View Full Version : Update On Rottie Mix Pups From Olney, Illinois, UPDATE ON PAGE 3. 12/26/06

12-11-2006, 09:13 AM
This is not good. I am taking the pups to the vet tomorrow morning (only opening). I am afraid one, if not both may have Parvo. She has had mushy stool since I got her and now it is straight liquid. She was eating great until this morning. She won't eat. She is alert, but very blah and her gums are pale. Her sister is eating and more alert, but if Butter has it, then more than likely so does Peanut. If it is Parvo, I can not afford the treatment. I am in tears here, all I want to do is save them, and now, I may not be able to. Not only am I worried about the Parvo, but I found little white bugs all over them last night. Kt_luvs-kitties says it may be Mange or Lice. I think it is Lice. I gave them a bath last night with some flea, tick, lice shampoo and it seemed to kill most of them. I put Frontline Top Spot (for puppies under 22 lbs) on them as well. I only used have a dose on each pup. I still see a couple of bugs moving today. I am so worried about them. I barely have enough funds for the visit. I will have to dip into the spaying funds I saved up for them. If anybody has any suggestions on what I can do today that may help these girls, please let me know....I am just a wreck about this. Pleas pray for these lil' lives. I know I did a good hting pulling them from the shelter, but now I am hoping I did the right thing. Thanks for listening.

12-11-2006, 09:19 AM
:( I'm so sorry.....
Please let us know when you get back from the vet.

12-11-2006, 09:23 AM
Don't lose hope yet, it is possible she is ill from the Frontline and no parvo. At least its something to hope for. Some dogs just dont' have good reactions to it so will keep our fingers crossed that this is just a temporary setback. I hope its not parvo. Let us know how it goes!

12-11-2006, 09:23 AM
That is a problem with doing rescue. When I did shepherds, I was always prepared with a major savings account.
Maybe where you got from has a vet that could help. Hard to say- Keep us posted when you get back from the vet.
Loose mushy stools could be from stress, or water change, even food change. Unless you see blood tinged, or dark muscus, hopefully it is not parvo.

12-11-2006, 09:54 AM
Don't lose hope yet, it is possible she is ill from the Frontline and no parvo. At least its something to hope for.
I hope that is all it is. I didn't even think of that....that gives me a little hope now. We will find out tomorrow. I will post when I know somthing.

That is a problem with doing rescue. When I did shepherds, I was always prepared with a major savings account.
Maybe where you got from has a vet that could help. Hard to say- Keep us posted when you get back from the vet.
Loose mushy stools could be from stress, or water change, even food change. Unless you see blood tinged, or dark muscus, hopefully it is not parvo.
Well, I was prepared, but not for this. Maybe not prepared enough. I have the money for altering and vaccines, and for my kids' christmas and birthday, but if is is Parvo! I did not see any blood in her stool. The first day (Sat.) it was mushy, no blood, no mucus. Yesterday is was just all liquid, but still no blood or mucus. I know that is a good sign. I am just worried because today she is not eating or drinking as of yet. She drank water at about four this morning, but nothing since. And she is just laying around all blah. I will post tomorrow when we know somthing. I just pray with all my heart it is not parvo.

12-11-2006, 10:01 AM
That sounds like a good sign honey. I think its digestive upset. Remember I said change in water can even do this.
After you go to the vet, and its just that, get some unflavored pedialyte and mix half and half in the water bowl. This will help with the digestion. I know you are feeding a puppy food, but try bil jac puppy. It turns to instant mush when you add any warm water, and that will help the stomach acids from working so hard.

My Peanuts
12-11-2006, 10:23 AM
No matter the outcome, you gave those pups a chance and you should feel good about that.

Good vibes coming your way for the little ones.

12-11-2006, 12:44 PM
That sounds like a good sign honey. I think its digestive upset. Remember I said change in water can even do this.
After you go to the vet, and its just that, get some unflavored pedialyte and mix half and half in the water bowl. This will help with the digestion. I know you are feeding a puppy food, but try bil jac puppy. It turns to instant mush when you add any warm water, and that will help the stomach acids from working so hard.
Would a digestion issue make her weak and blah? Not wanting to eat? She just drank som water. I gave her some pedialyte with a syringe earlier. I was told that would help her (anemia) if I mix it with a small amount of sugar. I am going to try that puppy food by Bill Jac. Thank you for the advice.

No matter the outcome, you gave those pups a chance and you should feel good about that.

Good vibes coming your way for the little ones.
I know I gave them a chance, but it is still so sad to know something maybe really wrong. Thank you for your kind words.

12-11-2006, 01:21 PM
I've been keeping up with this thread, having seen it last night in Cat and of course "dog General.

Praying real hard up here in the old "Mitten State" that "Butter" and "Peanut" will pull through!!!

I confess, however, that I have fallen in love with Hope~ :rolleyes: :cool:

God Be with "You" and those Adorable Pups!!!

12-11-2006, 02:11 PM
If you go back the yesterdays DOTD the story of the dogs said that the dog got parvo when a pup. The person didn't have the money either for vet treatments or visits. But she nursed him back to health at home.

Maybe Karen can some how get the email of that person and give it to you so she can help you. Just a suggestion.

12-11-2006, 02:17 PM
Would a digestion issue make her weak and blah? Not wanting to eat? She just drank som water. I gave her some pedialyte with a syringe earlier. I was told that would help her (anemia) if I mix it with a small amount of sugar. I am going to try that puppy food by Bill Jac. Thank you for the advice.

I know I gave them a chance, but it is still so sad to know something maybe really wrong. Thank you for your kind words.
A upset tummy makes them feel " seasick" and yes they will not eat. After the vet- try a handful of bil jac puppy, and add a little raw egg ( mixed prior so its not all white or yoke) and give her a drop of molassas or honey. That will help raise her sugar.
We need to wait to see what the vet says. Keep us posted- I am following this closely.

12-11-2006, 04:12 PM
Maybe it is a combination of a bad case of worms along with stress and food changes. I am encouraged that there is no blood in her stools. With the liquid diarrhea, she is probably very dehydrated and that will really drain your energy. I would try to force some pedialyte in her as much as possible. Please let us know what happens at the vet!

Thanks for giving these babies a chance!


12-11-2006, 06:36 PM
We at The Found Cat Hotel are praying hard for those Pups, that its something that they can get over.
You are doing the best that you can, which is a lot more that thier so called Guardians who discared them ever did.
God Bless You for caring.

12-11-2006, 07:34 PM
We here will be praying hard for them too. I have to agree with MyPeanuts though, you gave those pups a fighting chance they would have NEVER had at the shelter. I wish you all luck and I'll be sending good vibes and thoughts your way.

12-11-2006, 07:42 PM
How did it go???

12-11-2006, 08:35 PM
How did it go???
The Vet is scheduled for tomorrow morning. I will post as soon as I find something out. It may not be until about this time because I have work. Till tomorrow, I am giving her pedialyte by syringe every few hours. I pray she makes it. Right now, she is just laying there looking so sad. She ate just a tad bit tonight, but she attemped, that counts. Thank you everybody and I will be in touch.

12-12-2006, 12:35 AM
I'm sorry to hear about the puppies.:( I hope it's not parvo and that whatever it is can be treated easily. Lot's of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent their way.

12-12-2006, 05:29 AM
I am praying for these little babies to get better. Tracy you did a great thing rescuing the dogs along with the kittens and giving them hope and a chance at life. You have nothing to feel guilty about, though I know how you must feel.
Is Parvo something that Rotties are particularly prone too?
I googled it and it's a terrible disease :(

12-12-2006, 11:43 AM
Sounds like an upset tummy. I suspected Chipper of having parvo when he stopped eating and had bloody diarreha. Turns out is was either a stomach flu or a GI tract issue. Won't know till the blood tests come back.

I hope the puppies are Parvo negative and start bouncing back soon.

12-12-2006, 12:51 PM
Just got in from the vet. I am so sad to say that it IS Parvo. Both lil' girls have it. They are staying there to be treated. It will cost me over $600.00 to get them better. It was either that or put them down...and I could not do that. I look at their empty cage and just feel so bad. The vet said I did good with the Pedialyte and sugar blend, but there was nothing I myself could do. They will stay there until they are better. The vet said it could take up to a month if they survive. Butter is really sick, Peanut is not as bad. I just pray that they make it a can come back to me. If they make it I am seriously thinking about keeping Butter. Peanut has a home waiting if she survives. While they are there, they will be spayed and vaccinated once treatment is complete. I hope these girls have some fight left in them. They haven't even experienced puppyhood yet. Please fellow PTers, say lots of prayer for them. I have to find a way to get some funds saved up for these sweeties. Thank you everybody for your advice and comforting words. Deep in my heart, I knew this would be the result. I will post more when I hear an update about them.

critter crazy
12-12-2006, 12:58 PM
OMG!! I am o sorry to hear this, but I am so happy that you are giving them a fighting chance. I will pray for these sweet little girls to make it!!

12-12-2006, 01:07 PM
Just got in from the vet. I am so sad to say that it IS Parvo. Both lil' girls have it. They are staying there to be treated. It will cost me over $600.00 to get them better. It was either that or put them down...and I could not do that. I look at their empty cage and just feel so bad. The vet said I did good with the Pedialyte and sugar blend, but there was nothing I myself could do. They will stay there until they are better. The vet said it could take up to a month if they survive. Butter is really sick, Peanut is not as bad. I just pray that they make it a can come back to me. If they make it I am seriously thinking about keeping Butter. Peanut has a home waiting if she survives. While they are there, they will be spayed and vaccinated once treatment is complete. I hope these girls have some fight left in them. They haven't even experienced puppyhood yet. Please fellow PTers, say lots of prayer for them. I have to find a way to get some funds saved up for these sweeties. Thank you everybody for your advice and comforting words. Deep in my heart, I knew this would be the result. I will post more when I hear an update about them.
Can you post the vets phone number for us to make donations for the care? We could call and put credit on the bill.. ( I was afraid of this that is why I recommended the pedialyte and sugar.. ) Please list their address and phone number for us to help out here.

12-12-2006, 01:09 PM
Ugh I was really really trying to be hopeful and positive it wasn't Parvo. I hope they are able to get better. You have done everything you could and if they don't at least you tried, nobody else did. Will keep praying they get better!

Good idea BMom. I can donate some to help with their bill. They deserve a chance.

12-12-2006, 02:41 PM
Oh man. :( :(

While most of my bonus is being put towards Chipper's bill, I can set aside a little to send to you if we can do that. Let us know.

12-12-2006, 02:45 PM
Come on guys- we can help here.. All we need is the vets number and give a card number and an amount.. Anyone that does rescue needs our help.. This is a serious expense for her- plus she will hve to take precautions at her own home for several months to make sure the next rescue does not get this deadly- but treatable disease.
I am ready for the number- with all the members we have here even 10 dollars will go along way with a group of help..

12-12-2006, 03:10 PM
Oh, I am so very sorry!!!! :( I pray that these two little girls can pull through this. Yes, post the vet name and phone number!

12-12-2006, 03:21 PM
:) Count me in..
Oh, I am so very sorry!!!! :( I pray that these two little girls can pull through this. Yes, post the vet name and phone number!

12-12-2006, 08:31 PM
I am so moved by the willingness of everybody here on PT. You guys are just amazing...pure angels. I am forever in all of your debts....thank you from the bottom of my heart. This means so much.

I am so sorry I took so long to reply. I worked all day and came home to craziness! Here is the vet's number, hours, and my info.

Veterinary Info:

Animal Welfare League in Chicago Ridge, Illinios
(708) 636-8586 just follow the message
Hours are M-F 10 am to 7 pm Sat 10-8 (I think)

My info

Tracy Caccavella
Puppies are Rottie mixes 8 wks with Parvo taken in 12-12-06. Both girls named Peanut and Butter.

Thank you all so very very much.

God Bless.

12-12-2006, 08:34 PM
Honey- the calvary is coming.. Please do not worry.. Money is tight this time of year but I am sure we can do this... Just sit tight- try not to worry... here comes the horses...

12-12-2006, 08:58 PM
Tracy, I'm so sorry to hear that Peanut and Butter have parvo.:( I sure hope that the treatment will cure them of this terrible disease. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent their way.

Will the other dog that you rescued be safe from this? I sure hope so.

12-12-2006, 08:58 PM
I am going to call tomorrow from work to make a small donation to these adorable puppies!
Bless you for your love of animals.

12-12-2006, 09:19 PM
Will the other dog that you rescued be safe from this? I sure hope so.
I am hoping that she is okay. I am going to get her a parvo vaccine in the morning. I am feeling confident that she is okay. I am hoping that she is okay.

12-12-2006, 09:21 PM
As long as the other pups did not come into the fecal matter of the ones infected- they should be fine.. We just talked on the phone- bleach the crates they stayed in , leave them in the front yard, and close the room where they went from the others. This is spread by fecal- no other way...

12-12-2006, 09:34 PM
As long as the other pups did not come into the fecal matter of the ones infected- they should be fine.. We just talked on the phone- bleach the crates they stayed in , leave them in the front yard, and close the room where they went from the others. This is spread by fecal- no other way...
Thank you so much.

12-13-2006, 12:05 AM
Tracy, I will call in my donation tomorrow! Thanks for the info, and prayers coming for these babies!

Kim ;)

12-13-2006, 12:14 AM
It's true, money is tight this year, but I'll do what I can. With the exchange rate and all, it won't be much but every little bit helps, right? God bless you for taking in these sweet pups and I'll send lots of prayers their way.

12-13-2006, 09:47 AM
I went to the vet to check on the pups. They are still alive. Peanut is doing better then Butter. It is still touch and go still. If anybody would like to make a donation for the pups, you can do one of two things:

You can call Animal Welfare League in Chicgo Ridge, Illinois @ (708) 636-8586 ext. 254 and speak with Marilyn after 1:30 CST. Just let her know that you are making a donation to the Parvo pups.

You can also go to my website and donate via PayPal:


Thank you for all your help and support. We are praying that they make a full recovery.

12-13-2006, 10:38 AM
Mail address is:
10305 Southwest Highway
Chicago Ridge, IL 60415

12-14-2006, 10:27 AM
As you all know, I had pulled two pups from Richland County Animal Control on Saturday. Tuesday morning I took them to Animal Welfare League clinic because you all know they were very sick. I told them that it may be difficult to pay the bill if it was Parvo and that I MAY have to surrender them to the League, but I didn't want to. They said if I did, I can adopt them when they are better. Well, it was Parvo and I left them there to get treatment. I did not originally sign them over. Yesterday I went in and talked to them. They gave me a problem regarding the kittens I turned over to them that had severe ringworm and was spreading through my house like wildfire (8 from Olney and 4 that where previously resced). I had adopted a dog a while ago from them who after six months tried attacking a neighbor and my fiance. Animal welfare took the dog back there and they ended up euthanizing him. They said they would not let me take the pups back due to the history of the cats and one dog. I had no choice but to sign them over Yesterday morning. I am no longer responsible for the vet bill or the treatment of these puppies. However, I do know that they are doing adequately. Animal Welfare said they will let me know the pups progress. At least I get that much.

I apologize for all of this. I did not know this would happen. All I wanted was to save them. I did. I feel as though I abandoned them there so I am going to try to have Dave, my fiance, adopt them when they are well. For the two people that already donated to our rescue, I am willing to return the money to you, just please PM me. Thank you and again, I apologize for all of this. I was just trying to do right by Peanut and Butter.

12-14-2006, 10:59 AM
Oh, I am sooo sorry. I know you must be broken hearted over this. Why is it the ones that care so much and want soooo much to help are the ones that always get picked on?

I really hope your fiance can get those babies back once they are well. If I had one wish to grant you this year it is that. I know you pour your heart and soul into these rescues. Please know that WE support you 150%.

Please keep us updated when you find anything out.

(((((MORE HUGS))))

Michelle & the girls

12-14-2006, 11:20 AM
Oh, I am sooo sorry. I know you must be broken hearted over this. Why is it the ones that care so much and want soooo much to help are the ones that always get picked on?

I really hope your fiance can get those babies back once they are well. If I had one wish to grant you this year it is that. I know you pour your heart and soul into these rescues. Please know that WE support you 150%.

Please keep us updated when you find anything out.

(((((MORE HUGS))))

Michelle & the girls
I totally agree- from another Michelle! I know this is hard on you, and pray things work out for you. Because you are not longer responsible for the vet bill, the donations thread has been deleted. We all have charities we can give too, and the purpose of my posting the donations thread was to help a fellow pt'r with their pup rescues. Considering how long they were with you, its obviously they got parvo from the other place. Plus your dogs are healthy. We support you at a 150%!!!

12-15-2006, 10:07 PM
Well, I'm not sure if it's fortunately or unfortunately I was too busy and forgot to make the donation. I will put that donation toward another cause.
Please let us know anything on these pups when you find out.
Your heart is definitely in the right place. :)

12-26-2006, 09:35 PM
I am sad to say that the two Rottie mix pups did not make it throught the Parvo. I wish there was something I could have done sooner. Thank you again everybody for your help with this. Hope on the other hand, (the lil' beagle mix) has been spayed, vaccinated, heartworm tested negative, and adopted. She is doing well in her new home. Happy Holidays everybody.