View Full Version : is this normal or not?

12-06-2006, 06:23 PM
I let my pregnant dog outside with the other dogs while they were playing and stuff and our male dog started humping her? Is that mean something wrong with her pregnancy or anything because he is trying to hump her again or is he just doing it because he just wants to or something? Im afraid somethings wrong with her and thats why he is? But she still is big and everything and I didnt notice any blood or anything. Sorry Ialso put this in the general because I didnt notice where I put it until after so I put it here now.

12-06-2006, 07:30 PM
Are you sure she's pregnant? It's pretty comon for dogs to get false pregnancies. Asuming she is pregnant for sure I wouldn't worry about it. Humping is a dominance thing. My
Hyzzie girl humps a stuffed dog toy whe she's feeling frustrated about something.

12-06-2006, 08:07 PM
To answer the question; it's not "normal" for an intact male to mount a pregnant female with the intention of breeding.

It is normal for one dog to go through the motions of attempting to mount another dog for many other reasons including play.

It's difficult for anyone to hazard a guess about what's going on without more information. Information such as what they were doing at the time of the mounting incident.

Is this the first time your male has ever done this? If it is, you might want to check her anal gland to see if it is full.

12-06-2006, 08:31 PM
Are you sure she's pregnant? It's pretty comon for dogs to get false pregnancies. Asuming she is pregnant for sure I wouldn't worry about it. Humping is a dominance thing. My
Hyzzie girl humps a stuffed dog toy whe she's feeling frustrated about something.

She is pregnant she is due near xmas time. she has already been to the vets a few times so we know for sure she is. I dont know if he was playing with her or not, he isnt really the dominant dog out of our dogs he is the big baby. They were all playing right beofre he did it, but the pregnant one wasnt playing and he ran over to her and I saw him hump her and yeld at him because I dont want him to upset her, she is still big and doesnt look like she has any problems, I was wonering if she has a different smell since she is getting closer to giving birth?

12-06-2006, 08:50 PM
Have you seen a fully aroused male dog in action? Was this the way he was acting? If so, you might want to check with your vet. If not, I wouldn't worry about it unless his actions increase or become more extreme.

Do you have other intact males? What is their reaction to her?

12-06-2006, 09:06 PM
No he is the only make we have and we have 3 females, all fixed but the pregnant one, and I didnt see any other males outside, I guess sometimes but not often he will try to mount our other females but not often, I was just scared because she is pregnant and I never saw him do it to her when she was pregnant, but maybe its his way of playing or something.

12-07-2006, 06:45 AM
Attempting to mount another is not just for breeding, but also for dominance in play, or even the odor of an anal gland in excitement that gives the appearance to the other dog of being in heat. Especially being pregnant when the digestion system slows down, it is possible she could have a mild anal gland infection. I would check her by the vet. Could be as simple as they express it, or more so with antibiotics, but it would be better to go earlier before the puppies are born as they are not nursing yet.

12-07-2006, 09:00 AM
She has an appt monday and since I cant take her and my parents are I will ask them to ask the vet to check her glands out and everything. thanks

12-15-2006, 01:36 PM
Are you ready??? Just got a pm from you... Keep us posted- you know how to get in touch with me... GUYS she is in labor!!!!

12-15-2006, 01:40 PM
yeah she keeps walking around I keep about stepping on her and its impossible to eat around her because she tries to steal everything from us!!! I swear she will never lose her appetite haha. Ive been trying to get her to stay in her bed but she doesnt want to go in there right now so I figure in a couple hours she will start going in there and laying down and stuff.

12-15-2006, 01:49 PM
yeah she keeps walking around I keep about stepping on her and its impossible to eat around her because she tries to steal everything from us!!! I swear she will never lose her appetite haha. Ive been trying to get her to stay in her bed but she doesnt want to go in there right now so I figure in a couple hours she will start going in there and laying down and stuff.
Most of my bitches didnt loose until the pains started. That hiding in furniture look out.. Put her in room.. That pacing, the looking for a place to hide- that dropped body temp- here you go GRANDMA!

12-15-2006, 02:03 PM
Have the puppies moved into position yet? If so, don't let her go outside unattended or you might have the first one born in the yard. ;)

12-15-2006, 02:05 PM
Have the puppies moved into position yet? If so, don't let her go outside unattended or you might have the first one born in the yard. ;)
YEA!!! ROFL.. I had a female I swear she wanted to go out to go potty, and have one in the yard- thank god she was on a leash! ( fenced in yard or not..)

critter crazy
12-15-2006, 02:07 PM
So any new News????? Do you have any puppies yet???:)

12-15-2006, 02:12 PM
yeah she keeps wanting outside!!! so then i take her on her leash and nothing at all happens!!! so I bring her in and she sits at the door again. right now she is ripping her paper in the whelping box and laying down which will prolly only last a few minutes because she never sits still ha. I dont think she will have them til late tonight early tomorrow but I could always be wrong. I already bought 3 suction things but in alittle bit im going to the store to buy more just because I over do everything and I want new surgical swissors and maybe a clamp just in case.

12-15-2006, 02:15 PM
ANother thing she did the last 3 days was steal everything she could and put it in her whelping box, my 3 yr old has a toy cow that moo's when u squeeze it well she picked it up all nicely and laid it in her box and cried because I think she wanted it to nurse off of her but it obviously wouldnt. and she stole my sons dirty Pj pants when he was using the big boy potty and put them in her whelping box with a baby wipe of his haha.

12-15-2006, 02:15 PM
yeah she keeps wanting outside!!! so then i take her on her leash and nothing at all happens!!! so I bring her in and she sits at the door again. right now she is ripping her paper in the whelping box and laying down which will prolly only last a few minutes because she never sits still ha. I dont think she will have them til late tonight early tomorrow but I could always be wrong. I already bought 3 suction things but in alittle bit im going to the store to buy more just because I over do everything and I want new surgical swissors and maybe a clamp just in case.
she keeps wanting to go out because she is confusing the cramps with having to go potty... After it gets going she will not... This is normal.. YOu have my phone number ( do not give it out) and we will be here with you.. As late as I can..
" Oh Christmas puppies, Oh Christmas puppies- how charming are your faces..." lol...

12-15-2006, 02:18 PM
Yeah I think im more scared for her then herself, maybe since I went through the whole labor thing and its not fun and I only had 1 and she is having 8 or even more if they have some hidden! and its her first so im always afraid she wont catch on so quick and since she is the biggest pig meaning she eats like a horse im afraid she might find her babies tastey! even though I think her instinct will kick in by then!

12-15-2006, 02:29 PM
yeah she keeps wanting outside!!! so then i take her on her leash and nothing at all happens!!! so I bring her in and she sits at the door again. right now she is ripping her paper in the whelping box and laying down which will prolly only last a few minutes because she never sits still ha. I dont think she will have them til late tonight early tomorrow but I could always be wrong. I already bought 3 suction things but in alittle bit im going to the store to buy more just because I over do everything and I want new surgical swissors and maybe a clamp just in case.

:D Go ahead and go to the store and when you get back she'll have a puppy to show you. Don't go to the store and she'll wait till the middle of the night to have them. :D JK

12-15-2006, 02:33 PM
ROFL.. yup applesmom!!!! yup!!!! Eat hot dogs for dinner- no pups til midnight- plan a dinner that takes supervision- they will come flying.. lol

12-15-2006, 09:12 PM
Any Pups yet???

12-15-2006, 10:43 PM
Any Pups yet???
nope nothing yet, she is soooo weird!!!! ok I took her temp like uhh around 10 and her temp went back up to 99.9 which at 7 it was 99.3 and like 2 hrs ago she was playing and rolling on her back trying to chase her tennis ball, and everyone is in the back room and she keeps going to the door so when i let her in thinking she wants to be with the people she goes in that little cage and is horrible to get back out and just lays and whines by the door!!! She still eats but i think she will eat through the whole thing just because from the day I got her she ate like a horse and gulps up everything. right now she is laying by the door because she wont come in the room and lay down, so I dont know if she is almost ready and just waiting to go where she thinks she is going to go or just relaxing somewhere and not going to go yet!!?!