View Full Version : nawtee dog stories

12-10-2006, 03:34 PM
i know we've had threads similar to this one in thepast :) . and dogs are still dogs :p :rolleyes: . today, for the first time ever, alex was a seriously nawtee dog. as he and peanut waited for me in the car while i picked up some milk and bread, he chewed through the middle seat belt strap. UGH!
time to share your 'tails of woe' (yes i stole that)

12-10-2006, 03:45 PM
This isnt a nawtee dog story, but I have fitting the holidays. A few years back we use to bowl on wednesday nights. I had just moved in with Darrell with marriage following the next month. We had bought a tree the day before and I spent the better part of the day trying to feel at home and decorating it. We went bowling.
When we came home hottie met us at the door like " oh no- I am sooo embarassed"- I immediately glanced at the tree, saw nothing obvious, then really looked at him. He had Christmas balls STUCK ALL IN HIS COAT WITH THE GLITTER holding the balls on. He had one on the tip of his tail too. We both started to laugh, as he slowly wagged his tail with this christmas ball hanging on it, and promptly popped it into a coffee table smashing it.. Then he got the most embarassed look on his face. ...
I have other stories about a red dobie I had years ago that was a chewing demon I will post later.

Love That Collie
12-10-2006, 06:44 PM
I don't have a "naughty dog story" about my own dogs but
my hairdresser just told me this one day before yesterday
about her dog.

She has a 12 month old Boxer (Chico) and a cat. They play together.
Chico just turned a year old this month so this is his first involvement
with a Christmas tree. But the cat IS familiar with Christmas trees, she's
older. Chico and the cat play together all the time. But it seems this year
she has found her partner in crime. Cat gets Chico to chase her, (which is
not a hard task to accomplish). Cat heads straight for the tree, climbs the
trunk to near the top and peers down at him, cat bats the balls off the tree
and Chico catches them in his mouth, spits them off to the side and awaits
another. They did this in fairly rapid succession. If the cat wasn't quick
enough batting the balls off the tree Chico would bark for more. The cat
never did this before Chico moved in. This happened the day the tree was
put up. My hairdresser sprayed the tree with something (don't know what)
and put 2 X-pens around the tree. Chico sits there whining now and the cat
sits beside of him screeching at the X-pen. Seems the cat won't climb over
the X-pen so they both just sit there crying at the Christmas tree.