View Full Version : I think Suzie deserves recognition.. I had an oven fire...

12-05-2006, 09:56 PM
Last night I came home and got Andy (the stray) inside set up in my spare bedroom. I fed the outside strays, and then settled in to make my dinner. I wanted Salmon, so I preheated the oven to 425 and walked out.

I went to change into my bed clothes, washed my face, and was getting ready to play with Andy. Suzie came running down the hallway, and she was screetching loud. I thought Andy had gotten out of my bedroom (door is loose) and she got scared.

I opened the door all the way, and I immediately saw smoke. My eyes were burning. I went to the kitchen and opened the oven. Appearently when I made a Turkey last week the grease got onto the bottom of the oven. When I turned it on, it ignited the oil.

First thought, Get the cats to the bedroom with carriers. I have a door right outside of my bedroom, so I could get them out. I grabbed Suzie and Penny, stuck them in my shirt. I had Hannah by her arm, and Stash was following us. Puff was already in the bedroom. I got Andy and Romeo.. M.E went running under my bed. I was SO scared.

I went back grabbed my cellphone and called...of all people... MY MOM! I did not even think to call the fire department. I was so scared I was not thinking straight. By now the fire is blaring, and I throw water on it.. YES I KNOW... Grease and water dont mix... But at that time I did not think about the grease from the turkey. Then my mom said find the fire extinguisher. I found it under the sink. Fire was put out. All is ok.

I had to leave the doors and windows open to let the house air out. I was so glad my cats were ok.

I am typing this, as a warning... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT LEAVE YOUR OVEN UNATTENDED!! I know I was not out of the room but for 10 minutes, and it was a mess. I Thank God my cats were safe, and that my house was spared. Just so you know, Fire is my biggest fear. Please dont be dumb like me and walk away.

ALSO check your fire detectors. I took the batteries out of mine about 2 weeks ago, because I needed them for something else :rolleyes: PLEASE ALSO CHECK FIRE DETECTORS REGULARLY!!

I want to thank Suzie for telling meowmie something was not right. I am so glad I have her. She is my little Angel, and a daddys little girl. I believe she was made 'specially for ME!!! ;)




Four More Coming!!!!

12-05-2006, 09:56 PM



Yeah I am pretty special :p

Thats all! Katie and kitties

12-05-2006, 10:02 PM
Kisses to Suzie! And thankful prayers that everyone is okay!

12-05-2006, 10:30 PM
How scary.:eek: I'm glad that everyone is okay. Suzie deserves some extra treats for alerting you like she did. What a little sweetheart.:)

12-05-2006, 10:33 PM
OMG!!!! I had the shivers just reading this. HOW SCARY!!! THANK GOD everyone is okay, that Suzie was quick to alert you and that your Mom suggested the fire extinguisher. Wait a go Suzie and Mom. :)

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} to you to calm your shattered nerves.

Oh Suzie, you are not only a very pretty girl, but a very smart one also.
I'm sure you got lots of hugs and kisses for being the hero that you are.
I loved all your adorable pictures.

I hope you cuddled with Mom to help her calm down and told her not to worry, that you are there with her to protect her.

Your meomie is right. You ARE one special girl. :D

12-05-2006, 10:48 PM
Yay Suzie!! You're a hero, little girl.

I am so glad everyone is safe.

12-05-2006, 11:25 PM
What a beautiful little angel. She is so smart, she could have just ran and hid somewhere but instead she had to let you know what was going on. Such a good girl.

12-06-2006, 12:41 AM
Suzie sure is a life saver there, Katie. I am so glad you, Ricky, and all the kits are okay. Thank you Suzie for saving our friend. (((HUGS))) to you kitty kat!!

12-06-2006, 12:46 AM
Thank God that you are all OK! Hugs to Suzie for helping Mommy!!! :)

12-06-2006, 12:49 AM
Way to go Suzie! You deserve some extra treats for alerting your meowme in a situation where most kitties would run off.

*hugs* Im glad everyone is safe and that there was no big damages. My mother always told me to clean out the oven and I never listened until I found out the hard way for myself! :eek: In that instance, Remus and Spook both hid :rolleyes: even though it wasn't anything good ol baking soda couldnt handle.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-06-2006, 04:08 AM
OMG, how scary!!!! Spoil that sweet Suzie rotten, she saved your lives!!

12-06-2006, 04:32 AM
What a smart little girl you are, Suzie!! And, how brave, too.

That has to be so frightening; I noticed a lot of grease in my oven after T/Day and gave my oven a good cleaning. It doesn't take much to start a fire.

Thank goodness everyone is ok and nothing was damaged.

Good girl, Suzie! :)

12-06-2006, 09:15 AM
Suzie truly is a hero!! Just reading your post had me shaking! My biggest fear is fire too because I know that no matter how hard I tried I would never find all twenty and be able to get them out.

I'm so glad that it turned out so well for you and the furkids. {{{BIG HUGS}}} to that special little girl of yours.

12-06-2006, 09:19 AM
I'm so glad to hear that you and all the babies are OK.

Suzie you did a great job!!!! You should be proud of yourself. My biggest fear is fire when I'm not home.....I could deal with it when I'm there but when I'm not home is when I worry the most.....would the fire dept get my babies out.

12-06-2006, 10:24 AM
I'm glad it turned out ok, but PLEASE replace the batteries in your smoke alarms and code into your cell phone and if your house phone has the ability, program in to speed dial 911 and/or the direct phone number to the fire department. Fire is my greatest fear. I test my smoke alarms regularly and watch the stove when cooking - even if it's something that I know can sit and simmer or cook, I check in at regular intervals.

12-06-2006, 11:13 AM
WOW! I am so glad that everyone is alright! That is a very scary story. As I read it, I realize that I often leave my stove unattended.... and your story shows me that I need to be more cautious. One thing that I insisted on when I moved into my townehouse is a fire extinguisher upstairs (in my bedroom) and one in the kitchen. That way of there is a fire upstairs, I can get it out quickly, OR if there is fire coming up the stairs the extinguisher can help me (and the girls!) to get out safely.

Way to go Suzie! Glad you were alert and told your Mom that something was wrong! You are a lifesaver sweet one!

12-06-2006, 03:09 PM
Yay, Suzie Girl, you are a super cat! You have really bonded with your mom and you know to tell her if anything is troubling you. That is SO special, little kitty cat!

I am glad everyone is OK. Thank God for blessings; angels appear in all shapes and sizes, and now we know one appearred and whispered in Suzie's ear, "GET MOM!"

I had turkey grease catch fire after Thanksgiving LAST year. I was lucky, I shut the oven off and slammed the oven door shut and that put it out. Lots of smoke to contend with, but hey, given the options, I accepted that. Sounds like you did, too. You may want to wash any curtains in the room, as hey can hold the smoky smell for a LONG time, I discovered.

12-06-2006, 03:15 PM
:eek: OMG how so scary.. Suzie you were so so brave & to get meowmomie & all out of danger.. Your are Our Hero.. So glad all is ok.. ;)

Laura's Babies
12-06-2006, 03:47 PM
This is SO scarey!!!! Gee whiz! I am soooo glad everyone is ok and it ended well...

Suzie! Our hero of the year!!!

12-06-2006, 05:04 PM
You should send your story to the local newspaper.
I have seen Cats and Dogs who get medals for being Heroes.
I think that Suzie deserves to have that honor too.
Maybe someone knows how you can get that ball rolling to have Suzie so honored.

12-07-2006, 09:41 PM
Thank you all so much for your nice comments. I hope that by posting this, someone will be more careful when it comes to their oven, and the fire alarm. It wont happen again at my house, without me knowing sooner ;)

Redhedd, thank you. I will def. do that now! I still did not think of that :rolleyes:

And Gary I would love to put that in the paper, BUT I dont want my landlord to find out about this. He is pretty ticked at me over the cats I have now. If he found out I had Suzie, he would kick me out for sure. I was allowed 3 cats. He knows about 5. I have 8 and 2 strays. :eek:

I just love my girl! She really is a special part of me ;) :)

12-08-2006, 09:21 AM
Your girl is a hero!

12-08-2006, 02:39 PM
Oh my goodness! How scary! Fire is a huge fear of mine as well, but what I fear more is all of our babies getting stuck in a fire. I don't even like to think about it.

Good thing you had precious Suzie there to alert you. You wouldn't have known as soon as you did, and any later and something serious could have happened.

You're a hero, Suzie!

I'm so happy everyone is alright.

P.S. I'd suggest getting your batteries replaced as quickly as possible.

12-08-2006, 07:09 PM

I'm relieved to know everyone is safe. Way to go Suzie!! You're one smart kittie!

12-10-2006, 11:27 AM
Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you are all okay.

What a gorgeous little hero you have!

12-10-2006, 11:33 AM
Suzie is one smart kitty :) Runs her own little fire department in your home. I'm so glad nothing happened.

12-10-2006, 04:58 PM
Suzie deserves an extra special something in her Christmas stocking. So many cats would just run off and hide so she deserves many praises for running to you and screeching the alarm. While I know that my smoke alarm works fine, being hard-wired in and I just tested it, I've been very lax on replacing my fire extinguishers. Your post is a good reminder that I should make that a holiday gift to all of us in my home.

Like others here, fire is my greatest fear because I know I couldn't get them all out. I go over the scenario in my head over and over again. Who would I snatch up, who do I choose to run with, can I get downstairs and open the door and windows, and will the downstairs cats run or simply hide inside, it's very scary. My worst fear is a fire at home while I am away. Every time I come over the hill in my car and see my home standing there, I feel a sense of relief.