pictures too if I caught one of mine with a trash can lid on their heads... lol..

12-15-2006, 09:02 AM
Those pictures are cute!! I would have stopped to take pictures too if I caught one of mine with a trash can lid on their heads... lol..

12-15-2006, 09:09 AM
Staci, those pictures of Keegan are a real hoot! Other than drinking the nice cold water, mine have never destroyed anything in the bathroom because they are hardly ever in the house. However, Star did figure out what a bathroom is for and promptly peed on the floor in there! (only time she's ever peed in the house. Out in the studio, I had a large plastic tarp under the plants I brought in for the winter so I could water them without ruining the wood floor - she chose to pee on that too. That girl is one smart cookie. :rolleyes: )

12-15-2006, 10:33 AM
ROFL! Love the pics. of the trash can lid. Busted much? "I swear I did nothing....it fell."....lol. But she does look a tad pitiful. "Mannnn...this was sooo not the way I planned it." Funny stuff. :)

12-15-2006, 10:41 AM
Thanks for my morning laugh. She really does have that "busted" look on her face doesn't she?

12-15-2006, 01:10 PM
Thanks for my morning laugh. She really does have that "busted" look on her face doesn't she?
well except for where she is sticking her tongue out! :p