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Toby's my baby
12-12-2006, 11:02 PM
I thought I would share with you my day since so many people vent about there bad days. (Not a bad thing, I actually like reading them) ;)
Well, it was my Birthday today, and being in a new, bigger school I didn't think that many people would notice...boy was I wrong. I heard so many "Happy Birthday"'s today, and I said "thank you" more then ever today! :D
Also, during second hour at school, a lady walked in and asked if there was a Beth in the class and I said yes, and she gave me a paper to go to the Student Affairs office after class. I was very confused, and after class met my friend for lunch, and ran into my boyfriend on the way there and he was completly normal, gave me a little kiss and told me to have fun with Toni ( my best friend) I get to the Student Affair's office and they handed me RED ROSES!! My eyes got all teary because I knew they were from my boyfriend. The card read "Hope you have a great day, Love Josh" I found him and gave him a big hug and said thanks. :p I felt so special ;)
After school, me and my twin sister went on got professional pictures taken at this really cool place. We are friends with the lady, and I told her I really wanted a job there and she said I probably could get one. The pictures are going to be SO cute! :D lol, I'm really excited, I'll be sure to share them with you. I even brought the roses in, and she took pictures with those too.
After pictures, we went out to eat with my parents, which was ok. Nothing too special, but we just talked and had a nice meal.

Ok, I'm done "venting". ;)

Hope everyone else had a great day!

12-12-2006, 11:05 PM
Happy Birthday! You know, reading this really did cheer me up a little bit to hear about someone's good day.

12-12-2006, 11:33 PM
I'm so glad you had a great birthday. I'll bet those roses were beautiful. You should dry a few of them and do something special with them. Even if you just put them in your yearbook or something like that.

12-12-2006, 11:56 PM
What a beautiful day! Happy Birthday! I'm glad it was great! I'll bet the roses were awesome. Can't wait to see the pictures!!!!

12-13-2006, 01:04 AM
Happy birthday, and I have to say it's refreshing to hear about someone's good day!