View Full Version : NOVA: Dogs and More Dogs

11-28-2006, 09:32 PM
Showtimes (You may want to check your own local times.)


This is one of the BEST programs about dogs that i have ever seen. I've been waiting and waiting for PBS to air it again. I thought it would never happen. I am so excited! This time i am NOT missing the opportunity to tape it. (It's worth buying, i just don't have the fundage.)

Sorry i wasn't able to post this up here in time for the first showing tonight.

11-29-2006, 07:55 AM
I caught the last 1/2 hour last night. It was good. Did you see that poor dog that was soooo scared? When the woman moved his legs, he would just stay in the exact position she moved the dog in? Poor thing.

Did you catch the next 2 hours of PBS? They did 2 more dog shows.

I didn't catch the 10pm to 11pm one. I did catch the 9pm to 10pm one. It was about 2 dogs who were going to be put to sleep. They were working dogs and were adopted by 2 different people. One was taught to work the sheep and the other was taught to scent out bad guys (for the police force).

It was really good & at the end I cried because the guy who taught the Bloodhound for the police department gave the dog up to a police officer in Mass.

11-29-2006, 08:50 AM
oh man! i wish i'd aknown last night! i would have watched it all! :D

11-29-2006, 08:29 PM
I also watched it last night, simply because I had nothing else to do for once and there wasn't anything else really worth watching.

Did you see that poor dog that was soooo scared? When the woman moved his legs, he would just stay in the exact position she moved the dog in? Poor thing.

I saw that too. It caught my interest because Morgan is the exact same way with strangers and when she has to get something done that she doesn't like eventhough she's been socialized tons. I guess it's just genetics, and in her case, very bad breeding.

11-30-2006, 12:24 AM
Did you catch the next 2 hours of PBS? They did 2 more dog shows.

Here the next program was on credit cards, but i know the show you are talking about. I've watched it a few times in the past. :- D

Glad you all enjoyed! ...Well, i know some things on those aren't so pleasant to watch, but i consider it necessary education. Nothing can change if we don't care.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Remember if you missed seeing it, it may still have future airings in your area. Here it is playing through Dec. 5th.

11-30-2006, 01:55 AM
My PBS station has 6 more airings till Sun 12/3. They even have email reminders (that are one time per specific program) I marked a couple in case I missed one. Sounds interesting, Thanks for the info