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View Full Version : Lost Jace German Shepherd Dog in Ottawa, Canada

12-04-2006, 01:48 PM
*** Please crosspost ***

There is a very scared and timid recently adopted German Shepherd Dog missing in Ottawa, Canada area.

Jace had a very sad life and we want to help so his end is not tragic as well.

Details HERE (http://www.torontogsdrescue.org/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=33&topic=2883.0)

If anyone on this board would be able to help to bring this boy home for Christmas it would be wonderful.

If you know of anyone in this area please let them know, if you are part of any other forum or list please crosspost.

Thank you on behalf of Jace and his heartbroken new family...

12-05-2006, 11:17 AM
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what else should or could be done to safely bring Jace to his anxious owners? It would be greatly appreciated.

12-05-2006, 11:32 AM
I'm sorry he was lost! The only thing I can suggest is post flyers everywhere, check shelters daily, and contact animal control and perhaps the police to let them know so if someone calls in reporting a loose shepherd they can perhaps contact someone. I hope he's found soon!

12-05-2006, 05:04 PM
Thank you Vela

Lori Jordan
12-06-2006, 07:18 AM
This is so sad,As you know ottawa is big so make sure you put flyers everywhere,I wish you the best of luck!

12-06-2006, 07:37 AM
Contact local shelters & rescues.
My 2 went missing and are both timid and I knew no one would even be able to catch them and read their tags. So I depended on flyers and that's brought them home! A little girl saw their picture in the post office and told her mom she saw them in their back yard the night before!!!

I even spoke to the people at the post office and gave them a picture to hang in their back room so the postmen/women that were out all day long delivery mail would be on the look out for them too!
I placed an ad in the newspaper too.

I pray for his safe return. :(

12-06-2006, 03:18 PM
Thank you Pitc9, Post Office is a great idea, I'm going to forward this info to the people searching for him.

Owners seem to believe that Jace is hiding in an unpopulated area of Ottawa which is Mer Bleue Bog.

However, apparently the Humane Society advised them that it would be best to stop searching and to just wait for calls as Jace could now be anywhere. They explained that a dog his size could cover 20 miles a day and that by now he could be in Montreal or Toronto.

A bit discouraging, I think. I am in Toronto myself and have no way to physically help with the search in that awful cold Ottawa weather and can only do some cross-posting here and there. I just feel very sorry to think of this lost, terrified dog somewhere in this cold. Many years ago I lost a dog myself, and we were never able to find her and this haunts me to this day. She was also very shy and scared of strangers. This was before the Internet and other means available now.

12-06-2006, 04:46 PM
Thank you Pitc9, Post Office is a great idea, I'm going to forward this info to the people searching for him.

Owners seem to believe that Jace is hiding in an unpopulated area of Ottawa which is Mer Bleue Bog.

However, apparently the Humane Society advised them that it would be best to stop searching and to just wait for calls as Jace could now be anywhere. They explained that a dog his size could cover 20 miles a day and that by now he could be in Montreal or Toronto.

A bit discouraging, I think. I am in Toronto myself and have no way to physically help with the search in that awful cold Ottawa weather and can only do some cross-posting here and there. I just feel very sorry to think of this lost, terrified dog somewhere in this cold. Many years ago I lost a dog myself, and we were never able to find her and this haunts me to this day. She was also very shy and scared of strangers. This was before the Internet and other means available now.

To have a dog lost and never found would be heartbreaking I'm sure. :(
I am so sorry to hear about your lost dog.

I hope Jace is found by loving people. :)

12-07-2006, 08:27 AM
Thank you Lizbud and you are right after all those years it still upsets me to think about my lost girl. In any event she would be dead by now and I just hope that her last years or days were not spent in terror somewhere

People searching for Jace are going to do the last one search over the weekend and then just keep an eye on any reports. They all exhausted and I understand how hard it must be walking around for hours in this kind of weather.

12-08-2006, 01:12 PM
It was -25C in Ottawa this morning. Poor Jace. I feel so sorry for all lost pets there. So sad.

12-08-2006, 01:13 PM

Thinking of Jace.

12-09-2006, 05:34 PM
I think that this is the last weekend of an active search for Jace. At least the weather is not as bad.
I'm thinking of Jace and all those searching. Good luck!

12-09-2006, 05:50 PM
I can only hope someone has found Jace and has not seen (or perhaps doesn't want to see) the flyers, and has them in a warm home somewhere.
I would hate to think this poor dog is out in the cold.

Jace, I hope you come home to your family SOON!!

12-10-2006, 04:20 PM
Thank you Tazz_Zoee; This weekend there were extra people looking for Jace. Jace has been so shy and the only life he knew was at the shelter, so it is not very likely that he would go near anyone, though that would be something that we would all want to hope for. There is a new poster offering a reward, hopefully it will motivate someone to report seeing him.