View Full Version : How Safe Are Your Animals

06-16-2002, 08:24 PM
The whole incident with Perry & Daisy has really gotten me interested in Codes & City Regulations concerning dogs. I can't help but think, "There but for the grace of God", go any of us.
You couldn't find two better animal guardians than Don
and Jackie, yet this awful thing has happened to their
family. I checked animal regulations in Indy and they are
roughly the same as San Diego. The San Diego Animal
Control website http://www.sddac.com and

http://www.sddac.com/legal.html suggests that the
neighbors were in clear violation of more than one law.
Not suprised that the animals are being kept out of sight.

Prayers and Best Wishes to Don, Jackie, Perry and Daisy.

06-16-2002, 08:31 PM
Liz, I think that Fort Wayne has a 1 bite law that gives the animal the benefit of the doubt 1 time. I wouldn't think that a vicious attack like that on Daisy and Perry though would be tolerated. I know at the shelter they have a room for vicious dogs that no one can handle. I hope that when Daisy and Perry are back home again that Jackie and Don go after these people, although, other than throwing her in jail, there isn't much that can be done with the woman if she is section 8. My thought is that, as difficult as it was, when Smokey killed Butterscotch, we did what we had to do and that was to put Smokey down.

I'm hoping that what they did was move the dogs to another location so that Jackie and Don don't have to worry anymore.

06-17-2002, 10:39 AM

I was just thinking that moving the dogs elsewhere, doesn't
solve the problem. It then becomes someone else's problem.
What if it's a child next time? I still don't think the A.C. person
there used good judgement by returning the dogs to the owner.

06-17-2002, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by lizbud

I was just thinking that moving the dogs elsewhere, doesn't
solve the problem. It then becomes someone else's problem.
What if it's a child next time? I still don't think the A.C. person
there used good judgement by returning the dogs to the owner.

I whole heartedly agree. If it had been a child, the news would of been all over the story. But they just brush it off because it was a dog that was attacked.

That in of itself makes me sick. :mad: :mad: :( :(

06-17-2002, 10:58 AM

After checking the City Code on Animals Control's website,
it looks like the laws are in place to deal with this kind of
situation, but the "policy" of enforcement leaves a lot to be
desired. Who knows, maybe their A.C. people are told to use
their own judgement, case by case. It's just totally wrong.
Jackie & Don, should never have to look at those dogs ever
again. Noboby else's animals are safe either as long as the
dogs are allowed to stay with negligent owners.

06-17-2002, 11:04 AM
And the fact that Jackie was told that she would have to fix the fence.... grrrrrrrrrrr.... that just irks me to no end.

06-17-2002, 02:19 PM
I wonder how AC released the dogs to the owners when they left Perry and Daisy in such a condition.

I feel sorry for those dogs. It is their owners' fault though. I hope they are never loose again and that noone, human or animal, gets hurt.