View Full Version : MEAN Millie and poor Sammy!!! :o(

12-03-2006, 01:39 PM
Ok, Millie is being a real pain!!! LITERALLY!!!! Some of you may remember that I took my Grace to the vet for an abscess in her neck just 4 days ago? Well yesterday I had to take my M.C. Sammy as well! Would you believe he has the exact same thing??? An abscess under the neck, just like Grace had! He was running a 104.5 fever and very listless!!! :( Again, the vet drained pure pus out of it. I'm fed up with MILLIE!!! Any one want a mean tortie! :confused: This cat has cost me $130.00 senseless expense in less than a week! :(

See poor Sammy and MEAN Millie attached:

12-03-2006, 03:38 PM
I am sorry that Millie is being so mean. I have a cat here that has done the same thing. Have they been toghether since day one? Maybe she is just mad if they are new or if she is. I hope it works out for you. Please keep us posted.

12-03-2006, 03:46 PM
Oh Kim, I am so sorry you have a meanie right now. I have no room for a mean torti right now -- tabbies only around here ;)

12-03-2006, 03:53 PM
Poor Sammy. That must be an awful experience for a cat (I remember having an abcess on my back and it hurt like hell), esp. when you can't tell them WHY.

I hope he gets better soon and I hope Millie calms down quickly. Do you trim her nails regularly? That might help. :confused:

12-03-2006, 04:24 PM
Did the vet have any suggestions? I second that, keep her nails short.

How long has Millie been with you? What has changed to set her off?

12-03-2006, 05:20 PM
Millie was the last mother cat I took in. Her owner was committed to a hospital for drug abuse and she had a house full of pets. Millie was pregnant when I took her in. Since she has not had to be a mom, and was spayed, she has just gotten worse and worse. I do need to trim her claws, but I have no one around here most of the time when I actually think to do it. I'm just so overwhelmed with stress right now, everything is getting me down. :(

12-03-2006, 06:17 PM
I Know What You Mean As Precious Cost Me $331 When Pouncierge Scratched Her Ear, And That Was An Accident, As They Usually Get Along So Well.
But There Goes Cat Mas Here.
No Bunk Beds Or Extras.
But Precious 's Ear Is A Lot Better.
I Wish You Luck With Finding Millie A Home Where She Can Be Boss Cat.