View Full Version : Sorry to obsess...

12-06-2006, 10:38 PM
I know I have come on here so confused about my kitty Snow, last you heard I told you I was almost positive, had my mind made up, she is not pregnant.... But im so back and forth on it!! I get thrown off because I see the cat next door (mama/Habeeb) who is HUGELY pregnant, then you look at my tiny girl and its almost funny to think she could be. She shows all the behavior for sure. I know false pg are rare in cats, but maybe thats it? I promise not to make another post after this about the subject. Its just so hard not to keep guessing. I know only time will truly tell, or if I could even take her to a vet right now. Thats just not possible. I hope to spay her in the next few months when I hopefully have money again. For now here are a few pics of her new favorite spot and her tummy. She is obsessively cleaning herself non-stop lately. No standing pics, since she is too busy cleaning!! Most of you are much more cat expert, and im sure if you could see her would know right away. All I can give are these pics..

This is where she spends a large part of her days now

Still very flexible in her cleaning compulsion..

Yes more cleaning.. see the joke of a belly?

Now here I am holding her up and taking pics at the same time...



Honest opinions? Please dont say anything about spaying or the vet.. I know. Im sorry this may have happened, but right now I have literaly zero income. :(

12-06-2006, 10:51 PM
I really can not tell if she is or isnt from a picture, esp. if she isnt that far along.Her belly is rounded, but then again it could be worms, or just a round tummy. Some of mine have a rounded tum-tum. Maybe you could call local shelters in your area and see if they can feel for babies for you. Maybe they will be willing to help in some way. You will know shortly if she is or isnt.

I hope that you can get her fixed after all of this. There are some free or low cost shelters that will do it for you. But you will have to google them. I know there are a couple in my area.

Please dont put pressure on her tummy, as that could injure the babies. I know it is hard not to keep feeling around, but I would suggest doing it only weekly. Hopefully this helps. *hugs* katie and kitties

12-06-2006, 10:55 PM
Also wanted to add, PLEASE dont let her outside right now. If she is or isnt, atleast she will be safe.

And if she isnt pregnant, than atleast inside she cant get that way... Until you can figure out the best place/time/way to get her spayed. ;)

12-06-2006, 11:02 PM
Also wanted to add, PLEASE dont let her outside right now. If she is or isnt, atleast she will be safe.

And if she isnt pregnant, than atleast inside she cant get that way... Until you can figure out the best place/time/way to get her spayed. ;)

Luckily her interest in going out is pretty much at zero right now, so thats easy. I think the cold and snow that came upon us is the reason. I did my best to always keep her in, but it was just too hard. She stopped peeing in my house even when I let her out... I never knew why she did it and had done it so long, then she won the war to go out earlier this summer and the pee stopped, just like that. Even if she dont go out, she dont do it inside no more. Crazy cats. She was found outside as a baby, I guess even after a year she still hadnt forgot about the great outdoors. I think its just in some cats to be able to go out.... Thats how we got in this situation of course. :rolleyes: Thanks for the opinions though. I know you cant tell by the pics... I just keep trying to NOT think about it and just wait it out. Not working for me though.

12-07-2006, 04:17 AM
I totally agree with Katie, it's best to keep her in as an indoor cat at least until you get the money to have her spayed. Letting such a young cat get pregnant isn't wise, and it'll be traumatic for her when she's just a baby herself. Get a litter tray and position it somewhere where snow can have privacy, once she starts going you shouldn't have a problem with her peeing anywhere else. Make sure she has plenty of toys and things to keep her occupied and then she won't pine to go out if she ever starts to.
If you can't afford toys you do'nt have to buy them, a scrumpled up piece of paper on a bit of string is fine, bottle caps, a russtling object, cats don't have to have posh toys. Or a cardboard box with holes cut out of the side and you can poke things through for her to investigate, she'll love it probably.

It's best all round for Snow's happiness and welfare that she's kept in and kept busy, with a litter tray and some food and you should have one pretty content cat!

Kate, Jack & Sunny xx

12-07-2006, 05:57 PM
In case she is pregnant, just remember to keep her inside at all costs! Female cats can get pregnant again before the kittens are even weaned and it's usually more expensive to spay a pregnant cat, let alone one that's still nursing. Keep her inside. Good luck.

12-07-2006, 07:31 PM
We are praying that shes not expecting as Kittens would be the last thing that you need right now.
Hopefully you will have the time to get her spayed before she gors into heat.
We are praying for that Dear Girl.