View Full Version : The Saga of Pet Store Employees

12-12-2006, 07:46 AM
I know everyone posts about how horrible pet stores and their employees are...but I thought this was worth mentioning.

I was at Petsmart yesterday picking up a few things and happened to walk by the leash/collar aisle. I saw a red haired petsmart employee struggling with a customers dog, a very petite (completely adorable) pittie x that weighed maybe 30 lbs. I wondered what was going on, so I nonchalantly walked over the other side of the aisle and pretended to look at beds. The employee was trying to get a pinch collar on the dog OVER the dogs head, not by unhooking a link and reattaching it around the neck, but in such a way that you could damage it's eye or something. Plus the dog was very frightened about having that thing go over its head. Finally the guy held the dog and she got it on (I was by then watching the battle somewhat amusedly).

To top it off...the collar was sized for about a 90lb rottweiler! Half the collar was just hanging off the dog, and the links were WAY too big, and the guy was looking really doubtful about its effectiveness. I had to step in...I started talking to the guy, and we chose a collar that was the correct size for the dog, and then started to put it on. The employee barged in to put the collar on (I think she was upset because she was an IDIOT), and I let her do it..but she put it on incorrectly..it's the kind that sort of clips together. I was trying to direct her how to do it, but the employee literally said "We don't need YOUR help, obviously you don't know what you're doing!". :eek: :mad: And I said, "Obviously you don't need my business here, either!" And left the carriage, with miscellaneous things and a 40lb bag of dog food sitting there.

From now on I shop at my normal petsmart, I usually don't go to this one due to the idiots that work there.

12-12-2006, 08:03 AM
I have met a couple idiots in these places. The fish section employees are down right scary on tank conditions and fish communittee recomendations.
The last dog idiot was in the food aisle as I was there to get my "Ol Mother Hubbard" cookies. This employee was talking to a lab owner about training. The lady had a bag of food. The employee told ( get this one) when asked how to make their dog calmer at dinner time- to " run the dog in the yard then when the dog comes in, they will be tired, and then feed them". I just about had a stroke. I said " you have GOT TO BE KIDDING? That is the fastest way in the way to give a dog bloat to feed after exercise.." The owner looked at me and said " what is bloat?". I turned her bag over and it stated right on the bag, " DO NOT FEED RIGHT AFTER EXERCISE".. We had a little chat about this condition and the warning signs.
As I walked out of the aisle to go to the casheir, the employee came back to me and said she didnt appreciate being corrected in front of a customer. I said " you would have been alot more embarassed if this lady came back in tomorrow with the report her dog died during the night of bloat, and the caution was on the bag- and you told her otherwise. I wonder how liable you would have been for your words " of advice" then...

12-12-2006, 09:59 AM
I really do not understand people sometimes. I know they're employees and are supposed to help people out, but where do they get the idea that they know everything? I'm sorry, but there is no shame in not knowing and asking maybe an employee who might know, or someone else. Especially a younger person. No adult in their right mind would expect them to know everything. If I wasn't sure about something you're darn right I'm asking someone. I'd be smart to, and stupid not to. Although the guy that wanted that pinch collar for a 30 lb. dog (could be a puppy I gather?) makes me wonder what for. It's a 30 lb. dog. Woooo that's a big one!...lol. Poor dog is probably tramatized now. Already scared, and then you have 2 people standing over you all frustrated. Jeez. Poor pup.

12-12-2006, 10:39 AM
I believe that the customers should realize that many of the employees at these pet stores (especially the huge, discount stores like Petco, Petsmart, etc) are probably minimum wage people or part time people, trying to earn a living. I know what I want BEFORE I go into a store like that and do not depend on the employees of that store to be experts in proper pet care. I am not defending their attitudes, by any means, but I do not expect them to be my "experts", ever!!!! These stores provide a huge service to those of us who have pets and need to get as many discounts and breaks, financially, as possible. I have certainly been dismayed at the lack of care I have witnessed at times, especially with the fish and small marine animals (hermit crabs come to mind, right now), but I have chosen not to buy live animals there for just that reason.

12-12-2006, 12:05 PM
Although the guy that wanted that pinch collar for a 30 lb. dog (could be a puppy I gather?) makes me wonder what for. It's a 30 lb. dog.

The dog was some kind of pit mix...one of those really small ones, almost kind of looked like Roxy, but just small in general, maybe between 9mo-1yr.
I guess he originally wanted a choke collar, but the employee convinced him to go with a pinch, which I do agree that pinches do less damage than a choke.

I don't expect them to be experts either-I was once told you could put angelfish in with platies and that angelfish didn't get much bigger than they were at the pet store. :eek: Yeah, right! But an unsuspecting person wouldn't know petter, and they would see the commercials (High Trained Associates Ready to Answer Every Question!) and think the employee might be knowledgable.

Funny thing is, I worked at Petsmart for about two weeks. The books they give you to train with is just about where certain products are. My MANAGER, the manager of the specialty department which does the fish, rodents, birds, and reptiles, told a customer that you should only feed a betta once a week and that it can be kept in one of the cups it came in. :eek:

12-12-2006, 03:45 PM
Just reading through this thread, and I have to agree. Except, it does depend on the store (I guess). I have both a PetCo and a PetSmart nearby. The folks at PetCo are just as you described above. Peole working to make some money, not a lot of background, little or no training - except on how to use the register.

But the PetSmart here is excellent, the folks really do have a lot of good info. They all have, and have had, pets for a long time. And they aren't afraid to say they don't know. Still, as someone mentioned already, I generally have already done my research before I go in there, and I know what I want

12-12-2006, 04:05 PM
I read your responses and had to post.

I am an employee of Petco and take my job very seriously. I am very knowledgeable on cats, their care, rescuing, trapping, etc. I take offense at being called an idiot. The employees at Petco are trained in all kinds of animals, ferrets, rats, birds, reptiles, fish, etc. I have SOME knowledge of dogs, but not alot. I try to help each and every customer out any way I can. If I don't know the answer to one of their questions, I get someone who does.

Although your individual experiences may have been isolated, please don't stereotype ALL Petco or pet shop employees as idiots.

Suki Wingy
12-12-2006, 05:30 PM
I don't steriotype, especially because most of the petsmart employees at my local store are ok. One guy was dead set on making sure every single dog was trained with a harness though. :rolleyes: If you know a thing about training, you know nothing works for every single dog. Niņo was actually healing for once in his prong and he reccomended a harness to me when I stopped just to look at them. One lady also sold us a dwarf pleco for our betta's tank, then we found out this species prefers cool water when we'd told her we kept a heater on the betta's tank! I witnessed a horrible thing the other day in the fish section. A girl was holding a plastic goldfish bowl shapped thingy, but it looked like it would hold about one cup. Her friend who apperently had had fish before was helping her decide on the ONE fish to put in there, and they were looking at plecos and plattys and mollies. I didn't stick around to see what would happen but I'll tell you one thing, I sure as hell wouldn't sell them it before making sure she wasn't going to keep it in that cup. :mad: :mad:

12-12-2006, 08:23 PM
they should have a sign at the front door that says "employees may not be fully informed about proper animal care."

Petsmart and Petco aren't the only stores that are like this. the petstore i worked out had the WRONG people in the back. when you are the animal care persons that are actually feeding, cleaning, and careing for the animals you learn so much more. the guy i worked with and myself hve heard so much crap from the "well trained" sales imployees. anything from "border collies are mellow" to "Akita's are a smaller breed". if you ask me most of the time the wrong people are selling the animals and merchandise.

12-12-2006, 09:01 PM
I wasn't saying that all the employees are idiots, just this particular store, they opened within the last six months and I think they recruited whoever they could. There are two petsmarts and one petco in my nearby area, the other petsmart is much better, and if I have a question the trainer is usually there and will answer it for me, and I trust her. I just figured I would swing in quick on my way by that one. At Petco I normally only deal with the fish guy, and he is VERY knowledgable. Don't see many other employees around that store.

Aspen and Misty
12-12-2006, 09:37 PM
I do have to admit that I agree with moosmom. I work at Petsmart and I am certainly not an idiot when it comes to animals.

There have been times when I have tried to answer someone's question and may not of had the information 100% correct. I think it is time that people relize that as a human, we all make mistakes. Sometimes the wrong info is given, however I'm not going to knowingly lie to you and I don't think that most people do. Do you think that every person who works at Kroger (grocery store) can tell you which foods are good for you and which are bad for you? Or which milk is the healthiest for you? Of course not! So why are petstore employees expected to know every asspect of animals? Same as Moosmom, If I don't know the answer to a question I will gladly find someone who does.

Please do try to understand that we are normal human beings and we will make mistakes, please don't hold it against us.


12-12-2006, 09:39 PM
I have to say it........I'm really sick of people on here stereotyping employees at Petco and Petsmart. I've seen many threads like this. There's quite a few PT members (myself included) that happen to work at those stores, and for the record, I'm not a complete idiot. :rolleyes:

I know about dogs, and some about cats, I will answer questions about them. I will be the first to admit I don't know anything about small animals, so I direct them to somebody who does. I don't feel like it is my job to know about small animals, I'm a groomer, I only deal with dogs and cats.

12-12-2006, 11:26 PM
I'm an idiot, so I ask you guys everything. :D