View Full Version : New Kitty on the Doorstep **UPDATE**

12-04-2006, 11:10 AM
I swear there is a flashing sign ove my house that says "Good Home, Feeds Good Food, and Very Loving Lady Lives Here....Come One, Come All"

Well, yesterday I went outside to go shopping and sitting right in front of the garage was this beautiful calico with a very short stubby tail. I spoke softly to it and it came running to me, walked back and forth between my legs and cried until I picked it up to hold.

Come to find out, this is a little girl and she is totally loving so I was concerned that she belonged to someone. I put her in my garage to eat because Oliver was coming and I knew that he would give her trouble (he's very territorial). As I picked her up to move her to the garage I felt something on her belly, she has a large tumor growing on her stomach area, my heart sank and I cried. I really have a gut feeling that someone dumped her because of the tumor.

When we came back from shopping she was no where around so I called for her (here kitty kitty) but she did not come back. I set up a dog house witha a self heating blanket for her and I left food out for her again this morning.

I really hope she comes around again, and as soon as she does she will be taken to my vet to see about the tumor.

By the way I have named her Scarlet. Please send some prayer to guide her back to me and that I can take care of her.

12-04-2006, 12:06 PM
How did she get out of the garage?Or it was just an open garage.Oh I DO hope she comes back so you can take care of her.If she only knew that...she'd surly come back for sure(knowing she was going to the doctors).
When I was living in Massachusetts I got home from grocery shopping,pulled into my driveway and I noticed a VERY dirty blackish with somewhite/looked grey then in my back yard.She or he quickly ran away before I could even take a step.My car pulling in must of scared it.I think of that poor cat so much.I would of taken it in and helped it.It was theee most dirties cat I've ever seen.Like coming out of a mine.I don't know why I dwell on these things but I do.
I hope she or he returns to your home.It would be that cats only chance.Your such a sweet person.
I'll be praying and wishing all day.Please keep us posted.

12-04-2006, 07:49 PM
I notice New Cats at the feeding stations at the Found Cat Hotel.
I think that there are neighbors Cats coming in for a free meal, and some are Cats whom nobody cares for anymore.
We have POOFED Five Cats this year, and sadly Two have become Angels.
We pray that you can help Scarlet.

12-05-2006, 04:01 PM
Poor Scarlet. Did she come back yet?
She obviously belongs to someone to be so tame and loving. Maybe, just maybe, she has gone back home and who ever owns her has also felt the tumor and has brought her to the vet to have it checked out. Hey, I can always hope, can't I.

12-05-2006, 07:22 PM
Meg, it might have just been a bad abscess! I hope she comes back so your vet can check her out! ;)

12-06-2006, 08:32 AM
Do you think its possible that she belonged to someone and just got loose? Maybe she went back home? Have you talked to any of your neighbors?

I hope Scarlet is ok and I'm sure if she needs help God will bring her back to you.

12-06-2006, 09:14 AM
Miss Scarlet was back again last night. I was coming home from work and came down the driveway to see the garage door opened and there she was sitting in my bay for the car. She moved...only slightly. As I was exiting the car the house door opened and there was Mark with a tray of food in his hands.....he was BUSTED!!!! For a man that says "enough is enough" he sure had his heart strings pulled with her.

She came in the garage to eat, let me pick her up and the lump was much smaller.....she really has me baffled. After she ate her dinner she ran off before I could catch her. She does not seem to be aling from the lump..she has a wonderful appetitie, is not a skinny kitty by any means, and she is very, very friendly. Mark seems to think that she lives at the farm house that is just up from ours.

Oh well, she is welcome to come for breakfast, lunch or dinner any time she wants.

12-06-2006, 09:21 AM
Meg it sounds like it could possibly be a hernia. I know when we have them at the shelter sometimes they seem small and other times seem big. It just depends on how much is falling through the tear/hole at the moment.

Little Freddy had a hernia and sometimes it felt big but if you pushed on it it would almost disappear for awhile. According to the vet as long as it stays soft they can hold off on surgery for a bit but if it gets hard its very bad.

Its just a thought but you might want to keep an eye on it when she visits again.

12-06-2006, 10:38 AM
CCL, thanks for the info...I will be keeping an eye on her.

12-06-2006, 05:16 PM
Well, well, looks like Mark has a heart of gold when it comes to little stray kitties! He deserves a big hug!

So glad she came back and had dinner with you!