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11-30-2006, 09:57 AM
Official Canadian Kennel Club Statement Concerning FCI Circular 125/2006

The Board of Directors of the Canadian Kennel Club would like to advise Club members that the CKC was officially notified on November 24, 2006 of a decision made by the General Committee of the Fédération cynologique internationale (FCI) at its meeting of October 25-26, 2006 in Rome. This decision has now been made publicly available in FCI Circular 125/2006 which is available in PDF form: click here.

The Board of Directors recognize that this decision has the potential to significantly alter the relationship that has prevailed between the FCI and the CKC and steps were taken over the last few days to ascertain the reasons for the decision. Dwain McLean, Chair of the CKC Board of Directors, and Joe Mauro, Chief Executive Officer of the CKC, have contacted Mr. Yves De Clercq, Executive Director of the FCI on Monday November 27, 2006 to substantiate the information received. The CKC has proposed a meeting between FCI officials attending the Eukanuba Classic and representatives of the CKC this coming weekend in order to review the situation and convey our regrets to our FCI friends over the unintended breakdown in communications between our two organizations. This meeting will also provide an opportunity to provide information regarding the policies and procedures of the CKC with regards to the recognition of registries in FCI member countries.

The next meeting of the General Committee of the FCI is scheduled for March and we have been informed that this would be their earliest opportunity to review the decision made at their October meeting. While all CKC members would wish for an earlier resolution of the situation, we also need to be respectful of the FCI constitution and processes.

The Board of Directors is determined that measures and safeguards be put in place to avoid any inadvertent and unintentional breach of communication between our organizations in the future.

Internally, we do not have a full picture of the sequence of events involved in the breakdown in communications which resulted in the FCI General Committee’s decision. This will come in time and decisions flowing from that review will be reported to the membership. At this time, our priority as a Board of Directors is to define and implement the means by which we can assure our FCI friends of the goodwill and desire of the Canadian dog fancy to cooperate.

In the interim, it is fair to say that the first steps in our contacts have been encouraging. We will continue to put ourselves forward to ensure that the FCI is certain that Canada holds it in the highest esteem and that we will work with them at their convenience to resolve any misunderstandings that have occurred.

We take this opportunity to note that the decision made by the FCI General Committee does not have any impact on CKC accredited clubs wishing to hire FCI judges or who have invited FCI judges to judge at their shows. Until further notice, the CKC will continue to honour the credentials of these judges in accordance with CKC policies.

Furthermore, in the interim, anyone in need of a pedigree for export to an FCI country is advised that these requests will be processed as expedited service at no additional charge.

Future official statements from The Canadian Kennel Club will appear on our website as appropriate.


11-30-2006, 10:13 AM
hmm.. I could not pull up the link to get the rest of the information. I will try again later. Maybe its down...

11-30-2006, 10:18 AM
Go to www.CKC.ca On the main page it has a list of things to read. You can find it there.

11-30-2006, 10:30 AM

11-30-2006, 02:26 PM
:eek: Holy moly. Will be interesting to see what comes of the meeting.