View Full Version : How NOT to talk to a potential client...

11-29-2006, 06:43 PM
After exhausting every means possible with more traditional medicine for my cat I decided to take a holistic approach to see if that would help his current stomach/intestinal problems. He has been a very sick kitty.

I ran across a web site for a woman who is supposedly a vet and holistic practitioner named Swanson or something like that in the Chicago area. I guess she practices out of her home. I faxed her a 2 page summary of my cat's current health problems as well as my vet's notes and all the test results done on my cat...blood work, ultrasound, urinalysis, etc.. It came to a total of 15 pages. I called her up a few minutes later and she proceeded to yell at me for faxing over all the paperwork. Yes, this woman had the nerve to actually yell at me for "wasting her paper." :eek: She went on to say that she didn't need all this paperwork and that I was wasting her paper on her HP fax machine.

Please correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't you think that any practitioner would need those notes and test results in order to make the proper care decisions for a pet?? She wanted a one page summary of all the tests done and results. Well that is just not realistic especially when you have a pet that has undergone major testing for multiple illnesses and cancer surgery. I was just flabbergasted at this woman's response. She actually left me speechless which is something that rarely happens. I told her that I was unfamilar with certain meanings from the test results but that she could probably better understand it since she was a vet. Things like BE, HC03, or TC02 are terms I just don't get. This so called vet and holistic practitioner was completely rude and unprofessional and told me "that I should ask my regular vet to explain things to me like I was a 10 yr. old child." I kid you not...that was her response to me. :mad:

Well after that comment I had enough. She still went on about her paper rant too. After all that she offered me an appointment today but I declined. Why would I bring my fur baby to some whacko nut job who can't even have the courtesy or common sense to be professional let alone caring?

I was able to get a recommendation through my vet to another place that offers holistic treatments and boy what a difference! This other place was the complete opposite...very courteous and professional. A total 180. I made an appointment for tomorrow so I'm hoping things will get better for my baby.

Anyway, I just had to share this experience because I still can't believe it myself.

11-29-2006, 06:48 PM
I agree totally that if they cannot talk to you in a courteos and professional manner, how will they talk to you after a few sessions with your Cat?
I am glad that you found someone who sounds more like a Healer that you could talk to, and ask questions.

11-29-2006, 06:50 PM
HUGS! Oh, good luck with your sweet baby....am so glad you found wonderful people!

Keep us posted!

Russian Blue
11-29-2006, 06:54 PM
Chalk it up to fate telling you to stay far away from her! ;)

Remember, vets are human too and there are good and bad one's as well. If it was me, I would send her a letter a week or so from now outlining how disappointed you were in your first experience with her. She may ignore it, or may give you an explanation on what set her off that day and actually give you an apology. I always think it's good practice to give feedback to a business - whether good or bad.

Glad you were able to get an appointment through a sane vet though. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an alternative therapy/diagnosis. Good luck!

11-29-2006, 07:36 PM
If it was me, I would send her a letter a week or so from now outlining how disappointed you were in your first experience with her.

Yes, and make it about 5 pages long, in a fax! :p

11-29-2006, 08:30 PM
I was laughing as I finished reading this. Basically, what you were saying was "a medical person did not want the medical reports!'

About 4 years ago, Dad picked out a doc he wanted to go see, so I got the appointment. When we got there, this man was not interested in the reports from the doctor Dad had been seeing for 8 years. When we got home, I called the insurance company and told them what happened. They declined to pay his bill. And we never went back. For some reason, we never got a bill from his office. ;) Can't imagine what the insurance company said!

11-29-2006, 08:46 PM
WOW!!! How uncalled for was that!! I'm glad that you aren't seeing this nutjob and that your vet was able to recommend someone a lot better.

Prayers on the way for your beloved cat.

11-29-2006, 09:21 PM
Reminds me of a million years ago (circa 1990) when my hubby and I were shopping for our first computer. Mind you they weren't as common as they are today :rolleyes: We went to a computer store (since defunct I'm sure) and asked the sales person some basic questions...Like how much memory he thought we needed. RAM etc. After a few short questions he said to us "It's not my job to teach you about computers. Come back when you know what you want!" I was dumbfounded as well! It wasn't like we'd been there and hour and couldn't decide!
There's those kind of people in all walks of life. The "you should be so lucky to talk to me" sort. Forget them, thank your stars you didn't get involve with them, and hope you find a better person next time! Good luck with your sick kitty. :(