View Full Version : How alike are you?

06-13-2002, 07:20 PM
Okay so I've been spending alot of time with my dogs over the last month and a half something that for obvious reasons all three of us have needed. Anyhoo a couple of weeks ago I thought that there are times when Winter and I are so alike and Smudge and I are so alike and all three of us are so alike and I wondered if it was just me that thought that.

What I'm trying to say is are you and your dog or animals alike in anyway? It could be character wise or I guess even looks wise because well they do say that dogs and owners start to look like one another...would that mean that I would be a weird combo lab cross and border collie?

I know I have answers to this but at the moment I can't think about what they are...besides I have to go return the fish that my aunt killed and feed the royals, so I'll let some of you guys answer before I do.

06-13-2002, 07:33 PM
Me and Simba are alike in that we both LOVE the sun.

06-13-2002, 11:24 PM
Hmm... me and the dogs are both "laid-back".. usually that's me and Anna.. but with Rosie, she's hyper most of the time.. - Rachel

C.C.'s Mom
06-14-2002, 12:14 AM
We are alike that Cookie always picks up my mood.

06-14-2002, 07:35 AM
Hannah is a *control freak*. She wants to go outside when she wants to go, not when I want her to go. She wants to get up in the morning when she wants to, not according to any schedule I might have. So she and I are very much alike in that respect and consequently the two control freaks sometimes have a battle of wills. We have come to terms by my letting her control her own life on those things that don't matter, when it does matter, I'm in charge...ha! Hannah's also into fun and games. She really looks forward to our Play Time (as do I), and can get into a real funk if it has to be missed for any reason. I've been known to be rather disappointed myself if what I was planning on doesn't pan out.

Tucker is very physically affectionate. He loves to hug and cuddle and be close. So do I. He is also very easy going, lets a lot slide off his back, but after a while he says enough is enough and stands up for himself with a surprising furor, ....sort of like me!

We all three are alike in that we love to be together with one another, for example, it is no fun being outside if all of us aren't outside together. We each miss one another terribly when we are separated for any length of time. And we all three are a bit overly obcessed with F O O D.

06-14-2002, 01:01 PM
Okay well I remembered what is alike between me and the dogs.

With Winter it would be energy and affection....well sometimes she has a heck of a lot more energy then I do which is only to be expected considering she is a pup and all still. But she loves to cuddle and be close, which I enjoy to..maybe it's a runt thing. She and I are also alike in the fact that neither of us are all that fond of raised voices...her because she thinks she's in trouble and me well just because I don't like them.

Well with Smudge it's that him and I are both sort of laid back...well he is most of the time, we take things as they come along. Also he sometimes takes a little while to warm up to strangers which is how it is with me as well.

It's kind of funny though because the personalities of the dogs seem to complement each other. Winter is the high strung, always on the go one and Smudge kind of likes to take a look at things and think before he goes out and does something, and I tend to be just like both of them...weird.

Aspen and Misty
06-15-2002, 09:28 PM
Me and my new puppy are alike in the fact we HATE to be alone and will long for someone to be with. He also loves to be right there for EVERYTHING. He also likes to cudle up against me and I love to cuddle up against him.

Me and my cat Misty are alike in we can keep a straight face through anything. We also love to surprise people and like to go to bed when someone else does.

We all are alike in that we love to play late at night and then just curl up and go to sleep.

Does anyone else's animals love to eat there hair? Both of mine do. Its kinda funny. LOL

06-17-2002, 02:53 AM
Uhhhhhhhh........I love to howl with Reggie. And I love wolves, does that count? lol. I know we are alike, but I can't really think of anything at the moment. He follows me around, and doesn't seem to mind my music. ;D He snores and moves (sniffs, moves his feet like he's running) in his sleep...I have gone to extent of sleepwalking and talking MANY times. Reggie is also a nature boy, he just loves going camping. He also enjoys watching the computer screen sometimes.

Now Smokey...his "mommy" is my mother. He can't be 2 feet from her. They are alike I think. Both of them are paranoid and worry about everything, lol. Also they will eat anything and everything. Haha, I'm cruel...I just won't tell the many stories of my mother...garbage salad. ;D They both *really* enjoy sleeping. :)

Check out this pic of my mom w/ McKinny. They are both sharing the same expression. ;)