View Full Version : I Need Help......

11-30-2006, 06:31 PM
Does anyone know the sysmtomps of the puppy flu..now I am leaning towards that is what my puppy might have. Either way he is going to the vet tomarrow at 11:30 for my peace of mind so I dont go craxy and to make sure he is fine THANKS FOR YOUR TIME AND ANY ANSWERS YOU CAN GIVE----CHI HUGS-----

11-30-2006, 06:35 PM
There are two forms of " puppy flu". One is also called " parvo" the other is a new virus they do not have a vaccine for. The symptons are similar to parvo only without the blood in the stool. It is treated with supportive care like IV fluids, bland diet and sometimes flagyl which is a antibiotic for bacteria. Why do you suspect this?

11-30-2006, 06:40 PM
ITS NOT PARVO HE WAS VACINATED AGASINT IT. I think it because he has weepy eyes and sounds stuffed up. Eyes are watery looking and one looks a little swollen

11-30-2006, 06:44 PM
No thats not puppy flu. Sounds like to me just a simple sinus infection, but since the dog is going to the vet, the vet will rule out something more serious such as a upper respitory infection. Let us know.