View Full Version : Older Dogs Need Loving Too *wink wink*

12-09-2006, 11:29 AM
And this one especially does. This is the first time I've seen him smile in my three visits to the SPCA. This was taken in the parking lot as we were leaving.
Meet Dasher. I'm not kidding. That's his name. Isn't that appropriate? For some reason, the owner of him and anothter 8 year old black lab, turned them in to the SPCA saying he didn't have enough time for them. Well geez, what happened within the eight years?? I was originally looking at a fluffy chocolate lab but on my second visit, decided to visit with Dasher. The main reason was he looked as sad and empty as I've been feeling. He really touched my heart. We took him to a little play area where he had a good potty, followed by a great scratchout. I'll have to get a video of it because he does them really wild. I could already tell a change in the behavior with just the little time I was there. So, we were filling out the paperwork and the heartworm test hadn't been done on them because when they were first brought in, they were too scared and the employees thought there was a danger of getting bit. I told them I would like to have his test done before I made the adoption. They did the test and I waited. The test came back positive for heartworms. My heart sank. This was Thursday and I honestly didn't know what to do. I told them I didn't know what I'd do if he didn't make it through the treatment. There is a local vet that does all the treatment for free. Well, I thought about him for a day and how sweet he is and decided to give him a chance. I think life is too short and none of us know how long we'll be here. I want him to know what being a cherished dog for whatever amount of time he's allowed on this earth. So, PT prayers will really be requested.

More in next.

12-09-2006, 11:34 AM
Here he is enjoying his car ride to his forever home.
And meeting Doogie
Already learning how to enjoy my, uh, his bed.
Now this is just too cute.
I think he's going to be a velcro dog. He's right beside my computer chair. He is just one of the sweetest dogs. Even if he doesn't make it through the treatment, at least he'll know he was loved and had a good home. Please pray with all your might that he does. I hope we have some happy years together. EVERYTHING about this feels right. I have no doubts and am not second guessing myself like before.
Right now, I'm happy and sad at the same time. Today is the first day that I've truly smiled and felt some happiness. Yet I'm on the verge of tears because I'm missing Duke. Tomorrow will be a month since he's been gone. I feel some divine intervention was made with this match so surely he's meant to live through the treatment? I've had too much sadness lately. This is quite a gamble but one I'm more than willing to take.

12-09-2006, 11:37 AM
That is wonderful you have a vet that can do the treatment for free. Hopefully he will do just fine. Its a good thing it is cold, and he wont spread it without misquitoes..
He will be in my prayers and he is a distinquished gentlemen!!!!

12-09-2006, 12:07 PM
bless your heart for taking him in, Val. you are an angel. I will send good thoughts and prayers that he makes it through the heartworm treatment. :)
(((hugs))) he's such a beautiful boy. :) how does Doogie like him?

12-09-2006, 12:14 PM
another black dog on PT!!! woo-hoo! congrats!

12-09-2006, 12:37 PM
AAWWEE!! He just looks like such a sweetheart! I hope he makes it through his treatment. From reading your other posts, I think you are the best person to get him.

Good Luck!!

12-09-2006, 12:39 PM
I'm so glad for you. He looks like such a sweetheart. :D

12-09-2006, 12:42 PM
:) I'm really happy for you Val. I think Duke would approve of you adopting an older dog. Paws crossed & prayers for Dasher's treatments. He looks like a sweetheart, will look forward to more pics of your new boy!

12-09-2006, 12:50 PM
What a sweet looking man he is, and that smile...WOW! No wonder you felt he really needed to come home with you.

I will be adding my thoughts and prayers that Dasher gets the treatment and shares many wonderful years with you.

12-09-2006, 12:51 PM
He is a "dashing" boy Val. Very handsome and he seems to know he is home. Prayers for Dasher. Get well boy. :)

critter crazy
12-09-2006, 01:16 PM
Fabulous News Val!!! He is quite a handsome Man!! Dasher looks like he is at home already!! I will be praying that he makes it through his Heartworm Treatment!! You are such an awsome person to take this older boy in!!!Duke would be proud of his mommy!!!:)

12-09-2006, 01:50 PM
what a sweet looking boy! i'm sure he'll make it through his treatment! i love his smile! :D

12-09-2006, 02:37 PM
What a sweetie pie. He looks like a playful little happy puppy in that last pic. How are Dasher and Doogie getting along? Doogie seemed pretty laid back in that pic. :) All fingers, toes, whiskers and paws crossed for successful treatment. I think Duke really had his paw in this one. Good job Duke. You still know exactly what your mommy needs. :D

12-09-2006, 03:29 PM
WOW he sure is one handsome boy.. I agree what happened to the first 8yrs of his life when the owner did have the time.. I hope all go's well with his treatments.. Sending good thoughts for that handsome boy..

12-09-2006, 04:12 PM
Oh ~ Dukesdogmom~

The look on " his" face during the ride home and again, seeing those of HIM on that Satin Quilt are so darned heart warming!!

Dashers Facial Expressions are so comforting to see~

Bless You~ for Taking Him into your Heart and Your Home right now~
and , I will pray that he will be alright ~He is so handsome, and he appears to be so Happy !!!!!

Great Pictures Valarie ~

12-09-2006, 05:07 PM
Perfect!!!!!!!! Absolutely, utterly, 100% perfect!:) Oh, what a beautiful, black Labbie boy! And having shared my life with Labs since forever, well, I can tell you without a doubt, that boy is smiling!:D You are an angel Val and while I know your heart still aches for you beloved Duke, you have done a wonderful thing, for Dasher and for yourself! And Duke would be happy to know his Mom is feeling a bit of happiness and comfort again; a little at a time! The pics are precious and he and Doogie seem to be getting along well! Phew!:) Doogie and Dasher, sounds good to me!:) WELCOME HOME DASHER!!! We'll be keeping you in our prayers as you complete your treatment!:)

{{{HUGS}} to you, Val! Kisses to Doogie and Dasher!

12-09-2006, 05:11 PM
Congratulations!! He's absolutely stunning, very good looking for his old age! ;) I cannot believe someone could give him up. He sounds like he has the same joyful and lovely spirit as Duke did. Doogie and Dasher make a cute couple.

12-09-2006, 05:52 PM
Oh Val, Dasher is so handsome! I will hope and pray real hard that he does well with his heartworm treatments. He has found the best home ever, bless you for giving him a home. :)

12-09-2006, 06:20 PM
Good luck.

12-09-2006, 07:13 PM
He sure looks like a sweet boy. Good luck with him!

12-09-2006, 08:54 PM
Val i do hope things work out for you Dasher & Mr Doogie. Lots of get well vibes being sent from across the big puddle {{Hugs}}.

Daisy and Delilah
12-09-2006, 08:59 PM
As I wipe away the tears after reading the lovely story about this handsome boy........I hope and pray that he comes through the treatment. I believe it will happen the right way, Val. You deserve some happiness and so does this sweet boy. My thoughts and prayers are with you all, Val, Doogie, and Dasher :) Bless you for giving him a loving home.

12-09-2006, 09:02 PM
What a wonderful thing you've done! We're crossing fingers, paws and hooves around here! Dasher is going to come through with flying colors and give you his lifetime of gratitude!

12-09-2006, 10:00 PM
I'm so proud of you, Val...how many people would adopt an older pet? Not a lot...Especially knowing he had heartworms. Thank you for giving this handsome fellow a chance :) I hope everything works out...he seems like a sweety.

12-09-2006, 10:51 PM
Oh, this is wonderful for Dasher! I am so happy for him, and I hope that everything turns out. Everyone over here will be thinking about you and him during his heartworm treatments!
God Bless, and best wishes!

12-09-2006, 11:25 PM
Oh he looks so happy to be going home. Today my daughter and me volunteered at the shelter and were trained to try not to judge those people that dump a dog after all those years...I am not sure how I am not going to do that....luckily I won't be seeing those people...not sure if I could keep my mouth shut...they don't want to say something and then if they have other animals that they don't take care of they will just dump them somewhere.

They told us that the majority of dogs make it through heartworm treatment....he looks pretty healthy. I am so happy for both of you!

12-10-2006, 12:25 AM
he is soooo cute Val!
And it looks like he's ok with Doogie!!!!
I will definately keep him in my prayers and thoughts so that he has a nice Looooong life with YOU!
Welcome to PetTalk Dasher.

12-10-2006, 12:49 AM
Ya did GOOD girl, ya did good!!!!!!!!!

Dasher is even more handsome than I imagined! He does look so distinguised with the white hair around his muzzle! So handsome! And he likes Doogie! Woo! Woo!

Endless prayers for Dasher's good health while going through his treatments. You not only saved a life, but added happiness and smiles to a pup in need!

12-10-2006, 01:50 AM
Oh Val, he is just perfect!!!!!! What a beautiful smile on his face, im so proud of you val, I will keep him in my prayers daily that he makes it through the heartworm treatment. You should be commended for loving him unconditionally and showing him that rare love that so many animals never get a chance to have in there lives. If there is anything I can ever do please dont hesitate to let me know.

12-10-2006, 02:16 AM
He's very handsome -- I love his eyes! How does Molly like him?

12-10-2006, 08:32 AM
Dasher is a gem! He's the sweetest dog. How anyone ever gave him up is beyond me. I couldn't have made a better match if I had to. He's a velcro dog, too. Follows me everywhere. Even waited at the sliding glass door while I was outside. He plays like a puppy. I'm worried about keeping him calm after his second treatment. He pants a lot. Could that be because of the heartworms? He sits for treats without being told. Thanks to him, Christmas will be more than bearable. He's such a good dog.

12-10-2006, 08:44 AM
He's adorable. I hope all goes well for him.

12-10-2006, 09:38 AM
Oh Val,

I am so happy for you and Dasher. This thread made me burst into tears. The pictures of Dasher say it all. I've never seen a dog actually "smile" but, the look on his face to his furrever home sure says it all.

Dasher will be in my thoughts and prayers. And thank you for being such a wonderful, caring, sensitive human being.

Love and (((((((HUGS))))) to you.

12-10-2006, 10:30 AM
Wow, Dasher is a very handsome dog.I hope his heartworm treatment
is successful & he comes out of it just fine.

12-10-2006, 11:22 AM
You and Dasher will be in my prayers.

He sure looks happy!

12-10-2006, 01:25 PM
Oh Val, what a match made in Heaven for sure! You know I am not sure on the panting but Tommy pants really easily, especially after playing. He just always has. Tasha is not near the panter he has always been. Dasher has the most gentle and sweet eyes. I can certainly see how he stole your heart. I will be praying that he makes it through the treatment with flying colors. I really think Duke led you to this boy.

12-10-2006, 06:27 PM
Congratulations and good luck Val! I think Dasher will come thru the treatment fine. I know you will be able to help mend each other's hearts.

12-11-2006, 02:42 AM
He's a beautiful boy. I vol'd at our local spca and the dogs getting treated for heartworm were to remain calm. Short potty walks and no jumping. Just keep him 'snoozin' and 'velcro'd' :D to you. He'll be content and healing. I always have a 'soft spot' for the 'older ones'.
Sorry I have no patience for those who give up a dog after so many years. Have seen to often and just want to smack these people up side the head.

12-11-2006, 01:18 PM
Congratulations on a wonderful choice. :D I'm sure Duke would approve. In fact, he probably sent you to Dasher.

It's so nice to see that Doogie accepts him and vice versa. I'd say it was a match made in heaven, but more likely it was from the Rainbow Bridge.

Samson came to me at 8-10 years old, heartworm positive. He didn't slow down much during treatment and he did fine. That was 5 years ago. Most dogs DO get over them, once they are treated.

I'm so glad you have an older gentleman in your life. He'll surely appreciate you.

12-12-2006, 10:32 AM
Having had two senior dogs, Murphy and Zipper, drop into my life, I can tell you that it will be one of the best things you have ever done, Val! I'm just sorry I didn't check to see what your decision was, sooner! :o

When will the heartworm treatments start for Dasher? I want to make sure I am keeping him in my prayers.


12-12-2006, 10:54 AM
Having had two senior dogs, Murphy and Zipper, drop into my life, I can tell you that it will be one of the best things you have ever done, Val! I'm just sorry I didn't check to see what your decision was, sooner! :o

When will the heartworm treatments start for Dasher? I want to make sure I am keeping him in my prayers.

No one could ask for a sweeter dog. This morning, he was laying on his back with his legs all stretched out, his head was against my side and you should have heard the snoring. He's a true cuddlebug. I think he was pretty well cared for now. His teeth are so white, they must have been cleaned. So, I'm wondering, if that's the case, why didn't they do heartworm prevention? He knew he could get on the bed so he's been sleeping with someone. How could they give up such a sweet dog? I'm just glad they did.

Anyway, to answer your question, he goes in for an evaluation (bloodwork, etc) on 12/26. Sometime soon after that, treatment starts. I'm keeping him as calm as possible in the meantime. He's also got a few fatty, nickle sized lumps. One int the flap of his ear and one on his belly. Please pray hard that they're not bad ones. That will be checked that day, too. I don't think his body could handle both heartworm and cancer treatment. If it is cancer, I'll just let him live as long as possible without pain. Hopefully, they're just lumps that older dogs get but because one is in the ear, I'm kind of scared. I've made up my mind that I'm only going to adopt older dogs. I feel it's what I've been called to do. I think the happiness outweighs the sadness. Dasher is such a different dog from when I first saw him. I just wish I could have taken his buddy, too. I felt really bad about that.

12-12-2006, 11:05 AM
Dasher is such a sweet old man. I hope his heartworm treatment goes well. *hugs*

12-13-2006, 05:32 AM
Congratulations, Val. I'm thinking that you and Dasher are a *love match* indeed. This should be a wonderful Christmas for the both of you.

12-13-2006, 06:56 AM
Congratulations, Val, on your new addition to the family! Looks like a match made in heaven! I am so glad that Dasher and Doogie are getting along so well, that is just perfect!

I will be praying that the heartworm treatments go well, and he is cured.

He sure is a beautiful Dasher, with that sweet smile. I really enjoyed the pictures a lot!

Willie :)

12-13-2006, 08:28 AM
I think you both knew of the others sadness and picked one another. So my prayers and a little (no lots) of Irish luck are winging their way to you.

Hey Dasher you have a very special lady there be good to her too!!!!!

12-13-2006, 03:29 PM
Oh gosh, what a sweet looking dog Dasher is! I find it quite intriguing on the timing of his arrival into your life and his name ;) It was meant to be, Val, and I'm so glad that you have Dasher with you this Christmas. :D No doubt it will be a little easier with this new special guy!

I hope his heartworm treatments go well. Please keep us posted on how he's doing! :D


12-14-2006, 07:59 AM
I also love the "older ones"!!!!
He is sooooo handsome and it sounds like he is a love!!!
I think he is your Christmas miracle!
I will be praying that his heartworm treatment goes well.
Val, you are an ANGEL!!!!!