View Full Version : I have a treadmill......

11-30-2006, 09:02 PM
Well a lot of you will know i have struggled to exercise, one because i have a fibromyalga which does not always inspire one to exercise, two i loathe it really, and even though i was doing walking i hated it so much, and finally gave it up, i am a real indoors person and walking for leisure in lovely weather is fine with me, but usually it is too cold, too hot,too windy or too wet for me lol,so this is the perfect solution i am hoping.

My girlfriends mother had one just sitting gathering dust, and so she has lent it to me to try out and then i can buy it at 220 at my leisure, cannot get much better than that.

I started today and have managed the minimum needed thirty minutes, not at once of course but in three intervals, i really feel good and enjoyed it,i just hope i can keep motivated, that is my biggest problem.

I am not sure what happened to the thread about weight loss and exercise, did it just fizzle out,but just wanted to tell you i am feeling positive and excited about my new piece of furniture, the kitties are curious and a bit frightened when the motor starts up ,but they will get used to it. :)

11-30-2006, 09:20 PM
Congratulations! Treadmills and I do not get along - they literally throw me off, it's pathetic. I have a stationary bike, as I can stay on that, and it also makes me work on a balance a little.

11-30-2006, 09:34 PM
We just bought an elliptical, its a lovely decoration in our family room :rolleyes: Seriously as soon as my shoulder is better I need to start using it.

11-30-2006, 11:02 PM
That's great, Carole! I hope it works well for you and you get to feeling much better! ;)

11-30-2006, 11:10 PM
By the way Carole if you want to start another thread I will join in this time...we can try to help each other. I am good at losing weight just not good at keeping it off.

11-30-2006, 11:18 PM
Well.. I have a tred mill if anyone wants it.. I use to use it, but that was when I lived in the city. Now I walk in the woods... lol.. ( well not right now.. but will get back to it here in a month..)

12-01-2006, 09:43 AM
Well a lot of you will know i have struggled to exercise, one because i have a fibromyalga which does not always inspire one to exercise, two i loathe it really, and even though i was doing walking i hated it so much, and finally gave it up, i am a real indoors person and walking for leisure in lovely weather is fine with me, but usually it is too cold, too hot,too windy or too wet for me lol,so this is the perfect solution i am hoping.

My girlfriends mother had one just sitting gathering dust, and so she has lent it to me to try out and then i can buy it at 220 at my leisure, cannot get much better than that.

I started today and have managed the minimum needed thirty minutes, not at once of course but in three intervals, i really feel good and enjoyed it,i just hope i can keep motivated, that is my biggest problem.

I am not sure what happened to the thread about weight loss and exercise, did it just fizzle out,but just wanted to tell you i am feeling positive and excited about my new piece of furniture, the kitties are curious and a bit frightened when the motor starts up ,but they will get used to it. :)

Congratulations Carole!!!!!! So wonderful to learn that you feel so good!!
The weight loss and exercise thread you spoke of, was created by Christa~

I hope I copied and pasted it right :confused:

12-01-2006, 10:40 AM
Good for you, Carole! We moved our treadmill into the living room, recently (what an eyesore :eek: ), but figured we might be more likely to use it there than in the bedroom and the kids can use it too. I will say it hasn't been used much, but it is there to remind us we need to get on it!

Karen, I'm just like you. Feel like such a klutz on it! I simply cannot read while walking, which would be the best thing. I guess watching tv is the next best thing and I can do that. Hope I can get motivated again!

Good luck, Carole!!!!


12-01-2006, 02:19 PM
That wicked to get that and pay when ever you want. I hope everything goes well for you and you stay motivated to keep healthy. Good luck with the new treadmill.

12-01-2006, 02:25 PM
I wonder if you can get your kitties on the exercise treadmill!

12-02-2006, 10:35 PM
Yes well my kitties sure could do with using a treadmill lol, they enjoy sitting on it and decorating it quite nicely,now for the good news and the bad, i used it for the first time, and yes i over did it, sorry but that is part of my personality, tend to do that, get very excited and motivated and find it hard to quit, mind you i am pretty unfit at the moment, so it was not that much but too much for me,i was in agony next day,not sure if it was normal aches and pains from too much exercise or making my fibro flare up, but i ended up having to take pain relief and that did not help much, so that is not good, however rested next day and felt ok today and was keen as mustard, but decided just to do five mins each day and build up slowly which i should have done in the first place, so all ready to go and guess what the treadmill died on me, i cannot believe it, it has a new motor not long ago installed, so we figure it is a fuse or wiring problem, but i have no idea really, hubby is not sure either, and he is pretty good at this stuff, so now i am fustrated beyond belief,and i feel stink,not sure what to do, cannot afford to get someone to look at it and i have not even bought it yet,it belongs to my girlfriends mother, and there is no way they would have known this was to happen,gosh folks this has been one of those weeks, i feel everything i touch breaks, its been a breaking week with one thing or another not working, the dishwasher door has lost its spring, the washing machine nearly broke, but is ok,now this, I guess my treadmill days look like they are over, just when they had not even begun. :(

12-02-2006, 10:42 PM
Oh, What a bummer. Well, I'm sure something will come out good sooner or later. That's sucks about the treadmill. Hopefully it'll just start to work on its own again..(Finger crossed) :)
Try to think positive :) :D

12-03-2006, 05:16 PM
I am trying to think positive but its not working alas. :(