View Full Version : It's Party Time!!!!! (ADVICE NEEDED!)

12-08-2006, 04:27 PM
Bailey will be FIVE YEARS OLD on December 14th! I can't believe it! Of course this is only my second birthday with him as I got him at 3 1/2. But anyway, my friend is leaving town for the weekend and asked if I'd watch her dog while she's gone. I said yes. Her dog just happens to be a Shih Tzu and just happens Bailey's best friend, Chipper! So I decided we'll just make this weekend an early birthday party for Bailey! I'm planning on taking the boys to PetSmart tomorrow to see Santa and maybe get Bailey a trim or toy or something. I will try and get some pics of the boys together! Just thought I'd share the good news!

Dani and Birthday Boy: Bailey

12-08-2006, 04:40 PM
:) Woo Hoo Bailey you will be the big Five Years Old.. Lets get Catmandu to do a Party for us on the Beach or Resort somewhere.. Lets get the invitations out & doggie treats & dont forget to invite the kitties.. I will tell the girls to get ready to Party Party..

12-08-2006, 05:23 PM
:eek: One of my fave Pt boys has the same birthday as me! ;) :D

I cant wait to see photos :)

12-09-2006, 09:07 AM
Well I've made a decision LOL if and when I ever get another dog it will be a girl or one that wears a diaper like Bailey! This whole marking their territory thing is not my cup of tea! And is there any tricks to the whole potty outside thing? I've tried walking him around and stuff but with 6 inches of snow there's only so many places you can walk without being knee deep in snow. I took him out 3 times yesterday between 6 and 9 PM and he only peed once, no number 2... he did decide to mark our furniture at least 6 times and I rubbed his nose in it and lightly smacked his rear telling him 'No!', he stopped after that.. till this morning when he did it again! Bailey's jealous lol. He's ignoring me. But yea idk lol. I was going to do the PetSmart thing today but I have practice for my musical so I can't.. might do it afterwards or tomorrow. Anyway, any help would be appreciated! Oh and anyone have any good recipes for doggie birthday cake?

12-09-2006, 09:12 AM
Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday Dear Bailey- Happy Birthday To You!!!!! :d

12-09-2006, 11:11 AM
Well they're both asleep now.. ignoring eachother.. ignoring me.. I tried to get them to play but they don't want to =( Any advice? Scroll up for more info in my last post. Thanks.

12-09-2006, 04:21 PM
I bought Fenway a cake at the grocery store once. It was in the freezer food section. He ate the whole thing (because I didn't have a birthday party for him). :(

Happy Birthday Bailey.