View Full Version : We Had a "Nip" Explosion

12-01-2006, 07:57 PM
I was at work when Mark called to tell me that he had just arrived home to find that the cats (we don't know who) had taken down their Christmas stocking from the mantle and had opened a bag of catnip and it was all over the place.

I laughed and pretty much dismissed this telephone call....Mark can make up big stories just to get me going, but when I got home I did in fact find this.............................



I'm not 100% sure that Mystic actually did all the damage. She is a little to short to jump as high as the stocking was hung....so I'm pretty sure she had some help.

Here is their stocking.

Here is more of the mess that everyone made.


They also ate threw a bag of shrimp treats that was in their stocking.

Oh well....I'm very thankful that they did not take the tree down. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Prairie Purrs
12-01-2006, 08:30 PM
Naw-tee kitties! (snicker, giggle) You should be ashamed of yourselves, raiding your Christmas stocking early! (chuckle, snort, guffaw) :D

12-01-2006, 08:33 PM
That is too funny :) last Christmas Abby and/or Buddy chewed through the wrapping paper to get to their stocking (it was wrapped up/a surprise). they then proceded to also chew and eat through the thick plastic containing the toys inside.
(You know the kind I'm talking about....you buy it (the plastic stocking) already filled with cat-nip toys and mice,balls,and fuzzys to play with. )

They were determined to get to the little toy cat-nip monkey inside......we laughed about all day :) it was quite the site ;)

12-01-2006, 11:18 PM
Well DUH Mommy!!! Everybody knows that Santa fills the stockings on Christmas Eve! Kitties can't read the calendar .... how did THEY know? Sounds like "Santa" came a bit too early! :eek: ;)

12-01-2006, 11:22 PM
steals the treats and drags them all over the house before she chews through the plastic baggie to get them.

12-01-2006, 11:45 PM
LOL I guess they just wanted to celebrate Christmas a little early. It is December now.:)

12-02-2006, 04:36 AM
It was just too tempting to resist! Must have smelled great!

That's hilarious!! :D :D

12-02-2006, 07:30 AM
Maybe they are really being smart kitties....won't Santa bring them replacements now? ;)

Killearn Kitties
12-02-2006, 08:32 AM
Christmas came early for your crew! :D :D That stocking must have smelled awfully good.

12-02-2006, 08:45 AM
That's hilarious! You can tell that nawtee kitty has even been rolling in it. Guess they just couldn't wait to have their Christmas.

12-02-2006, 01:38 PM
lol! one time we found some wild catnip and brought it to my cat, Chester, and he totally spazzed out! He even started to push himself across the floor with his back legs! :rolleyes: :p

12-02-2006, 07:01 PM
I guess the smell was just too tempting that they couldn't wait any longer. :D

12-02-2006, 07:05 PM
For Our Beloved Companion Cats, every day is Cat Mas, so they are entitled to thier presents, every day.
At least that how the Found Cats explained that to me.

12-02-2006, 08:50 PM
Those pictures are so funny! :D
I guess they couldn't wait to get the party started and had a celebration without you. ;)
It looks like they had one big catnip explosion under your tree. :)

12-03-2006, 08:51 AM
LOL!!! :D :D :D Who wants to wait till Christmas? That is too funny!

I guess you know that Santa brought some good stuff to the kitties! I love the innocent faces too. They have no idea how that stuff got on the floor. :rolleyes: ;) :D