View Full Version : Do ya think they like it?

12-05-2006, 05:38 AM

I think I created 5 little monsters with the laser! I got a coupon for a free toy from Petsmart for a birthday (not sure who's birthday since they're all spring kittens) They will appear from nowhere when they hear the soft tinkle of the keychain attached to it.... and its not a subtle response either. They will litterally jump and scurry from wherever they are to catch the laser! LOL

The most amazing thing? All 5 play nice together with it! :eek: They give each other turns and are very polite as to letting someone else chase after it when they notice another kitty is targeting it

PS: I doubt I'll ever get all 5 to pose in a circle again -- pure fluke! :D

12-05-2006, 06:15 AM
That is a GREAT picture of all of them.They all look adorable.Fun,Fun,Fun :D

12-05-2006, 07:56 AM
What a darling picture, Kim!!! :) I swear, you ought to send it to the manufacturer of the laser light. They could be great advertisement and you could "sell" them the rights to your picture!!!! :)

12-05-2006, 09:45 AM
Thats one of those once in a lifetime Photos when you can have All yor Ctas in one spot, and see them having the time of thier lives.
And I would send that Photo to the Company who makes the laser toy, and it certainly would make a Fantastic Print Ad.
If I saw that Photo in Cat Fancy, it certainly would catch my attention.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-05-2006, 09:46 AM
What a superb pic!!! I wish I knew where our laser-pointer is.... :(

12-05-2006, 10:01 AM
That's a fantastic photo!

All of ours love the laser light, also. And our grand-kitties as well. Wonderful invention.

12-05-2006, 10:29 AM
:D What an ADORABLE picture!!!

12-05-2006, 11:04 AM
Wow, we have a new category for the next Cat-Olympics! The star-chasing strategy! :D

This picture is unique :)

12-05-2006, 05:11 PM
That is a superb photo!!!!!!!!!

12-05-2006, 06:03 PM
I agree...that is a GREAT photo! I'm glad they enjoy the laser toy so much! ;)

12-05-2006, 06:18 PM

I'm getting one for my cats! Isn't it nice to see all of them getting along so well??? Fluke? Hardly. More like sheer luck.

Great picture!

12-05-2006, 06:32 PM
Fabulous picture Kim. How lucky you are that they take turns playing with it.

12-05-2006, 07:02 PM
i bet they like that a lot, chester likes those sometimes too but he usually can't find the light even when i point him to it!

12-06-2006, 02:06 AM
:D what a once in a lifetime shot of a bunch of kitties having a blast! Great photo and I'm glad they can all agree to play nice with eachother!

12-06-2006, 04:39 AM
What a great picture! And, how lovely that they are all 'sharing' the toy!!

(do you think it will last? ;) )

12-06-2006, 08:23 AM
LOL!!! That is the prize toy around here too. I know what you mean about them hearing the little chain rattle and they come running. Hubby and I have tried our best to "sneak" it out but you can't get past those kittie ears!

I love that circle shot....Too Cute!

I'm noticing that Harry seems to have caught up with Leroy in size!!! He sure is a big boy!!! Leroy has added the pounds on this year, I think he has reached that age.