View Full Version : Finals.. trying not to freak out!! (Statistics)

12-05-2006, 11:24 AM
One final down, TWO more to go! I have Statistics tonight at 5:30PM til 7:18PM... at least I have extra more time on this final than I had for the last two exams; I was only given 45 minutes.

I am trying not to freak out; because I need to relax, I know the materials, I've gone it over a thousand times throughout the quarter; just gotta relax. I wish I could! I hate it when I can't feel like I can sit down and not worry.. but the fact I have to relax and be positive all day is all I can do until 5:30PM.

I need POWER prayers for this one..

then I have Art History final on Thursday morning, then I am done for the fall quarter and on winter break! :)

12-05-2006, 01:08 PM
Good Luck! If you know the materials just try to relax....btw...I hated statistics in college! Sorry that probably doesn't help to hear!

12-05-2006, 01:41 PM
I do know the materials. I have 2 sheets of notes - which we are allowed to have over the final. I can't see why not it'd help me out. I just have horrible test anxiety when it comes to anything math-related. *sigh* but I will keep up the good thoughts & vibes. I just have to remind myself I have more time to feel relaxed on the final and just completely "erase" everyone else out of the room so it's just "me", there.