View Full Version : Winter storm warnings! - udate - (2 pics)

11-29-2006, 04:35 PM
AWK! I knew our good luck weater wise would have to end.
We are under a winter storm warning until midnight Thursday. This is the storm that pounded Colorado yesterday. We have had thunderstorms all day. Now it's raining and freezing. We are to get sleet and snow on top of it.
This storm is moving east so lots of you may get to experience it too.
The temps were in the 60s this morning and are now in the low 30s and heading to the 20s.
Power lines do not like this sort of thing.
Prayers and crossed fingers and good thoughts for all who are effected by this storm would mean a lot!

11-29-2006, 04:39 PM
:) Well now that you mention it = Tx has had 80% for the past two weeks.. Now tonight storms & hail & Thursday to be sleet into ice storm & snow & ect.. Bbbrrr That why I say if in Tx the moto is T&T weather = Turtle Neck Tops or Tank Tops :D

11-29-2006, 05:04 PM
I pray that everyone affected by this storm stays warm, dry and safe!

11-29-2006, 05:37 PM
Unfortunately, it's not going to hit us...I could use a 2 hour delay or so at school! lol I, like a sucker, took the UNPAID position of union rep for our school and my second day I have a stinkin' problem. Our principal is the biggest moron walking this planet.

Oh well...unfortunately, we're only supposed to get rain...bummer! We have a winter storm watch for counties JUST north of ours too...I am truly bummed!

11-29-2006, 05:56 PM
Yep, we got hit yesterday and today. We have about 6" outside and it's FREEZING!!!

I work at a school- and it wasn't even canceled! Everyone expected a snow day but didn't get it. I hope you stay safe and warm, and don't have to travel during that time!

11-29-2006, 06:13 PM
Yes, It's coming this way!!

We're due for some overnight Thunder storms with plenty of rain, then, the cold air moves in later on Thursday!!!Well receive a mixed bag of rain changing over to snow, with the high being only in the low 30's~ the evening lows in the 20's!!! :eek:

It was nice having that late Indian Summer, wasn't it!!!

I'm keeping my eye out for a Winter Storm Warning. :confused:

11-29-2006, 06:18 PM
The rain is starting to freeze now. The grass and trees are icing over. We got a little surprise on our local weather at 6; tomorrow we are to get 9 to 12 inches of snow on top of all this. We have not had a storm like this since the 2002-2003 winter. I'm so glad I am all stocked up on stuff for me and my critters eventhough it bout killed me taking the bus to get all that stuff. (still no car) Still, I don't have to worry about digging my car out that's something to be thankful for.

I just pray that the power stays on because no power means no heat for me and lots of us. :(

Thanks everyone for the prayers and well wishes.

11-29-2006, 06:25 PM
Wow!!!!Yeah, it's raining here right now, and my daughter's German Sheperd dog, Kasha, is signaling her "There is a storm brewing" behavior pattern.

Well, I suppose it has to happen, sooner or later!! I've got the shovel handy, the salt is nearby, the heavy winter weather gear has been located ~~~pant, pant, pant :p

Let it come, so long as I still have electrical power~

But, take that away~~~ :eek:

Praying for everyone to stay safe and warm!!!

11-29-2006, 06:26 PM
Hope you all stay warm & well fed. :) The storms are supposed to be
felt here by this weekend.Just rain till then.

11-29-2006, 11:45 PM
I have my window open. :o We've hovered at around 60º for two days. It is supposed to get colder tomorrow, but none of that wintry stuff you guys are dealing with.

Connie, you be safe. I do hope you won't lose your electricity. Scott swears that if we lose ours again (I think it has gone out 3 times in the 4 years we have lived here, due to ice), he's headed somewhere else. I told him he would be going alone unless he finds a place that all of the pets can go, too! :p

11-29-2006, 11:50 PM
I have my window open. :o We've hovered at around 60º for two days. It is supposed to get colder tomorrow, but none of that wintry stuff you guys are dealing with.

I actually had to turn my AC on tonight. It was 80 in our house! :eek: Now it is raining and the temperature is supposed to make a drastic drop! CRAZY Tennesse weather! :rolleyes:

11-30-2006, 12:33 AM
We've had it for 3 days now, not deep snow but lots of ice that has created chaos here. The schools in my area have been closed for 3 days, mainly because of the icy roads. The crews are out every night with de-icer, sand, etc. but even the freeway has areas that are miles of ridged ice. I went into work yesterday, scary drive but got there safely, and then fell in the parking lot. I've been sitting on a soft cushion ever since. Scooping up many litter boxes with a bruised coccyx brings tears to your eyes. We now have freezing rain, so even more ice tomorrow to drive on. :(

Ever since our winter storm started there have been times when the lights have flickered and I've held my breath, dreading the power going out and coping with the cold. I have a powerful fireplace insert but can't use it because it sets off the smoke alarm. Not something I'd have to worry about in a power outage, but I don't have supplies stocked up.

I've been meaning to ask those of you who are used to freezing winter conditions one question. How do you deal with frozen car doors? It took me half-an-hour to get mine open yesterday.

Good luck with your storms. I hope everyone comes through it warm and safe.

11-30-2006, 08:46 AM
you should come visit us herein in Ireland at the moment we are being blown away with the winds and the rain has been so bad since last night we have had about a 2" fall in some parts of the country namely my part so getting in and out of my car and walking to and from the car I am getting soaked it is now time to start wearing rubber boots and clothing - honestly you guys stop sending this kind of weather our way our winters are bad enough actually scrap that all our year is bad enough without this kind of cr*ap.......... Would love some snow instead of the rain at least for cold and snow you can dress well for the rain forget it.............

Russian Blue
11-30-2006, 09:54 AM
What is up with this weather?! It's almost the first of December and Toronto, Ontario has been so warm. We almost broke a warm temperature record yesterday(I think we were around 16C or 60F)! We're supposed to be at -1C by Saturday - that's a huge drop.

Time to get out the winter boots and shovel. :(

11-30-2006, 10:35 AM
I just emailed my brother in Boston - it is warmer there than it is here in sunny California. Yes, the sun is out - but it is 43 degrees outside.

For those of us with thin California blood - that is cold!

Connie - hope you can stay indoors and keep warm.

11-30-2006, 11:47 AM
I've been meaning to ask those of you who are used to freezing winter conditions one question. How do you deal with frozen car doors? It took me half-an-hour to get mine open yesterday.

Good luck with your storms. I hope everyone comes through it warm and safe.
Well, my car has been broken down since June so I don't have to fight with the frozen doors right now. But when I did last winter I found out if I would open the door and spray the frame before the storm hit with windshield deicer, then spay the seams of the door before I tried to open them, they open lots easier. Just need to wait a bit for the deicer to work. Also used it in the door lock. If they are already frozen just try the deicer sprayed around the entire cracks of the door.

We are having sleet and freezing rain right now but are to get up to 14 inches of snow this afternoon. Gosh I hope they are wrong!!! Gosh, I can hardly wait for winter to start next month!!! :eek:

11-30-2006, 12:03 PM
Yep... it's on it's way to me!!
I had to make sure all windows were shut before I left the house this morning!

As long as there's no thunder by the time it gets to me I'll be happy! (So will Buddy!)
My weather man calls for snow for the next 5 days!! Yippeeee!!!!

Edit... Ugh... I just checked the weather again and we're going to have rain and thunder until it all turns to snow Friday evening.... poop... :(
We don't like thunder at my house! :( Buddy looses his mind!!

11-30-2006, 12:06 PM
Michigan is predicted to get hit. Rain today, changing to sleet, then snow overnight. 1-2 inches by the morning and another 3-6 during the day on Friday.

December is coming in like a lion!! :D

11-30-2006, 12:12 PM
Yes, Gini, us California weather wimps .... it was in the 40's last night in the S.F. Bay Area and it's still cold. It might get up to 60 today, but they're not counting on it. They're calling it record cold for this area :rolleyes: :cool:

11-30-2006, 12:36 PM
We havent had any sign of snow yet and its still in the 50s and 60s here.
I really want some snow though, My son got a brand new snow suite and boots and so far hasnt been able to use him and I really want to teach him how to build snowmen and play in the snow with him, and I would love on my bday :rolleyes: But good luck to all who has gotten snow!

11-30-2006, 01:01 PM
The snow just started here. I will admit it's pretty; big fluffy flakes and lots of them. If only it wasn't so cold. Feels like 7 here but it's really about 22. BURR!!!

Felicia's Mom
11-30-2006, 01:47 PM
We were supposed to get snow here last night, but we didn't. Right now it sunny out and 18F.

12-01-2006, 09:31 AM
There is a thick coating of "ice" on everything now, but the rain has finally changed over to **snow** :o

We momentarily lost electrical power a few times this morning, and I'm breathing a sigh of relief that it was just for a " moment!!!"

We did buy our Christmas Tree yesterday~ and it is being stored in our pole building (in water of course) until this storm blows over!!!

Hello Winter of 2006 ;)

12-01-2006, 11:06 AM
Wow, Just got back from going shopping & the wind nearly knocked me
down. 50 mile a hr wind gusts have scattered all my lawn furniture & also
knocked out power to the nearby shopping center. So, me and the pups
had a short trip. :( It's 29 degrees and high winds. I think i'd prefer the

12-01-2006, 11:15 AM
Good grief, Liz. Stay warm and out of the wind! Our wind is ferocious, too, but it is still warm enough to have the windows open here if you can stand the wind. I can't remember the last time we had such a blue sky. My pups are upset (at least Lilly and Ben are). Honey and Mack could care less! Ha Ha!!

I imagine the leaves will be thicker for the cleanup tomorrow. :eek:

12-01-2006, 12:47 PM
Here I am safe and sound if snowed in!!!

I have never seen such heavy snow. We ended up with 13 inches. I'm so grateful we didn't get the massive ice like they got in Missouri. Our power stayed on. Here are a couple of pictures:
This was when it started snowing really bad. At times it was a complete white out. My little redbud tree is in the background.
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_snowstorm000_1406.jpg (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/snowstorm000_1406.jpg)
This is a pic of my front steps. There are supposed to be 3 of them in there somewhere. I sure hope we have some warm weather. I don't have the enegry to dig out!! Good thing I stocked up critter supplies!
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_snowstorm000_1414.jpg (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/snowstorm000_1414.jpg)

12-01-2006, 03:13 PM
WOW! You people back East sure are getting hit! Us California weather wimps have apparently closed some schools down in L.A. because the temps dropped to 50! BTW what is a pole building? We don't have such things in California.

12-01-2006, 03:23 PM
Wow, I'm just in awe. All that snow... wow, and up 'ere (in Canada) we haven't had any. wow. :p I should be thankful!

12-01-2006, 04:22 PM
Moff, the picture of the snow & redbud tree is beautiful. :) The snow
looks lovely coming down in big flakes. It's great to LOOK at. :)

12-01-2006, 04:33 PM
It's really windy here. We have lake front property again after it was finally all dried up. :( Suppose to get some snow.

12-01-2006, 09:13 PM
I'm using my son's computer right now~

It's me, Dorothy39 :rolleyes: ~( I have no clue how to log in as Dorothy39)

We lost electrical power today around noon and of course I am going through Pet Talk Withdrawel :D

The power here goes off at any time :eek:

Me and mine are doing alright~

Connie, those pictures are amazing!!!!!

12-02-2006, 02:02 AM
I was watching the 11pm news and they reported snowstorms down south and that it came from Canada. So sorry about that. :o My Mom's garage got about 2 ft but our weather has warmed up now so it's all melting.

Moff, those pictures are amazing and looks like what I had last weekend.

12-02-2006, 08:06 AM
I'm not sure we got flurries here and they were saying 1-2". It rained all Thursday and Thursday night, the temp fell like rock and that was it.

I did have to laugh on Thursday as I was on the phone with a friend in Georgia. She was bragging about having to run the air in her car cause it was in the mid-70's.... But she was leaving Friday to go to Kansas City for the Big 12 Championship Game. Bet she's not enjoying the weather quite so much anymore!!!