View Full Version : Lexie not doing that great yet...

12-03-2006, 05:07 PM
Those who read my thread and participation in the cat food thread will know i am having some real troubles with my lil girl right now, first she had a UTI, second one and we found out she has crystals, good news she has very few, so had to go on a special diet, Hills science was recommended, wow was that a big mistake, then she got constipated, had to have parafin oil,can tell you that stuff works but it is very hard to administer and poor lexie has oil everywhere especially her rear end, she was still scooting after going to the toilet ,so i felt concerned and her back end did not look too great,of course it being covered in oil made it look worse i guess, but i was worried she might have anal gland issues, as she has had that before, so discussed by phone with the vet, she said the area is probably inflamed due to the constipation,and luckily i had extra antibots given to me by mistake last time, and she told me to put her on them.

So poor wee girl has really been in the wars, and i have been very worried about her, she is such a darling wee kitty , and easy to medicate thank goodness, and still loves me afterwards,with her oily fur she does not look the pretty wee girl she usually is, and of course Lexie hates having her fur looking dishevelled, after all she is the princess of the house.

She starts her new food tomorrow, the royal canin, i am so scared that we will end up with similar problems, but here's hoping all will be well,fingers and paws crossed please, keep my lil girl in your thoughts, she is having a rough time right now and could do with some cheering up, thanks my friends.

12-03-2006, 06:28 PM
Royal Canin Is A Great Food, And If Theres Anything That Will Help Your Dear Lexie, It Will Be Royal Canin.
We Are Praying That This Food Does The Trick, And Lexie Is Better Soon.

12-03-2006, 07:45 PM
Poor Lexie. :( I sure hope this is all resolved very soon.

12-03-2006, 08:00 PM
Yes me too, now i know i can talk about my cats bottom on here lol, so here i go, it appears she does have some blood on her rectum, dried, i hope it is only because of the initial constipation, so she is sore poor wee girl,is there anything i can put on it to soothe her without causing more irritation or that is not good for her, or is it best left alone, she is on the antibots now,so hoping things improve, gary i sure hope you are right about royal canin, my instincts were to go with that in the first place,had i known what was to unfold i would never ever have tried her on science diet, that word is poison to me now.

You know through all this she is still her lovely sweet nature,that is why i love this lil girl so much, my little furangel she is.

12-03-2006, 08:08 PM
Poor little Lexie! I hope your new food will make you feel much better, and you can get a bath and feel like a little Princess again! ;)

12-03-2006, 10:39 PM
Carole, I'm so sorry to hear that Lexie is still not doing well.:( I sure hope that she'll like the new Royal Canin diet. You may also want to buy some of the wet food too if she doesn't like the dry. My cats love it and I haven't had any problems. Now even my 6 month old kitten Ziggy seems to prefer it over he Nutro Natural Complete Care Indoor kitten food. It sure must taste good.:) I'll be keeping Lexie in my thoughts and prayers and hopefully everything will go well.

12-04-2006, 05:36 AM
Carole, use hemmoroid cream for Lexie's butt.

12-04-2006, 06:06 AM
Poor Lexie! Prayers that her bottom end feels better soon.

12-04-2006, 02:05 PM
Jen i was just looking at her butt and i think she has got a haemorhoid myself, so the stuff humans get is ok for her, thanks i will indeed administer that for her.

Got the royal canin today, gave her a handful and she liked it, mind you she did do that with the other, but i then gave her some of hills in my hands, she was not interested at all, they are much bigger biscuits and i think will be more economical too, and they smell better, she is off her food a little today, so not such a good test really.