View Full Version : Poop Question...

12-13-2006, 05:33 PM
I got home tonight to find that Fenway had an accident. He's has accident's in the past. The last time it was right on my bed & it went through the sheets and to the mattress (I actually got a new mattress because of it - and a waterproof mattress pad).

Anyhow, I went to pick it up (it's runny & it doesn't smell like normal poop).

Two questions:

1. Why doesn't it smell like normal poop? If it's not poop, what is it - bile?
2. When I went to pick it up, it stained my kitchen floor - blue! Why do you think it stained the floor & why blue? What could be in it? The "poop" wasn't blue.

Thanks for helping me with these somewhat strange questions. But it's really bothering me.

12-13-2006, 05:35 PM
Now- I would call the vet. ..

12-13-2006, 05:40 PM
Some linoleum will turn blue when it gets moist.

What does it smell like? Is their blood in it?

I would keep an eye on him, I personally don't think you need to rush him to the vet tonight. How is he acting? Is he eating and drinking?

12-13-2006, 05:54 PM
Honey- at this point I think you need to call the vet. It is the holidays, and maybe the dog ate something not approved .. I am sorry, but I can not see the dog, and it sounds like a medical situation or potentially one. Just give them a call..

12-13-2006, 06:15 PM
There is no blood in it and he is acting normal (also, it sort of smells like poop now that I threw it in the garbage - now my garbage stinks really bad). I took him for a short walk and he went hunting for mice like he normally does. Then he ate his supper & some of the cats supper like he normally does. He ate a snack and now he's chewing on his "chewie" (a cow hoof) like he normally does.

He has these accidents once in awhile (like every 3 months or something).

I'm wondering about the dog food he had today. It's Merrick (which he normally has) but it's catfish. I don't normally buy the catfish can. Maybe he is allergic to catfish.

I will watch him tonight. The vet isn't opened until tomorrow morning. My sister is dog sitting him tomorrow so I will have her watch him closely.

The blue floor kind of freaked me out. Sounds like I have a permanent stain to help me remember this incendent.

Thanks for answering my questions everybody.

I'll keep you posted on his "issue".

12-13-2006, 06:16 PM
Yeah my casey has a sensitive tummy...when I change food I have to do it very gradually. Even though its the same brand it its a different type I am sure that is what is going on. Glad he is doing good.

12-13-2006, 06:22 PM
Ahh.. could be the cat fish...

12-14-2006, 12:10 PM
How is Fenway doing???

12-14-2006, 12:14 PM
Ohhh Catfish.... that could be it!

How is he?

12-14-2006, 12:36 PM
He woke me up at 4am to go poop. He was chewing his cow hoof all night so I was expecting to get up early to let him out to poop. It was a normal poop too. He peed too.

I brought him to my sister's this morning and he peed again. She usually emails me to let me know he's pooped (because he never poops for her & she gets excited if he does) but I haven't gotten the email yet. She doesn't understand that he has to poop in the woods and she has to tell him to "go big boy potty." :D

He was acting normal this morning.

I'm thinking it was the catfish. My boss said that some dogs don't digest fish as well as meat or chicken. So I won't be buying the Merrick Catfish anymore. I'll stick with the meat & chicken.

Thank you for your answers again and thanks for asking how he's doing. :)

12-14-2006, 12:37 PM
Oh...sometimes he gets tunafish and he's okay with that. I just think it was the catfish. Strange, huh? Oh well.

12-14-2006, 12:58 PM
ROFL....only us on pettalk would understand your sister emailing you when Fenway poops!

Glad he is pooping normal now.