View Full Version : Best way to give liquid meds?

11-29-2006, 11:18 AM
What is the best way to give my girl liquid meds?? I have to give her a dewormer and pain meds. She was spyed yesterday.I am afraid to hold her to tight because of incision so how do I give them to her? Shewill fight like the dickens if she so much as sees me take out the bottle of meds. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

*** brrr....I've been frosted ***

11-29-2006, 11:20 AM
Scruff her by the back of the neck ... you won't hurt her! Put the dropper in the side of her mouth ... the pouch between the cheek and teeth. If this doesn't work, wait until you can wrap her in a towel and have someone help!

Good luck!

11-29-2006, 11:23 AM
:) I usally get out the scuba suite due to meds will be all over you if she refusses.. I truly think Kim stated it best of how to handle.. Good Luck & keep us posted..
Scruff her by the back of the neck ... you won't hurt her! Put the dropper in the side of her mouth ... the pouch between the cheek and teeth. If this doesn't work, wait until you can wrap her in a towel and have someone help!

Good luck!

11-29-2006, 11:30 AM
I pet and coo to the cat, straddling from behind (do not sit on the cat, place kitty between your knees), hold her in place with your hand on her chest. Stroke and pet, get her purring. Gently nudge her chin upward. Grasp her chin, gently open mouth with your fingers. Insert loaded syringe, squirt very quickly and then close kitty's mouth with your fingers. Hold the mouth closed while you plant a kiss on her sweet mouth, stroking her throat. It works every time with the M's. Reward with a treat or two or three, before kitty runs to hide under the bed :D

11-29-2006, 06:36 PM
I find liquid meds easier to give than pills as they can always spit a pill out, something that I am getting reminded of every day in my daily struggle with Precious, in a battle to heal the Ouchy Ear.

K & L
11-29-2006, 08:12 PM
I don't like liquid meds as much as pills. Seems they always lose 1/2 of what I get in there. I find I can pill much easier, or better yet, most will take the pill in their wet food. Kim gave you the best advice!

11-29-2006, 08:18 PM
I have been fortunate to have a kitchen with a counter that curves around a corner, so I can have the cat on the counter and there is a wall behind. I can get the cat wedged in with no where for her to back out. My arm is over her and around to the mouth, so she is tight against me.

It is definitely easier with 2 people. And a towel also helps. Hold by the back of the neck and lift slightly. Don't lift the entire cat's weight, that will hurt the cat; only kittens can be lifted like that, when the mom cat moves them. This helps to immobilize the cat.

I never had any success with the cheek and teeth area, it all just dribbled out, or was spit out! I always squirt it down the throat, then close the mough, tilt the nose to the ceiling and gently rub the throat to enduce a swallow or two.

And yes, the biggest issue is that they learn when you are going to the fridge for that bottle, and suddenly, there isn't a cat to be seen!

Best of luck. I liked the scuba suit idea, I will keep that in mind for future. :D

11-29-2006, 08:57 PM
And yes, the biggest issue is that they learn when you are going to the fridge for that bottle, and suddenly, there isn't a cat to be seen! Ah yes! :D Mitzi is a really fast learner! :rolleyes: Thank Gawd Mishi is a bit, er, um, ...... slow. He's on Amoxy drops for 7 days every month for his kidneys. He hasn't figured out that I keep his meds in the fridge, but that's all right - he's very easy to medicate.