View Full Version : Teeth Issue Advice Needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-09-2006, 08:48 AM
Right before Paris went in for her spay her big bottom K-9 teeth pretty much just fell out......
BUT NOW I have been watching her rub her top gum or her nose with her two front paws like something really hurts???????? I went to look and now she has 4 I counted big k-9's?? :eek: :eek: on the top her old set and two new ones. I need advice will these fall out like the others or should I contact my vet and see if they may need to remove them???? I think the little sweetie is really in some pain though??? :confused: :confused: HELP PLEASE!

12-09-2006, 09:47 AM
Definitley I would see the Vet, as bad teeth can be very dangerous for a Cat.
My Mr Fluffy is an Angel, partly because he had incredibly bad teeth that I did not know about, and his kidneys were so badly infected that he had to be PTS.
We pray that Paris will be all right.

12-09-2006, 11:37 AM
It took me a while to figure out what you were saying! I thought you were saying your cat had dog teeth! You meant her canines, right? (I don't understand internet or IM shorthand). I would definitely see a vet ASAP. Kitty teeth problems need prompt attention, especially since it appears they are giving her pain. Let us know how it goes.

12-09-2006, 11:48 AM
Does her breath smell very bad? The reason I ask this is because when my RB Pepper was a kitten I noticed that he had very bad breath. I looked at his mouth and both of his baby canine teeth were still there and the new ones were coming in. It smelled like something had died in his mouth.:eek: I called my vet and they told me that if they didn't fall out on their own that I would have to bring him in and they'd need to extract them. This was a Sat. afternoon and by Sunday they fell out. I actually found them.

If I was you, I'd definitely call the vet and let them know what's going on. It may be a similar situation like my RB Pepper had. Good luck and please continue to keep us updated about her.

12-09-2006, 01:45 PM
Yeah her breath is pretty bad...... I noticed an elevated smell right before the other teeth fell out also now that I think about it..... I am going to watch her over the weekend..... I have noticed that they are slowley moving out but her little gums look so sore and swollen.. but like you said I think they are on there way out.. I have been giving her these chewy dental treats in the hopes of working those things out.... Its the best thing I can do for now. I have been trying to get her to eat hard food but she is really not interested. I just feel so bad for her :( I noticed her first Canine teeth coming out the week before her spay then she went in for her spay it took the poor thing about a week to snap out of that and now this. I just hate having her deal with pain so much. It hasn't changed her eating habits or playing habits at all in fact I have been letting her chew on me in the hopes it will help with working them out. Pray for my poor baby she is so sweet and doesn't deserve all of this at all!!!!!!! If those bad boys aren't out by Sunday night I am gonna get her in to have them removed.

12-09-2006, 01:55 PM
I don't remember Taz losing his teeth when he was a kitten. But I do know he had to have one of his "fangs" removed a couple years ago. That was not a fun adventure for him or me. So I hope for both your sakes those teeth fall out, so poor Paris doesn't have to have them removed.

Please keep us updated.

12-09-2006, 02:21 PM
:( I'm sorry to say...but a vet is necessary.Get the credit card out.

12-09-2006, 02:44 PM
My newest kitty, Honeybun, has really stinky breath too. He's about 12yrs old, and FIV+. The girl that I got him from said the vet had just seen him, and other than the bad breath, wasn't much else going on. When I did look in his mouth, basically all he had left were is top and bottom canine teeth. Poor thing has no other teeth!! I know this can be an issue with FIV+ kitties, but I never thought the poor guy was done to almost nothing. He wasn't a big fan of dry food his previous caretaker said, and now I know why. He gets canned food, dry kitten food, and the smallest kibble of Nutro I can find.

I hope your kitty gets some relief with her teeth! Would any of the teething things that are used for babies be ok with kittens?? Like the cold things to put on their gums?