View Full Version : No food for 2 days!

maxx's mom
06-14-2002, 06:14 PM
I am so angry!:mad: My husband and I went away this past weekend, leaving house keys with my best friend/neighbour to feed Maxx a pay her some attention while we were away, like we always have in the past. When I got home on Sunday night (left Friday morning), Maxx had not been fed at all!! She had dragged her bowl to the front door and was sitting there, crying when we walked in the door!:mad: :mad: How could a fellow cat-owner be so irresponsible? How would she like to go without food for more than two days?! I am so angry that I don't know if our friendship can recover after this.

What do the rest of you do with your pets when you go away for the weekend? Should I take her to a kennel? I certainly don't trust this friend of mine anymore!

Suggestions please!

06-14-2002, 06:32 PM
Poor Maxx! Did she have water? Is she ok? I don't go away for the weekend any more but when I did, I took mine to the vet to board. I knew they would be taken care of there and if they got sick would get treatment. Also, I didn't have to worry about the door not getting shut tight and them getting outside. I will admit two years ago, I had go to the emergency room at 1 o'clock on a Saturday morning. I put a big plate of food out for them and left water dripping in the sink, just in case I couldn't get back soon or could not find anyone to see to them for me. I was more worried about them than myself. Did your friend have a reason for not taking care of her? Like being in the hospital herself or something?:eek:

06-14-2002, 07:21 PM
Poor Maxx! I have a good friend who also has 3 cats. We look after each others cats when we go away. It works out really well. I would never board my cats unless absolutely necessary. They are so much happier at home in their own environment.

Maxx's mom, as far as your friend is concerned, that would do it for me. My friend's know how special my furbabies are to me. I can't believe how irresponsible your friend was. I could understand it if there was some catastrophy or she had some great (and I mean damn good) explanation as to why she didn't feed Maxx. But she lives next door. Did you happen to ask her what happened?

And she has cats of her own??? I wonder if they are properly cared for.

My only suggestion is to see if a family member or another neighbor can take over the responsibility. And I would also let your former "friend" know how angry you are and why. :mad: :mad:

I'm so relieved to hear that Maxx is okay. Poor baby! Give her a hug from me.


06-14-2002, 08:33 PM
When I'm going to be away for less than four days I just leave out extra food and water. I guess the difference is Bassett and Tilly have each other to play with so they don't really get lonely. But I can't believe someone would do that!! Did she even have an excuse?? :eek: Either way, I would seriously think about my friend if they ever did such a thing.

If you think you can leave Maxx alone for a couple days, I would think that would be better than a kennel. Animals can get so traumatized at an unfamiliar place like that, especially if they don't like other animals. Cat's are pretty independent.. do you think she would mind having the house to herself for a couple of days? :)

06-14-2002, 10:21 PM
Well, I've left the kids to fend for themselves for up to 36 hours. Other than that, I have a wonderful pet sitter.

I did think about taking them to a local 'pet resort', but Cassy stresses so when he's around other strange cats... I don't think he'd be happy there at all.

I'm leaving both kids with a friend in her home while I'm recuperating and hope this works out. [My kids love, love, LOVE her and she wants to see if her cat is ready for siblings.] Fingers and paws crossed for us all, please?

06-15-2002, 01:15 AM
I think that's just terrible.http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/catmad.gifI wouldn't ever trust her again and she wouldn't be a friend any longer either. Poor Maxx, I sure hope he's okay. I don't go away very much but when I do I make sure to have someone that I can trust to take care of my animals. If I couldn't find anyone then I'd put them in a kennel as a last resort.

06-15-2002, 04:30 AM
When I was gone for 10 days recently my neighbor (who has a twin black kitty) and I agreed to trade cat-sitting duties.

I did E-mail her and she responded while I was in Texas and related cat stories to me. When I got back she said that the mama cat did not miss me (Oh no!) and I am sure she gave her much love, but the babycat would not allow her to pet her so she missed me!

This proved to be true with the mama acting quite content and all of a sudden the baby cat (black kitty about 3) became VERY affectionate.

Yes I hate leaving my cats espcially when its a stranger coming in to care for them.

Did you ever find out why your neighbor did not care for your cat?


maxx's mom
06-15-2002, 03:35 PM
I asked my "friend" what happened and she said that she fed Maxx kibble, but forgot to feed her wet food. I don't believe her, because there was the same amount of kibble in the container as when I left, and the cat food can lid, which sits on top of the kibble, had not been moved. I am pretty sure she is lying to me.

She had water because she prefers to drink out of the toilet and we made sure to leave the lids open for her. We also left her a full bowl of water, but she never actually drinks from the bowl anyway.

I think she got into one of my plants because she was absolutely starving. She had diarhhea for a couple of days, but she seems to be better now. She was a little jumpy this week, I think she thinks we are angry at her.

She was a cat owner up until a couple of months ago when she gave them both to the SPCA (Humane Society) because her two children seemed to be allergic. She fed her cats the same way I feed Maxx, so I don't understand this at all. She literally lives 10 feet away from me, in the apartment right across the hall. How difficult is it?

I think I will buy one of those self-dispensing food containers for next time if I can't find somebody I trust to take care of my furbaby.

I haven't spoken with my neighbour since this happened. I suppose I should phone her (once I calm down) and express my anger.

Thanks for all your support.

06-15-2002, 06:32 PM
My furkids seem to know where I stash their food in large bags, whether I am there to feed them or not. Practically every bag of dry food that is purchsed for them has holes ate in the sides because they couldn't wait for me to feed them. I think in your case, that it would be best to get one of those multi-day feeders, and fill it up with food for them.:D


06-16-2002, 08:20 AM
:D I called it a "hotel" ; but it is not the same as a hotel for humans !! No rooms or so !!! Just like about 25 cages with part inside and part outside ; the cats can play outside or just stay inside as the prefer ; they get food 2 times a day , and their litter box is cleaned every day . The outside part is about 2m by 1m ; the inside part is large enough to host an open litter box , some space for food and a sleeping basket (Sydney may bring his own one ) . Not THàT luxury ... but they are well taken care of .

06-16-2002, 06:14 PM
I'm sure glad to hear that Max is okay. She probably still a bit tramatized from the whole experience.

06-17-2002, 06:25 AM
That is so sad maxx's Mom and I do hope he's getting over it. Poor Maxx.

We have a self-dispensing food container and when we go away just overnight - as we do a lot in Summer on the bike, the furkids are fine.

If we go away longer and our daughter can come over ,she cat sits for us - together with her daft mut Tricky - who adores cats!!

If she can't help out, the three of them go into a cattery - which is rather nice and the animals are well looked after - yes it is expensive but I know my three furbabies are OK.


maxx's mom
06-18-2002, 10:52 AM
There is a place close by that has cat boarding with dorset sheep. I have been told that cats and sheep get along really well. The have a large enclosed area where the cats can hang out and also individual areas if the kitty wants some privacy. I really don't want to send Maxx away if it is going to cause her stress. She is a fairly emotional cat and gets a little miffed when we leave her for the weekend. I would rather have someone I trust come into my home and look after her.

My hubby and I are going to have to figure something out. Keep the suggestions coming! I'm glad to see that I am not overreacting to this.:p
I still haven't spoken with my friend since this happened...

06-18-2002, 02:51 PM
Poor Maxx!!

My best friend has four cats and we watch eachothers babies while one of us is gone. Do you have any friends in your area with cats you can do this with?

You can also hire a pet sitter...you can get names through your vet...maybe whoever your vet trusts to watch his/her animals would be good?

I hope Maxx feels better, poor thing. :(

06-18-2002, 07:53 PM
That is so sad maxx's Mom and I do hope he's getting over it. Poor Maxx.

Poor Maxx! The person must have been irresponsible and forgetful to do a thing like that. I do hope he has gotten over itt too.

Next time you go on a trip, try to give him to another neighbor, or try leaving some extra food out for him. If he's gotten bigger, he should be able to survive for two days on that. If you are gone for a long period of time, like a week, try to find some place near you that watches and cares for animals. Definitely don't give it to those neighbors, just in case.


06-19-2002, 10:58 AM
Poor Maxx! I am leaving Sundance for a week in July and October, my mom is there but sometimes forgetful - so I order a food dish that holds 3 lbs of dry food so he won't run out of food. She does remember to give him water and he drinks out of the spighots anyway and will keep meowing until he gets his water. He is only on dry food, I can't believe your neighbor forgot to feed the poor kitty! I would not be friends after that. If my mom wasn't there I would have my sister come in or if she could not, then I would board the cat. Better safe than sorry

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-26-2002, 11:09 AM
If we are going to be gone for a day or two I just leave extra food and water and they seem to be fine. They miss us and are extra loving when we get home, but they are fine. However, now that they are both taking medicine, and both are getting older, I feel they deserve the attention of a pet sitter if we are going to be gone more than the weekend. She comes in once a day, cleans the litter, feeds them, fills their new found water source(a glass by the side of the bed that they took over from me) and she spends time with them, brushing them, etc. They are always fine when we get back, but this last time since we were gone for longer than we have ever been, they wouldn't leave our sides for at least 3 days after we got home. Even Peanut who is normally a little standoffish was extra friendly and "helped" Terry work all day Monday on our first day back.

I think it's better to keep them in their own environment if possible, but if Maxx is an only kitty, he might like a "hotel" since it would give him some company. Poor boy to be alone like that. I would definitely be upset with your neighbor too.