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12-10-2006, 10:10 AM
I think I'm going to e-mail these people. Read the description on the Labradoodles:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

12-10-2006, 03:45 PM

What is it about the description that bothers you? Sounds like almost every dog on the planet, however the Labradoodles are more expensive. There's nothing like a shelter dog, if you ask me. ;)

12-13-2006, 02:26 PM
Just curious which specific part you wrote them about, and if there was a response?

12-13-2006, 03:32 PM
Was it the agressive part (in extreme cases...I think it said)?

12-14-2006, 01:34 AM
I've never known a Labradoodle personally, so I am at a disadvantage as fas as guessing... (shrugs)

12-14-2006, 07:22 PM
A Labradoodle is a new "designer" breed. It's a cross between and Labrador Retriever and a poodle. We had one come into Petco last week. Looks like a Portugese Water Dog to me.

12-14-2006, 07:30 PM

What is it about the description that bothers you? Sounds like almost every dog on the planet, however the Labradoodles are more expensive. There's nothing like a shelter dog, if you ask me. ;)

My thoughts exactly. Except for the fact that they're Labradoodles, I didn't see anything too bothersome.

Lady's Human
12-14-2006, 07:38 PM
Before calling the labradoodle just another designer breed, an introduction to the history of the breed might be in order.


12-14-2006, 10:18 PM
What bothered me was:

The Labradoodle is good with children
They CAN'T garuntee that , so it shouldn't be part of the discription

are easy to train They can be but every one that has come in for grooming (wich is alot) are so disobiedient . I know it has to do with the people so that should be said instead. IMO

Quick to learn unusual or special tasks This just confuses me I don't get it.

They are also non-aggressive dogs except in extreme situations.
This would be what bothered me the most. I have encountered my fair share of agressive Labradoodles. They once again can't garuntee (sp?) that this is a trait in ALL the dogs.Nor can they say the dog will be agressive in extreme cases (Wich I veiw as a burglur or something along those lines)
Same with what lots of people say about Golden's how they are so good with kids and never agressive. We all know that isn't true.

12-14-2006, 11:01 PM
I saw nothing wrong with it at all. I felt it was completely accurate. They ARE good with children, they are easy to train, they are enthusiastic, they are sweet non-agressive dogs.... and you should see some of the tricks I've taught the labradoodles in my classes.

I am always pleased to have labradoodles in my classes..... I think they are really cool dogs. I wouldn't hesistate to adopt one when the time comes for me to rescue a pup after Nicki's gone. I would never buy one from a breeder, but then again I wouldn't buy any dog from a breeder --- pure bred mutts are more my style ;)

12-15-2006, 11:56 AM
You are right, Alicia, but it sounds as if they were just stating the general characteristics of Labradoodles. Every dog is different though so their description cannot be guaranteed.

12-15-2006, 11:59 AM
I hate to sound naive, but what in the world is a labradoodle. To me it sounds like a lab/poodle, but do they really exist? And what would be the point of breeding mixes?

12-16-2006, 12:25 PM
I hate to sound naive, but what in the world is a labradoodle. To me it sounds like a lab/poodle, but do they really exist? And what would be the point of breeding mixes?

A Labradoodle is a cross between a Lab/Poodle. It is believed to be a designer breed. A designer breed is when people breed two different dogs together, give them a name, and say they are a breed of their own. And in my opinion, it's just so they can get more money.

But also, the page that Lady's Human provided is a good page too with good information.

12-16-2006, 03:46 PM
I hate to sound naive, but what in the world is a labradoodle. To me it sounds like a lab/poodle, but do they really exist? And what would be the point of breeding mixes?There is no point in breeding them other then to make money and put more dogs out on the street and go to a shelter and be put down.

And yes it's a Lab Poodle mix.

finn's mom
12-16-2006, 04:07 PM
Most breeds started out as mixing two breeds long enough to get consistent results. I do think the labradoodles look a lot like the portugese water dog, I saw someone mention that. And, I've only seen one labradoodle I thought was an attractive dog, not that I have a problem with them or think they're ugly.

12-16-2006, 09:43 PM
I don't have a problem with them either , they remind me of a giant Bichone Frise some of them and I would love to ADOPT one from a SHELTER one day .

I just think the discription they wrote can't be garunteed mainly because it is a MIX breed not even a purebred. even still with a purebred you can't say what their personality is going to be never mind with a mix breed.

12-17-2006, 11:42 AM
I disagree with you here, You know I work in a groomers and we have a few come in and dogs do act differently with strangers so the dogs that are misbehaving in your workplace might just feel out of place, It can be scary being groomed for them so many do act differently, like when a dog goes to a vet they can pick up on nerves etc so they do act differently.

I dont agree with you saying they should change being suited to be with children, I strongly believe no matter what breed of dog you have if they are brought up to respect animals then it shouldnt be a problem. I think that a dog is what the owners make it.

I'm not 100% sure but wasn't a Labradoodle bred as a guide dog? :confused: Someone confirm that for me! They are very intelligent dogs and the coat is better than a normal labs coat for allergy suffers

Lady's Human
12-17-2006, 11:46 AM
For those who missed it, here it is again:


Yes, they were originally bred as guide dogs for people who had allergies. Labradoodles are less likely to cause a reaction than other breeds for some people. They are also starting to breed labradoodles with labradoodles, and are getting a consistent result.

12-17-2006, 07:31 PM
I dont agree with you saying they should change being suited to be with children, I strongly believe no matter what breed of dog you have if they are brought up to respect animals then it shouldnt be a problem. I think that a dog is what the owners make it.
But if they aren't brought up like that they could be a totally different dog, which is why I think that it shouldn't be in the description.

12-17-2006, 07:53 PM
Buttercup, I don't want to assume anything but from your previous posts, I'm getting the vibe that you just don't like designer breeds. ;) Sooo instead of venting your frustration on a simple little description of a "Labradoodle" (I don't consider them a breed either which is why I put in quotes), why not just put all your efforts on educating folks and helping the dogs that are in need? Trust me. Sooner or later, you'll realize that angry venting isn't going to help anybody...except, maybe, yourself ;) There is nothing conceivably wrong with the description of the "breed" itself, but I think you're just frustrated by it all. So just take a deep breath and let it out :)

12-17-2006, 11:51 PM
Buttercup, I don't want to assume anything but from your previous posts, I'm getting the vibe that you just don't like designer breeds. ;) Sooo instead of venting your frustration on a simple little description of a "Labradoodle" (I don't consider them a breed either which is why I put in quotes), why not just put all your efforts on educating folks and helping the dogs that are in need? Trust me. Sooner or later, you'll realize that angry venting isn't going to help anybody...except, maybe, yourself ;) There is nothing conceivably wrong with the description of the "breed" itself, but I think you're just frustrated by it all. So just take a deep breath and let it out :)

IMO, Buttercup was just voicing her opinion with this thread. She was bothered by something she read, and wanted to bring it to the attention of others. There is nothing wrong with that. We can choose to agree with her, disagree with her, or not comment at all. But I do not personally find her posts to be nothing more than "angry venting." I think she has some valid points, and while I may not necesarily agree with what someone has to say, I think they certainly have a right to voice their opinions and concerns. That's the point of a public message board, after all, is it not?

12-18-2006, 12:02 AM
I think its all how you raise your dog, but its generally calm nature does help. I have a Labradoodle I rescued from a shelter, and she is very gentle! :p But why does it matter? If someone wrote a Labradoodle is good with kids it doesn't mean you have to 100% trust them.

12-18-2006, 11:46 AM
No one can really give an exact description of a dog because each dog is different, and also the raising of the dog matters sometimes. So like I said before, it just seems that they're giving the general characteristics of the Labradoodle. And Muddy4paws does make a point. They say that Labrador Retrievers are good with children, but we had one once when I was a child, and it got mean with me and bit my face, and we didn't raise him wrong, so every dog is different.

12-18-2006, 02:53 PM
I agree & dissagree at the same time... Some breeds are more known for some trates... Some breeds have a tendency not to like children, other animals, ect. Like JRT. More times then not, one will go after a smaller animal, as its a strong instinct in them.. Not saying all JRT, its justs more likely the dog will act - towards a smaller animal.

Just like getting a Mastiff, its more likely the dog will be lazy compaired to a JRT. Or a Greyhound is more likely to kill a cat or small dog.

With the LD its more likely the dog will be a gentle creature & are smarter then the average dog breed.

Its just a "more" common trate. The GD or LD is a breed I do support for the sole reason, they are tying to breed a dog that causes less to no allergies in people. If you had horrible allergies to dogs & you wanted one, or in many cases NEEDED on, wouldn't it be great that there was a breed that was created just for that purpose?

Now I dissagree 100% about those other stupid designer breeds.. its a looks & cute name thing... The animal has no specific purpose, unlike other pure breeds.

I only agree with breeds that have a purpose, like hunting & herding. Those breeds are needed to help people live.. so having them is fine in my books. But the animals still need to be bred properly, & fixed when used as pets blah blah blah, we all know the pet speech...

JMO on these 2 soon to be pure breeds... Which I hope it true, as they can make a wonderful difference to people with allergies & to those who need them for aid...

I met a group in Ottawa they are working on the GD breed. Any dog that isn't part of their standard, is fixed & sold as a pet. They are trying to avoid imbreeding the dogs to get what they want.. so they are wide spred & working with vets. They want a healthy good breed. Not a unhealthy imbreed pure breed, like many pure breeds today... Yes I'm 100% againt imbreeding animals to get a stupid result...

12-19-2006, 03:42 PM
IMO, Buttercup was just voicing her opinion with this thread. She was bothered by something she read, and wanted to bring it to the attention of others. There is nothing wrong with that. We can choose to agree with her, disagree with her, or not comment at all. But I do not personally find her posts to be nothing more than "angry venting." I think she has some valid points, and while I may not necesarily agree with what someone has to say, I think they certainly have a right to voice their opinions and concerns. That's the point of a public message board, after all, is it not?
Agreed to a certain point. There was truly nothing conceivably "wrong" with the description. All of the points made in the description are comparable to that of any other breed. Provided, you can't predict the nature of every dog, but breed descriptions are just a large brushstroke which is exactly what the link was. She's right in that it depends a lot on nurture and not necessarily nature, but, again, that goes for any breed so there isn't an inherent reason to get upset over this "Labradoodle" description. It just sounds to me that she's getting frustrated about this designer breed issue and is (for lack of better words) taking it out on the breed description.

12-19-2006, 10:52 PM
well.. i bathe/groom alot of these labradoodles at work... and holy cow, they are very popular.. I have seen quite a few over the last couple weeks... and i think they are growing to be a more popular "designer breed" ... I would NEVEr own one, or think about it.. inless it was surrendered.. I have only eveer seen them in Blonde color anyways.. But Im sure there are a bunch of other colors (that i dont care about). I wish people would just stop it already lol.