View Full Version : June Bugs!!!! Ahhh!!!

06-13-2002, 10:45 PM
Does anyone have problems with their dogs eating an excess of bugs? Both of my dogs absolutly thrive to go outside and night and eat all the bugs they can. I live in Louisiana, and this time of year there are SOOOO many Junebugs (yeah, I know "June"). Anyways, the bugs are begining to upset their tummys and they are vomiting bug parts~~> yea its disgusting! We've sprayed for bugs but no matter what we do they always come back. Any suggestions?

06-14-2002, 06:02 AM
Yucky is what I say! Roxey eats the June bugs too, but she hasn't eaten so many that she throws up, thank goodness! But she loves to eat spiders or anything that crawls or flies! Sorry I was no help, just wanted to let you know, other dogs eat bugs too.

06-14-2002, 08:14 AM
Oh, how I hate June bugs!!! We get them in May though. :confused: I've never noticed my dogs eating them thought. But then again, I try not to go out at night because I want to avoid June bugs. My one dog, Patience, tries to eat the bumble bees that fly around though. :eek: I always tell her not to. I explain to her that she doesn't know how much that is going to hurt. I figure that once she finally catches one and it stings her, that she won't do it again. Sorry, I have no suggestions for you either. The only thing I can say is try not to let them out that much after the bugs come out.

06-14-2002, 08:28 AM
I'm not sure what you can do to get rid of June bugs. Kia snaps at them and then spits them out. So at my parents we had a bunch of dead bugs all over the deck. :p

She's our bug killer.

06-14-2002, 08:53 AM
I don't even know what a June bug is, but I don't think we have had that problem.

I will tell you that I was an insomniac last night.....and I got up around 1 am and went into the kitchen. I didn't turn the light on, and I noticed this green blinking light on the floor in front of the dishwasher. I just thought it was some light I had never noticed before. Then I walked into my office, still no lights on, and there were two more "blinking" green lights on the floor in there. Hmmmm....didn't know what it was.

I turned on the light......and it was fireflies!!! LOL!! Honey and Lilly love to catch fireflies at night, and I guess they brought a couple of "friends" inside with them last night!! Ha Ha!!!! :D

06-14-2002, 10:25 AM
can anybody tell me what a June-bug looks like , and how it looks like ??? We have May-bugs here , they are rather large and live in hedges ; Are these similar bugs ??

06-14-2002, 10:42 AM
Here's what I think of as Junebugs:


06-14-2002, 11:10 AM
That's them! I was afraid of them but mom and dad told me that they don't bite. So they are not so scary anymore. I've been picking them up and freaking my sister and her friends out. :D

I'm evil, I know. :D ;)

06-14-2002, 12:18 PM
Thats a junebug alright! I hate them. They are sooo ugly to me. I've been trying to monitor my dogs when they go out at night and it's helping a bit i think. I know that whenever i give them so some yogurt after theyve been out it helps settle their stomachs, but i wish i didnt have to worry about them being sick all of the time because they are eating bugs! we dont have many fireflys around here but that would be kinda wierd to see one in the house. Anyways thanks for letting me know that other dogs are acctually puppy-exterminators too!:eek:

06-14-2002, 12:34 PM
THANKS for the picture Karen !!!!
This June bug looks a lot like our May bug ; the last one is a bit lighter in colour and also a bit larger . When my parents were still kids , there were much more of those ; little boys used to catch them and bend a thin rope to one of their legs ........ so cruel , I know !!!!!!!! But with all the air - pollution , not much more are left ; it takes 4 year before an egg is transformed into a adult May bug !

06-14-2002, 02:24 PM
We always find them things in our pool, dead. Simba prefers the Mammoth Beetles. He doesn't eat them, he just kills them. He eats flys though! It's hilarious, he goes crazy if theres a fly in yhe house!

senoritaamy2001- Maybe instead of leaving them outside for their outie... go out there with them? Or maybe just take them for a short walk?

06-15-2002, 07:55 AM
Sadie and Cincy love to chase the moths. I'll see Cincy jumpin around the back yard snapping her teeth and wonder what in the world she is doing...then I see the moth. It is very funny to watch!

06-17-2002, 01:52 AM
My dogs go after flies sometimes. They used to go nuts if one was in the house (especially Smokey). A bit lazy and old now, they don't really care as much lol. I've never seen them go after any other bugs, except a few that resemble flies such as bees.

As a sidenote, I've always wanted to see fireflies! We don't have them here. :( See, as a child I was bug obsessed. That's what I did all summer was catch bugs. My favorites are the praying mantis. I still like bugs, but I'm not a fan of spiders...or mosquitos..ok mostly I'd just rather not have any unknown critters crawling on me. :)

We went camping this weekend and out of boredom I caught a couple these green bugs. Had kinda long bodies, and big lacey wings. I thought they were cool until I discovered the smell. Nasty! I didn't think something that small could smell so awful...I bet my hands still stink....

C.C.'s Mom
06-17-2002, 03:57 AM
I don't think we got them here actually. Well, I never saw them (and I'm happy about it because I don't like little critters).

What we've got a lot: mosquitos. And they sting. They make large painful spots and even sting thru my jeans! They even had Cookie on her ear (poor baby). We live near a lot of water, and that's where they come from I guess.

Logan, we had fire flies too in the garden on Friday. I never saw them before here, so we (Cookie and I) were in bliss. She tried to snap them, but Cookie usually misses directions and ends up snapping her own legs (silly thing).

Cookie does remove all our ants and lady bugs though. And an occasional butterfly.

06-18-2002, 04:09 PM
Mosquitos that sting through jeans??? OUCHHHH!!! Those are some killer mosquitos!