View Full Version : Now I'm sure that Luna has stopped playing because of Lily!!

11-30-2006, 03:22 PM
Luna has never been a very active cat, but ever since Lily has moved in (more than three years ago), Luna has stopped playing. (The only exception is chasing the spot of a laser pointer, a game we call "kitty light").

However, before Lily moved in, Luna loved to play with a dry piece of soil from the flower pot. I don't know why she loved that piece so much, but she would bring it to me in her mouth, and I would throw it again, and she jumped for it, played a while and brought it back to me; like a little dog, you know. (Lily, btw, does the same with tampons! LOL :o)

Luna stopped playing this game when Lily arrived, and when Lily spent a day at the vet's because of "her" surgery, Luna surprised me by bringing me that piece of soil (from wherever she has been hiding it), and we played as we once did. That day, I already suspected that she would never play again with Lily around...

Well, this is three years ago now, and today, I started a new try (I still have this particular piece of soil). When I threw it, Lily played with it first, but I noticed that Luna was also interested, so I put it down in front of her. She sniffed it, and bat it around with her paw, but all the time, she kept an eye on Lily and didn't play.

Then I did something mean: I pretended I would throw it out of the room, so Lily ran out and I closed the door behind her. :o When I was alone with Luna, she immediately started playing "our" old game, it was really cute and extremely heartwarming. :) However, after a couple of minutes, Lily started howling outside, which distracted Luna and she stopped playing.

This evening has confirmed what I have suspected for a long time: it is because of Lily that Luna doesn't play, and it makes me sad! :( Would Luna be better off without a second kitty? But most of the time, they act like they're good friends! It's only that Lily is much faster than Luna and this may have discouraged her. Also, Lily still forces her to be a mommy cat, she's still suckling!

What do you think about this?

BTW, before you wonder... when I opened the door again and Lily came back, I played "kitty light" with both of them... After all, I don't want Lily to feel left out! ;)


11-30-2006, 04:44 PM
I noticed that too Kirsten when the Kitten Trio came in, that the Other Found Cats stopped playing.
But then again they are getting up in age, so I thought taht was the reason.
Maybe pull a string back and forth in front of Luna, that old trick still works , even with Micheal and Princess.

11-30-2006, 06:59 PM
Kirsten, I have the same problem with my crew. Poppy is mainly the one who comes to me to be played with, but when I start and the rest hear him playing, they want to get in on the fun. Poor Poppy just sits back and watches. So what I do now when he wants my undivided attention, is bring him into the hubby's room and play with him for about 1/2 an hour. The other cats just sit outside the door and wait. When I'm finished playing with him, I come back out of the room and play for a bit with the others. Poppy is really the only one who prefers a one on one with me.

I think what you did about playing with Luna first and then letting Lily back in was good to do. Maybe you can take turns by playing with each of them on a one on one basis and then have them join each other for a play together.
It works for us. :)

11-30-2006, 07:56 PM
They are just like kids. Some just need that special one-on-one mommy time. I know you love them both equally, but you may just have to start dividing some play time for each of them! ;)

12-01-2006, 12:29 PM
Yes, I really think I should try to play with Luna while Lily is sleeping in another room! Of course she will wake up and try to join the game, but maybe it works when I close the door before she's showing up.

I'd feel a bit mean towards Lily, but it was easy to see how much this upsets Luna! when Lily came back yesterday and tried to play with that piece of soil, too, Luna whacked her, growled and walked away. A typical Luna reaction... :confused:


12-01-2006, 01:16 PM
It's the same here- Filou will not play if Tigris is playing. You will have to catch each boy when he's in the mood and make sure he has his playing time alone.

12-01-2006, 05:50 PM
I have seen some similar things. Jasmine will play with a paper ball that we throw to her, but if the ball comes close to Peppito, sher will stop. To me, it looks like it is a dominance issue. Sometimes Jasmine is jumping on Peppito's back and they "fight" together because she knows it is play time, and sometimes, just by looking at him, she will stop immediately as if saying "OK, you are the boss, I know". Well, it's only my interpretation.

Since Jasmine is here, Peppito is playing more with her because she is young and stimulating. And in the same time he does not play anymore to his favoritez games which were catching-human-legs and biting-human-arm-to get-attention :D
But I am sure he is happier now. He is more busy and not alone anymore during long days ;)

12-02-2006, 10:16 AM
Well, looking at the pros and cons, I still think it's better for Luna to have another feline companion around. I'm working all day, and that way, she's not alone. And she has someone to communicate with in her own language, if you know what I mean! ;)

And after all, they're good friends most of the time. But I'm sure there are times when Lily is getting terribly on her nerves. :)
