View Full Version : Hi Checkers!!

Daisy and Delilah
12-03-2006, 06:37 AM
What a great picture of you, sweetheart!! You look so cute with all that snow and your cute little armadillo sweater. What a challenging life you've had. Such a strong willed boy that has come such a long way through adversity. We can imagine how cute you were, sitting in that red wagon behind Mom's work desk. YAY!! for Dr. Pardo and Carole for being so helpful in getting you well. Congrats to you, our handsome little DOTD, Mr. Checkers!! Please have Mom and Dad give you tons of extra kisses and hugs today from us here in Florida. We wish you all happiness always!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

Please have Mom and Dad join Pet Talk so we can see more pics of your cute little self. :)

12-03-2006, 08:35 AM
:) :) :) CHECKERS.....You have put a big smile on my face.....you are adorable in the snow with your red sweater!! What a great photo!

So glad to hear that you were adopted from that farm in Ohio so many years ago and your people took such good care of you. We had a terrier mix who had extensive back/disc surgery back in the 70's when the procedure was in it's infancy.....our pup would have been paralyzed without it too. So glad you made a full recovery....your guardian are ANGELS for everything and it sounds like you repay them in huge doses of love.:cool:

We send you our best wishes in having a continued long and healthy life.


12-03-2006, 09:18 AM
Ah Checkers, you are so adorable, who could ever have called you an ugly dog. I'm so glad you had a loving family to care for you when you needed it. You certainly have rewarded them over the years, haven't you sweet boy. Hope you all still have a long time together. Hugs and treats for you today, and congratulations on being our DOTD.

12-03-2006, 09:39 AM
What a treat this morning, to see your snow-covered face!!! :D I agree with Irish and other community members ... how anyone could call you ugly dog is beyond us?!?!?!?!? :rolleyes: I'm so glad your recovery from those herniated disks was so successful. :) A big high five to everyone, Doc, Carole, Mom, Pop, Mom's co-workers, who assisted you in getting back on those cute little paws. :) Enjoy your extra special day and be selective with all the additional treats. (You'll want to leave room for the really special ones!!! ;) ) Happy DOTD!!! :cool:

12-03-2006, 10:00 AM
What a cutie pie you are!Your parents are supper dupper people!!!I am glad you are DOTD!!!! :)


I think your face looks like Chica's, and your ears to!!


12-03-2006, 11:14 AM
Hi, Checkers! You have warmed my heart today, reading about your life. You are positively adorable and I can't fathom how you got that awful nickname of UD from that bad place where you came from. I'm glad you were rescued and are living out your days in a loving home where people appreciate you for the handsome boy you are! You have been through a lot and deserve all the love and affection you get. Congrats on DOTD! Enjoy your special day! :D

12-03-2006, 03:57 PM
Hello Checkers,

You sure look like you're enjoying all that snow little buddy. :) My pups
love it too. I am so happy to hear how brave you were when you had the
back problems & I'm thrilled to learn you overcame that problem.Many thanks
to a great doctor & loving family. Happy congrats on being chosen for special
honors today as our DOG OF THE DAY. Hugs & kises going out to you baby. :)

12-03-2006, 04:47 PM
Hi, everyone. This is the first chance I had to check DOTD. What a pleasant surprise to see my baby's face looking back at me! :D Thanks for all your great comments. What a priviledge it is for Checkers to have been chosen today and I have given him special treats!

Chica, you and Checkies do have the same ears and face--what a beauty you are ;) .

I forgot to mention in Checker's bio that his "nephew," Bailey, a Rat Terrier was DOTD December 7, 2005...here's his link: http://DogoftheDay.com/archive/2005/December/07.html . Bailey just loves Checkers, but Checkers is annoyed with him. :rolleyes: Bailey's a great dog too!

Daisy and Delilah
12-03-2006, 05:01 PM
Hi CheckersMom and welcome to Pet Talk!! Thanks for stopping by. Now, can we see more pics if that cute guy? :) You can post some under the "Dog General" heading.

12-03-2006, 05:19 PM
Congratulations to you adorable Checkers, our EXTRA special and MOST deserving Dog of the Day! Heartwarming stories such as yours are what our Sunday honors are all about! You are one amazing puppper sweetheart, a fighter, a lover and a true survivor! Thanks to your wonderful Mom and Dad, Dr. Pardo, Carole and everyone who helped make your amazing tale of rescue and recovery a reality! :) What a loving, devoted, caring circle of humans surrounds you! I can just picture you "off to work" with your Mom in your little red wagon!:) And you know what's especially touching Pigboy, despite your many challenges, your never, ever lost your zest, your spunk, your love for life Checkers, in fact, I don't think there's a more joyful doggie on the face of the planet planet!:D What an inspiration you are to us all! Oh, I checked out your cousin Bailey's link; I remember him well, what a cutie! I'm sure he's bursting with pride, knowing his little cous' is today's featured doggie!:p Imagine that, a year later almost to the day and now it's your turn! Your family can proudly claim not just one but two Dog of the Day alumni! :cool: Congratulations to you adorable Checkers and thanks to your dear Mom for checking in, too! Just one more treat and a big hug and kiss from me Mom, please!:)
P.S. That sweater is the cat's meow, Checkers! Armadillo doggie!:D

12-03-2006, 06:08 PM
"You look so cute with all that snow and your cute little armadillo sweater. We can imagine how cute you were, sitting in that red wagon behind Mom's work desk." -- I agree with Daisy and Delilah, and I bet your Mom's co-workers got a lot of joy out of helping her nurse you back to health! Happy Dog-of-the-Day to you, cutie! I wish you a healthy and happy life with your loving family. (Don't let anyone call you Ugly Dog because you aren't!)