View Full Version : Survey says ....

12-06-2006, 07:53 PM
These are real questions from an online survey I just took. The choices were just too special not to share. I will be looking for the Chainsaws & Casseroles Cookbook!

Now, a few questions about publications

Which of the following real 2007 calendars sounds to you, on the basis of its title, as likely to be the "LEAST erotic" calendar of 2007?

Grain Elevators Of Saskatchewan
Bridge Un-building With Heavy Equipment
Colorado Mountain Goats
Insects Of Virginia
N-Scale Model Railroad Pictures
Busses From Malta
Zip Code Calendar Of American Post Offices
Sheds, New York 1800-Present
Grain Elevators Of Manitoba
The Parade Of North Carolina's Abandoned Mobile Homes

Which of the following books is, in your view, LEAST likely to be either a No. 1 Bestseller this Christmas or this year's hot Christmas gift?

Grain Elevators of Canada a 440 page photobook
The Little Book of Tube Amplifier Projects
Convex Optimization and Euclidian Distance Geometry
Guide to Public Access Wetlands in and near Monroe County New York
The Complete Guide to the Lighthouses on Puget Sound Including Admiralty Inlet
Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel in Cross-stitch
The Shillelagh Maker's Handbook
Vortex Formation & Turbulence on Soap Films
The Little Book on Hybrid Rice Economics
Selling Retail Floorcovering - A Humanistic Approach

Which of the following books sounds like it would make the BEST gift for the animal lover who has everything?

Venomous Snakes of the Southeast
Hiking With Dogs: How to Run a Successful Dog Hiking Business
The Iguana Den's Care and Keeping of Giant Green Iguanas
Yummy For Dogs: A Cookbook for Canines
Find Out About Ferrets
Massage Therapy for the Canine Athlete
Confessions of a Pet Psychic
The Little Book of Horse Poop
Dog Scooter - The Sport for Dogs Who Love to Run
Advances in the Biology of Shrews II

Which of the following cookbooks sounds like it would make the BEST gift for the cook who has everything?

Civil War Re-Enactment Cookbook
Beer Inside
The Definitive Ploughman's Lunch
Cooking With a Serial Killer - Recipes From Dorothea Puente
Edible Landscaping in the Desert Southwest: Wheelbarrow to Plate
Freezer Bag Cooking: Trail Food Made Simple
Your Dead Meat
Culinary Cosmic Top Secrets: A NATO Cookbook
Chainsaws and Casseroles Cookbook For Men
How To Cook a Reindeer: The Reindeer Recipe Book

Which of the following books sounds like it would make the BEST gift for the traveler who's been everywhere?

Complete Guide to the Lighthouses of Puget Sound Including Admiralty Inlet
Pictures of Highway Shields: Michigan!
Pictures of Highway Shields: Nevada!
The Steamboat Traveller
The Best Pubs in the Cotswolds
The Guide to Forts and Castles of the Caribbean Islands
Grain Elevators of Canada
The Ultimate Guide for Survival in the African Bushveld
Crossing an Ocean Under Power
Guide to Public Access Wetlands in and near Monroe County New York

12-06-2006, 08:11 PM
what!!.............where those real options..........LOL..........maybe I´m too blonde right now but I only understanded the animal lovers ones.........LOl

12-06-2006, 09:55 PM
I know - I couldn't believe they were real questions but they were on a Zogby survey - most of which dealt with political stuff and then at the end they had these wacky questions.